Your top 10 fishing locations in WA
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Thu, 2006-10-19 12:12
Hi guys,
Had an idea for a thread. Just wondering on where your favourite fishing locations/town/areas are and what you caught there that made it so memorable or keeps you returning. You don't have to put up all 10 if you don't have 10, but I'd love to hear about the places in Western Australia that make the fishing special for you.
I'll put mine up soon. :)
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Without a doubt... the
Without a doubt... the ocean, somewhere the waters warm and the fish are a plenty Exmouth (coral bay), Shark bay, walpole, northern creeks(no particular one they're all good) too many to name Geez i love fishin!! Tackle Dangler
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15656
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Both landbased or boat
meaning places you can either go to fish landbased or taking the boat.
Mine would be: Exmouth - The boating is superb with the possibility of catching so many species, from gamefish, to table fish, pelagics. If boating isn't your style then you can fish from the beaches and still catch huge monsters, squid, table fish and have a great time doing so regardless of which way the wind is blowing.
Walpole - Love fishing my home ground, there is some of the best black bream fishing the state has to offer with heaps of by catches which will keep almost anyone entertained. You can fish from land or by boat, the scenery is magnificent and there's always other alternatives to keep you busy if the conditions aren't suitable for fishing. There is also untapped deepsea fishing and the rock fishing, whilst dangerous, provides opportunities to catch fish of all sizes depending upon the anglers experience. Not even to mention the 4wd driving which is another exciting part of every fishing trip.
Perth - Often it is hard to fish in Perth metropolitan waters and get a decent catch, but when you do it is extremely rewarding. With the discovery of the samsonfish aggregations at the back of Rottnest there is a prime opportunity for WA to become a sport fishermans paradise, if it isn't already.
Augusta - Magical deep sea fishing, surfing, 4wd driving, wineries close by to keep you partner happy, beach fishing for herring and salmon in season. Also prime for diving and crayfish.
These are just a few locations and experiences that sprung to my mind. :)
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cjg i also live close to
cjg i also live close to walpole and went fishing with my dad in the frankland river and we caught some nice bream up stream and people have been trawling and catching big tailor. one of my favourite spots to fish is eagles nest along the south coast.
Posts: 642
Date Joined: 09/09/05
Turtle Bay...... :)
Turtle Bay...... :)
Levillian shoals,
Hill River mouth
And just to be a lamb, Exmouth, more so Peak Island, Muiron Islands, 200m line out from n/west reef (thanx Ryan.... :) :)
Pt Walter spit in summer, spots there teeming with noice flatties...
Myalup beach, many many memories there.
The sound, Redgate beach, @ Marg's, never been succesful on big stuff there, just love the spot though, and always catch a feed. hmmmmmm too many more, a couple of stand outs mentioned above though
Posts: 963
Date Joined: 04/10/05
Making it tough Ads
Bloody hell mate - make it hard why dont you
Exmouth - just for pure variety
Kalbarri - always get a nice feed
Port Hedland - only been up there once but got some real good fish, and damn good muddies too!
Onslow - been once and only had a tinny but had an absolute blast on all kinds of things
Greenhead/Leeman - good fishing for the old dhuies and you dont have to go far
Perth - hard to go past as there is still some good fishing to be had and you can always do the Mindarie/Two Rocks thing if you want. Plus great crays and diving so is up there if you ask me.
So many others I think you could just lump WA in as a whole!! Cheers Gully
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very nice SHOULD BE Considred a STONKING MALE .
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Havent really been anywhere else up north besides kalbarri and shark bay which didnt take my fancy :p
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
My Top 5
Ok here's mine;
Rowley Shoals - Possibly the best sportfishing Australia has to offer, if not the world. No, I haven't been there but it's number one on my to-fish list. We've all seen it on fishing shows, we've all seen the recent pics on fishwrecked - how anyone could argue against that is beyond me. With YFT, Wahoo, Dogtooth Tuna, Spaniards, GT's, Sailfish Coral Trout, many Emperor Species... the list goes on, truly a sportfishing mecca.
