Terms and Conditions

FISHWRECKED.COM - TERMS and CONDITIONS OF USE is a free online forum and provided as a public service for all people involved with the sport of fishing and all related matters. 

All opinions and comments expressed are those of registered Members, and accepts absolutely no responsibility or liability for any Member’s postings, comments or opinions.

By registering as a Member of you agree to the following Terms and Conditions. reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to Members and it is the Members' responsibility to regularly review them.

All data posted to the site by Members becomes the property of

All information that is disclosed in the forums becomes public information and you agree to take responsibility when making statements or sharing your personal information.

The posting of copyrighted or illegal material is prohibited.  No copyrighted images or data are to be posted without the permission of the copyright owner.

Content is to be generally fishing and fishing related matters. takes no responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of  Members’ posts.

Text or sms writing is discouraged and if Members persist, their accounts will be closed.

Posting of offsite web links with the aim of self promotion or advertising is not permissible and will be deleted.  No unapproved advertising of any business is allowed on this forum.  Please contact for details of advertising. 

Abusive, racist, sexist and offensive language will not be tolerated and threads, posts or words deemed unacceptable will be deleted.

The forums are not to be used as ‘name and shame’ to vilify a business, group or any person.  Any post that is deemed to be defamatory will be deleted and all best efforts will be made to ensure such posts are dealt with quickly and satisfactorily, accepts no liability for the actions, either physical or verbal, of Members.

There is to be no trolling, that is, inflammatory or similar posts with the intent of provoking other Members into an emotional response or otherwise disrupting any forum.

Failure to abide by these rules will result in the cancellation of your Membership.

Privacy and Private Messages

Your personal information will only be used for the purposes for which you have provided it and will not be made public or divulged except where required by law.
Private messages are available to all Members.  Abuse of this privilege will result in the offending Member’s account being blocked. accepts no responsibility for the content of any private message.
While takes all reasonable measures to protect your personal information, due to the design of the internet and other factors outside its control, does not guarantee secure transmission of data transmitted via its website. Do not provide any secure personal information online such as a password, telephone number or credit card number or information that you wish to keep confidential.

The entire content of, including but not limited to text, graphics or code is copyrighted as a collective work under Australian and other copyright laws, and is the property of  This site is protected by Intellectual Property Laws.

All trademarks, service marks and trade names of used in the site are trademarks or registered trademarks of

Buy/Sell/Swap/Trade provides a venue to introduce members who want to buy/sell/swap or trade items, but takes no part in the sale or purchase of any items.   Any contract of sale is between the buyer and seller only and is not an agent of either party and does not participate in any transactions. 
All transactions are conducted entirely at the member’s own risk and no responsibility or liability will be attributed to gives no undertakings, representations, or warranties in relation to items sold or listed on the website, including the ownership of any item or quality, description or legality. accepts no liability for actions of Members on the buy/sell/swap/trade forum.
No commercial or online trading for personal gain or profiteering is allowed.  Any posting deemed commercial (apart from sponsors’ advertising) will be deleted.   


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Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sun, 2013-07-28 10:43



Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance