** FINISHED ** Yamaha - Jetpower Free Rigging Promotion ENDING SOON !

Summer is just around the corner and to get you ready for the boating Season Yamaha is adding up to $3200 worth of extra value on selected Outboards - Offer is ending on the 20th December 2016 so don't miss out, come in store and take advantage of this deal today!

For a limited time, Yamaha is offering customers FREE Yamaha Command-Link Gauges and Controls worth up to $3200 with every F80 to F350 Four-Stroke Outboard purchased.

FREE Gauges & Controls worth $3200 with F350
FREE Gauges & Controls worth $2600 with F300, F250, F225 & F200XCA
FREE Gauges & Controls worth $1370 with 3.3 litre F250G & F200XA
FREE Gauges & Controls worth $1370 with F175, F150, F130, F115, F100, F90 & F80


Offer only available to customers who purchase a new eligible 80 to F350 horsepower four-stroke Yamaha Outboard between the 1st of October 2016 and the 20th of December 2016 - NOT LONG LEFT DO NOT MISS OUT !!



29 Automotive Drive, Wangara WA 6065

08 9409 4644

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