Over night beach fish and now supported by the tackle shack

Beach fishing in and around Wilbinga national park,

And the people that dont have 4x4 can put your name down as a fishing buddy

We will have prizes for the best fish, Maybe a 1st  2nd and 3rd   But that still need to work that out at later date

We will have  to pay to  enter the fishing comp  and all the money will go to the prizes

And we will be fishing the open beach not the reefs, So we can all stay close by each other

The date will be soon, Only need to check the moon and tides

 It will be a saturday afternoon to sunday morning   Which should suit all fisho

This is how i see it...... All fish will be weighed in total length per fish.  If you want to catch and release more so with sharks and rays you will need to have a photo of the species on a brag mat or some sort of fish/tape measure with photos to confirm the size and a couple of witness's which shouldnt be a problem as we will all be fishing together.

Biggest shark

Biggest stringray

Biggest mulloway

Biggest tailor

Biggest herring

Biggest whiteing

And the more people we get the better prizes money 

Your input would be nice


The date is 22nd 23rd of october----- Leave the shack at  at 1pm sharp And head to the truck stop on wannaroo road And try and keep us all togeather, And hope to  start fishing at 4pm till 8am sunday And  entry fee is 20 dollars all money on prizes,

All money to be pay befor the date, So we know what to buy as prizes

Money to be paid at the TACKLE SHACK  by the 9th of october, There is a cut off point so first in



[1]Steve herbert +colin  hay + blou walvis-has paid/ hat

[2] ragbag + kwazulu

[3] xxxxxxxxx


[5]Rig  fw paid   + Faltty Matty paid /hat george paid

[6] xxxxxxxxx

[7] pob  paid/ hat +leemo  paid   


[9] xxxxxxxxxx  

[10] xxxxxxxxx 

[11] xxxxxxxxx    

[12] xxxxxxxxx 

[13] xxxxxxxxxxx

[14] xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[15] andrew + steve both paid/ allready got hats

[16] snapper paid /hat [And one seat going in vince 4x4]


[17] ian+ dave both paid

[18] paul jesse lisa jody still to pay







Assassin landbase fishing club

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snapper's picture

Posts: 335

Date Joined: 09/02/08

Is the 4th rule

Mon, 2011-10-03 20:06

of the fishing club , No Irish


 unless we flog the Welsh on the weekend.


Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member

snapper's picture

Posts: 335

Date Joined: 09/02/08

humble pie

Sat, 2011-10-08 19:39

Suppose I have to eat some


Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Its hard when

Sat, 2011-10-08 20:14

Your team lost, But the best side won lol

Meet you at the fish off, You might win that


Assassin landbase fishing club

snapper's picture

Posts: 335

Date Joined: 09/02/08

not a chance

Sun, 2011-10-09 20:11

hav'nt fished off a beach in years, more chance seeing Wales  win the world cup


Assassin Land Based Fishing Club Member

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06


Sun, 2011-10-09 20:41

Only two teams will win And its not wales


Assassin landbase fishing club

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Dream on snapper

Mon, 2011-10-03 20:34

All a Bunch of  poofs


Assassin landbase fishing club

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

I will be the last day

Tue, 2011-10-04 20:38

This saturday cos we have our number, Any more and it will be hard to stay on time


Assassin landbase fishing club

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Right we will meet at the tackle shack

Tue, 2011-10-04 21:00

12pm sharp on saturday the 22nd Were there will be a bbq going

If you guys need bait The shop should be able to discount it for you guys, And your fishwrecked discount on other things as well of 10%

Right we leave the shop at 1pm sharp, And head north stopping at the 10th light horse trail to meet other guys and girls, If anyones late we go on without them

We start fishing at 4pm till 8am sunday morning,  Photos of all fish that are to be in the comp With size in the photo as well //////////bragmat or tape

You guys need to be all selfcontain with all your own gear, Camping and safty gear plus 2ways

Any input guys


Assassin landbase fishing club

Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07

orders ....

Tue, 2011-10-04 21:50

 I have my coffee black with milk thanks Sherbs :p




sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

ok LOV lol

Tue, 2011-10-04 22:06

Honey my rose


Assassin landbase fishing club

sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

so the date for last entry

Wed, 2011-10-05 09:20

8/10/2011 saturday,  By 5 PM

Cheers steve


Assassin landbase fishing club

sid's picture

Posts: 104

Date Joined: 09/11/06

i'm in and paid for me and my

Sat, 2011-10-08 11:24

i'm in and paid for me and my son.