cleaned up on tailor and herring this day between 11am and 2pm. awesome spot.
Posts: 43
Date Joined: 16/05/12
Is that down south of dunsborough mate??
Posts: 613
Date Joined: 18/09/13
South coast, south of Pemberton.
Bewdey Fellaz
Posts: 358
Date Joined: 16/10/12
Yagerup is nice place, caught some good salmon and tarwhine there from time to time. Great little spot :) nice catch, yet to land a tailor there tho.
Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 24/04/12
Nice fish in a beautiful part of the world! Never fished there properly but the sand dunes are a blast!
Posts: 43
Date Joined: 16/05/12
Is that down south of dunsborough mate??
Posts: 613
Date Joined: 18/09/13
South coast, south of
South coast, south of Pemberton.
Bewdey Fellaz
Fisher Kid
Posts: 358
Date Joined: 16/10/12
Yagerup is nice place, caught
Yagerup is nice place, caught some good salmon and tarwhine there from time to time. Great little spot :) nice catch, yet to land a tailor there tho.
Fishing and catching are two different things. But i want to learn how to catch.
Posts: 153
Date Joined: 24/04/12
Nice fish in a beautiful part
Nice fish in a beautiful part of the world! Never fished there properly but the sand dunes are a blast!