Till enjoying some Southern Hospitality 10 March, 2011
Submitted by till on Thu, 2011-03-10 20:03
Cheers Lamby & Matt for a good day out down south.
The dhuey took a bit of encouragement to leave it's lair, but we coaxed it up on the 15lb jig outfit here.
It was a fun day, even if the weather didn't turn it on for us, or find the macs, or Brendan's stickface, or I couldn't stay for a few more beers ;)
Posts: 2332
Date Joined: 20/07/09
Nicely done Till! Sure beats
Nicely done Till! Sure beats working!!!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Sure does! Mind you, you
Sure does!
Mind you, you need a job for it. Bloody 60c change from tenner for a pie and an ice coffee in the dunsborough bakery.
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
60cents! daylight robbery
60cents! daylight robbery mate for some shite rolled in pastry!! Should of popped to taz's. Cheers boys welcome aboard anytime, now to find those nanny's & hopefully brendan's billies!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Taz's hmm where is that? Good
Taz's hmm where is that? Good tip on the ice though $2.33 a bag at coles!
Hopefully someone turns up Brendan's billie and perhaps some more Tuna, some nannys would give the dhufish a break too ;)
Man Overboard
Posts: 957
Date Joined: 16/01/10
Taz's bakery is in the
Taz's bakery is in the shopping Mall where the Lions park used to be, opposite the pub.
Dunsborough Bakery is a tourist rip-off
Posts: 1132
Date Joined: 22/10/09
Leave my billie alone. I have
Leave my billie alone. I have a funny feeling the billfish down south holiday is over. Getting colder here each morning and looking at sea surface temps the bay is slowly getting colder. The hot water off shore is moving north too. Still will give it a crack for a couple more weeks though.
Jamie one bad thing about living in a holiday town is everything is bloody expensive.
Lamby might be able to help you out with the nannies.
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Bloody chilly this morning!
Bloody chilly this morning! Brendan that help would be greatly appreciated mate, Cheers
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Ahh yeah I know where Taz's
Ahh yeah I know where Taz's is now, damn and I was close!
Once we had two Dhufish in, we decided to troll rather than piss around with the bottom fish because we weren't too sure we wouldn't just be pulling dhufish.
Bummer to hear the hot water is moving out, I guess it was really helped by the cyclones.
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
tas's bakery
tas's bakery = best pepper steak pie in the universe. hands down. some good fillies workin the registers there too.
nice dhu too till. good to see lamby and matt spreading the spoils of the SW goodness!
I'll def take up your offer of a fish one day lamby, just making hay whilst the sun shines with pelagics up here while i can.