Dampier Archipelago - Home ground for me, with 42 pristine islands the scenery is truly incredible. GT's, Coral Trout, Chinaman, Sailfish, Marlin, Blue-Line Emperor, Red Emperor. Easy to fish the lee side of one of the islands if the wind picks up.
Warroora Station - Coral Bay is Awesome, Warroora Station is F&@*#n Fantastic. South of coral bay, it's remoteness (all camping, you need to be self sufficient, no sealed access) means it escapes the fishing pressure you get further north at Coral Bay and Exmouth. Never saw another person while we were there, had a complete stretch of beach and our own section of the Ningaloo Reef all to our selves. Beach fishing was fantastic, with huge Spangleds the norm, big reds and spanish mackerel just outside the reef.
Monte Bello Islands - Again, this is a spot I haven't been to but is second to the Rowleys on my to-fish. I can positively vouch for it based on all the fantastic stories I've read. Only 120km from Dampier or roughly 80km from the fortescue creek mouth means it's in easy reach of reasonable size trailer boats. GT's, XOS Mangrove Jacks, Sailfish, Coral Trout, Red Emperor.. I think you get the idea. Easy to fish in the lee if it is windy. Bloody fantastic scenery.
Balla Balla Crk - Easily the best spot for XOS Black Jewfish in the Pilbara if not the whole of WA. Good spot for threadfin in the cooler months and barra in the warmer months. Geographe shoals just offshore offer fantastic reef/sport fishing. Easy access from Karratha and Port Hedland. Well that's my TOP 5. Would like to end with a note on our Capital City.
With the discovery of huge schools of samson fish off Rottnest, Perth is becoming a mecka for jigging enthusiasts. I would love to pay a visit during the Sambo season! Instead of heading north for barra, anglers will be travelling to Perth over summer to jig up some huge Sambos! Easily the best Metro fishing of any capital city in Australia - except possibly Darwin. ----------------- Jay Burgess
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Nice call Jay
I think you have come up with a fantastic top 5. I can't argue with that, so I will add to it if I may.
Land based: Quobba - Ballooning mecca, always worth a fish, usually can find a spot with the wind at your back.
Garths rock, the caves, whistlers rock, high rock, the list goes on. Pelagics and great snapper / baldie country - downside the dangerous swell and the "happy moments fish" (I know I copped one in the thumb trying to fillet one for bait and nearly ended up shooting myself to end the pain.)
Steep Point & Zuytdorp cliffs - another landbased mecca just as per above.
Offshore: Abrohlos islands - Shallow water dhuies. baldies and heaps of XOS anglers the best of northern and southern species all in one spot. Just a couple of crayfish there too, but don;t tell anyone I told you.
Anyone mention Esperance yet. Can't go past the bay of isles, trouble is you need good weather and that southern ocean aint too warm. But it certainly is very fishy.
Rivers & Streams: The mighty Fitzroy for barra and threadies. Shame about the mud and sandflies but.
Love the Blackwood river for bream, big yellowfin whiting and just the tranquillity of the place.
Same goes for the Kalgan in Albany where you can always catch a KG and some big big pippies.
Not exactly my top ten, just posting a couple more options for everyone to choose from.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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Date Joined: 07/08/05
Rowley shoals is high up
Rowley shoals is high up there on the "when i get enough money ill go there" list.
Trent Jones
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 19/10/06
2 many
easily the monte's. then would have to come dampier and exmouth though steep point is bloody awesome for land based fishing!!
Posts: 963
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Jeez how did I forget the good old Abrolhos Islands. Havent been there for a long time but the fishing is just plain old awesome.
Esperance/Duke of Orleans Bay/Cape Arid - all wicked fishing both from beach or boat.
Thats it Im not playing this game anymore its too damn hard to narrow it down hence I will pick 1 spot out of all of them
1) WA
There easy as :)
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
What sorta money is it for
What sorta money is it for an abrolhos trip? I know they go from 2-4 days sometimes, what sorta moola you lookin at for one of those short trips?
Big Kev
Posts: 441
Date Joined: 10/06/06
Top 10 Spots
No1 Onslow is my preferred place to tow the boat.Too many places to fish off Onslow,out behind Thevenard Island is good for Trout,Snapper,Reds,Cobia,Mackies you name it,simply brilliant.
No2 Exmouth would be my next favourite, magic water plenty of reefy bottom,whether your in a boat or casting lures off the beach just an awesome place to have a line in the deep blue.
No3 Shark Bay only been there on a few occasions but this place has a lot to offer in the fishing and tourist depts. Pink snapper haven't, but has a variety of finned critters, BlueBone, NW Snapper, Mackies, Reds, Tailor, Mullies even Dhuies out wide. Landbased fishing is also up there, places like Steep Point, Big Lagoon,Turtle Bay magic spots.
No4 Dampier,used to fish these waters quite a bit havent fished Dampier for 2 years but still regard it as one of the best. My favourite spots were Nelsons Rocks catch a mixed bag and the biggest Squid. The Patch another great spot for Snapper, Reds, Trout, Mackies and Sails. The Pipeline another good spot it's a man made reef gets hammered by the locals but produces good quality fish, if all else fails I'll be at the pipeline. Trout, Snaps, Reds, Macks, Trevs, Sharks even seen Sails playing.
No5 Broome Jetty, never fished in a boat off Broome, but have fished off the Jetty many times and have always caught fish. Night fishing off the Jetty can get you Barra in season, Mullaway,Trevs, Cod, Shark. Casting lures early morn rising tide I've seen Mackies,Trevs, Queenies gang tackling any lure thrown at them, just an awesome thing to witness.
This is my top 5, get back with the others.
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
"My favourite spots were
"My favourite spots were Nelsons Rocks catch a mixed bag and the biggest Squid."
We've gone past nelson rocks heaps of times on our way out to the patch from courtenay shoal. What kind of fish did you catch off nelson rocks? Any Jacks out there? Wouldn't mind giving it a shot if you think it's worthwhile.
Jay Burgess
Big Kev
Posts: 441
Date Joined: 10/06/06
Nelsons Rocks
G'Day Jay, we always caught Bluelined Emperor,Coral Trout,Trev's I got a decent Chinaman there once. It's lousy with smaller varieties but if you anchor and burley the bigger fish will come. The Squid are in the weedbeds to the left side of Nelson Rocks I've caught some monsters there in millpond conditions. Lets know how you went next time you fish the area. CHEERS
jonya masel
Posts: 133
Date Joined: 25/08/06
hmm thats a harder question
hmm thats a harder question than it seems, probs would have to go with
1. exmouth cant beat it there-billfish, predator fish, reef fish, gt ecs...
2. mackeral islands top fishing of the island itself-fish similar to exmouth
3. broome nice beautiful waterways there and fresh water fishing-barramundi cod, barracuda, jacks etc..
4. abrolhos -dhuie yellow tail kingfish
5. coral bay
6. perth/mandurah
7. warren river-great salmon
Posts: 5
Date Joined: 19/10/06
Favorite Fishy Spots
Number 1 to 6: Onslow Western Aussie a relaxing place to be and all the species.
Number 7 to 9: Coral Bay WA as the above.
Number 10 ( can't locate it lost it in the Archives )
Posts: 913
Date Joined: 15/08/05
All of the above
Gee mate thats way toooooooo hard.
I like every where there are fish!!!
Posts: 2321
Date Joined: 03/05/06
Down south
seems like most people have opted for the north but salmon season on the south coast from Albany round to Augusta's pretty good, and you can't knock the scenery. Inlet fishing in Walpole and Nornalup is always good fun, black bream, kg, and salmon trout always put in a good effort.
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 29/08/06
Yeah, not easy
North is the place to go, but for us sou'westers its not around the corner. All the above mentioned spots north you can't go wrong, but my no 1 spot has to be the patch off Dampier. Great variety of fish that fight and taste good. Ah those were the days. Down south, for boaties the 4 mile reef off busselton is no 2 and land based, hamelin bay when the salmon are running. Thats if the pro's let you on the beach. Far too many to come up with, Myalup, Castle Rock, Redgate and Peppy Beach for all night mulloway stays.
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
The patch is a bit hit and
The patch is a bit hit and miss... sometimes it goes off and other times it's just dead.
Jay Burgess
wrasse king 2
Posts: 33
Date Joined: 12/12/06
number 1 spot - gnaraloo station
Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
Landbased: Steep point, red
Landbased: Steep point, red bluff, dampier, madfish bay(denmark), ganthium point(broome), Rottnest, roebuck bay, flatrocks (LOL).
Boat fishing: Rowley shoals, ahbrolis, exmouth, coral bay, darwin, and soon to add montebello islands in May, cant wait.
These are the best spots i have fished when i travelled around australia. My first barra, sailfish, red emperor, coral trout, big GT, queenfish, spanish mackeral, cobia, fingermark, red bass, spanish flag and mangrove jack came from these places and since ive been back in perth i havent caught anything that could match any of these fish coming aboard (FOR VARIETY THAT IS). Although the sambos, dhuies, snapper and tailor keep me more than occupied here so Perth is my last entry for both boat and land fishing.
Andy Mac
Posts: 4778
Date Joined: 03/02/06
Some top spots there SPESS
But I hate to break it to you mate but last time I checked Darwin wasn't in WA.....???? (Hehehe)
That trip to Flat Rock sure must have messed your memory up a bit. Are you sure Sherbert didn't spike your drinks?
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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Date Joined: 29/12/06
Yeah right ok mate
Yeah right ok mate I'll remove darwin from the list and put in Carnarvon jetty instead. Caught me biggest to date mulla from there she wieghed in at 16.2kg. Always pickn on the young fellows you bluddy pensioners i didnt go to school that week. Told you that its a good site for learning! LOL. cheers Andy ha ha ha ha ha .
Posts: 60
Date Joined: 26/02/07
Just stumbled over this one
Just stumbled over this one and gave me something to think about for a little while, came up with these.
-Monte Bello Islands. Went through there on the STS Leeuwin in 95, having never heard of the place. Was my 1st trip up north and got into some decent fish.
-Abrolhos Islands on the Leeuwin again in 2001. Conveniently anchored over a school of pinkies one night.
-Gnaraloo. Fairly unhammered shore based fishing. Big Tailor and sight fishing for Spangled Emps in a foot of water.
-Exmouth. Sheer beauty of the region, and the anticipation that fishing there brings.
-Dwellingup. Another spot with top scenery and always produces a feed if your prepared to move.
-Perth. Sambo Jigging.
'Nuff said.
Posts: 70
Date Joined: 05/12/06
Top 10
No1 would have to be the Rowleys - had the pleasure of being a decky on one of the deep sea trawlers back in the mid 80s have fond memories of getting smoked on 24kg inside the lagoons by monster trout, massive longnose emporer & GTs - getting spooled on Bedwell and Cunningham Is was too frequent. Will get back there one day.
No2 - Scott Reef
No3 - Turtle Bay, DHI
No4 - The Montes
No5 - Dampier Archipeligo
No6 - The Mackeral Islands
No7 - Abrolhos Is
No8 - Perth metro
No9 - Hamelin Bay
No10 - Windy Harbour - Been there once but weather was atrocious - talking to the locals its like that 95% of the year and thats why the fishing is so good - if you can get out ????
Posts: 1959
Date Joined: 07/02/08
Ha no one mentions cape nato..
well i'd have to say my home ground..
being sw bank areas and west of canal rocks, anywhere from 7miles out, and over the contour lines..(heh cant give too many secrets out) besides my home..
exmouth, dirk hartog island for sure
landbased definately kalbarri and smiths beach/mitchell rocks
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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top spots 1 to 4
rowley is great but $$$$ required to visit regularly
exmouth always calls me back
cape lambert is always kind
this weekend onslow will be next to make the list from all reports
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 16/01/08
Just a couple
Lancelin I would have to say lancelin is the spot for me every time I go up there to visit the oldys, we do real well and it don't cost me a cent. (onya old boy)
jurien bay is a good spot as well. we normally do alright but the fish are getting harder to find.
Shark bay, Clean up at shark bay but the drive pullin a 7.5m cat from midland, Long. Haven't been for a couple years so when I get back there, I can only hope I bring back the same memories
Abrolhos island Love the fishing there CLEAN UP go every year around may.
Posts: 379
Date Joined: 11/07/07
coral bay
Coral bay for sure i can go fishing and the missus can do her thing without bugging me
Posts: 434
Date Joined: 01/12/10
oh yeah
ditto on that one Dan1
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
1/ Broome (anywhere)
1/ Broome (anywhere)
2/ Kalbarri
3/ Point Sampson
4/ Anywhere out from Canal Rocks
5/ Wyndham
6/ Blackwood River
7/ Onslow
8/ Steep Point
9/ Quobba
10/ Fitzroy River
Cheers Dale
I'm not scared of banana's Callsign: AS144
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 418
Date Joined: 18/06/07
not enough fishing exp!
but i must say the best landbased for me would be down at busselton jetty!hook up my first salmon about 3-4 kg but didnt manage to bring it up,it was too heavy line snap!!!nv been out on the boat! so just waiting for a good time for a spot as a deckie...hehe
Posts: 948
Date Joined: 25/06/08
All good spots
Land based - Swan river at Guildford and Long Point and bloody hell - basically any spot not over run with people
Offshore & River - Blackwall Reach, Shark Bay, The Blackwood, Geographe Bay 300m off Busso Beach Resort (KG'S) The Coral Lumps off the Cape - and so on and so on - anywhere you can float except the seweage works - it's hard to fillet the mullet.
Matt T
Posts: 875
Date Joined: 19/11/07
All Land based..
The Swan River - Love the prawns and the crab diving and just the easy anytime fishing of the river.
The Floreat Drain - Had lots of great sunny mornings with my better half lazying in the sun, my lttle girl making sand castles and my mates and I catching as many herring as we could eat for lunch! Bunbury Back Beach - Been fishing and spearfishing there since I was a little kid many great family memories of that beach
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
best fishing spots!
Eco beach near broome
Groote island
beagle bay
Mandurah estuary
Posts: 497
Date Joined: 23/12/07
monties, monties monties oh
monties, monties monties oh and abrolhos, 4 days and counting to monties campaign 2008!!! Deckhand and member of the Gotone Woodvale team
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
places ive fished
places ive fished and love onslow, exxie, point samson, dampier, busso and south perth. places im hanging to fish coral sea, rowley shoals, monties, abrolhos isles, the "exmouth plateau"- 150 odd kms north of exxie and 150odd kms westish of onslow, This place would rock Biiigg Time ...any one need a deckie pick MMMMMEEEEE !!!!!!!!! and any where theres a puddle of water with a chance of gettn a hook up whether it be a fish a crustacean or just a cold beer im keen
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
hehe yeah Mitch I've been
hehe yeah Mitch I've been eyeing off the Exmouth plateau for a while now, need a good boat to get out there and good weather :)
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
one day jay
one day jay, one of the big charters out of exxie or onslow will be doing overnighters or maybe three day charters out to there .ill be on it you can bank on it mate!!!! checked it once on a top of the heap gps .the contours and sheer drops in the ocean floor were bulls@%#$t .reckon theres bound to be big doggies ,gts, you name it cheers mitch
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
definately dogtooth I
definately dogtooth I reckon, perhaps GT's on jigs too. Don't think it gets shallow enough to pop for GT's though. Also be Ruby Snapper etc..
Tony Halliday
Posts: 2500
Date Joined: 14/06/07
*Exmouth ( off the reef in the park)
*Exmouth ( Naval Jetty for GT's)
*Kalbarri ( Pot Allie and surrounds)
*Kalbarri ( Chinamans)
*Rotto ( NW corner, chicken run ~ Fish Hook Bay) *FADS off Rotto
*Hamelin Bay (shore on the southside, boat off the main NW section)
*5 Fathoms Banks (south section)
*Guildford Bridge (around the corner to the north.)
*Busselton Jetty (an icon family fishing spot)
Tony Full-time piscatorial-idiot, in The Vines. "It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC) Greek poet.
Supporter of Meals on Reels
Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~
It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it
"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)
"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)
Posts: 4648
Date Joined: 18/08/05
just looked at the chart.. Exmouth Plateau, very deep, not what I was thinking of.
Rankin Bank.. that's it.
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Top Spots
1--Glomar Shoals north of Dampier, got busted off on nearly everything we put in the water and caught nearly everything as well
2-- a spot we called the M C G ,about 38 nm NW of Port Hedland,comes up a fathom and the same size as a footy oval. Just anchor and start fishing
3 --Gnaraloo -- many excellent catches over many years
4 --Hamelin Bay --good for salmon and biggg tailor from beach and good bottom bouncing from there north as far as Canal Rocks
5 -- Emu Springs for beach fishing before they shut the gate years ago. Good tailor mulloway, gummies and huge silver bream
6 --Quobba area, always done well there. even last Tuesday with 2 x 20kg + tuna, snapped off deliberately to watch them swim off.
7 -- Island off here in Carnarvon--say no more.
8 --Exmouth always good results
9 -- Jane Bay/Black Rock before sanctuary restrictions
10 --Last but not least is the Monties, haven't been on the inside but who needs to when you've done it all around the outside
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
noha, jay im 95% sure
noha, jay im 95% sure it was the exxie shoal i was looking at, and yep most of it is real deep but there was one or two spots that definately came up a fair chunk. Have to admit i'd had a few sherbets when looking and chatting about it.
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 2088
Date Joined: 16/05/09
TOP 10
I'll start with 5
1. Broome. Everthing here from Barra to Black Marlin
2. Exmouth. We will be back soon saw enough to want more of it
3. Quobba. Fond memories fishing Garths
4.Shark Bay. Shore based or boat good variety
5.Perth . Haven't fished there for a while now but still plenty to offer
This could all change in a month after a trip from Broome to Exmouth via the Rowley Shoals stay tuned
Posts: 7
Date Joined: 18/11/13
couldn't agree more. a lot
couldn't agree more. a lot of choices to choose from.
Posts: 34
Date Joined: 14/05/09
My top ten SO FAR.....
Places fished and enjoyed land and sea
1- Montes (land and boat/diving)
2- Walpole (land and boat)
3- Exmouth (land boat/diving)
4- Hopetoun (good shark/mulloway fishing off beachs, Boating) good 4wd'ing
5- Broome (boat)
6- Israelite Bay (pinky's and sharks off beach) good 4wd'ing camping
7- Bremer Bay (land and boat) Good 4wd'ing camping
8- Cheynes Beach (land heaps of salmon/groper, boat) good 4wd'ing and camping
9- Jurien (boat)
10- Northern Creeks (early days)
Posts: 1875
Date Joined: 04/09/08
dirk hartog
makeral islands
coral bay
jensons inlet
the trench back of rotto
around albany
sw bank
perth fads
all these spots have caught me an arrangement of fish with some top memories fishing with family and friends, some which are departed now
Posts: 1
Date Joined: 03/08/11
Sorry for the late response
Sorry for the late response to this thread, but I wanted to thank everyone for posting their favorite traveling/fishing locations. I've been seeking out super special locations for a while, but I never really knew where I wanted to go. As an American, these suggestions definitely provide for some great ideas.
Posts: 148
Date Joined: 09/08/05
My top 10
My top 10 locations are at opposite ends of WA.
Exmouth, the Muirons, Warroora, Ningaloo, Coral Bay and Peaceful Bay, Nornalup, Walpole, Chatham Island and Boat Harbour.
Posts: 392
Date Joined: 28/05/10
soooo glad no ones mentioned
soooo glad no ones mentioned carnarvon... gnaraloo (which gets a mention a few times), quobba and bernier and dorre islands all within buggger all distance, not to mention the creeks or 1 mile jetty...
Carnarvonite: Shhh buddy, leave it to us guys, its great to get ignored!! haha
Posts: 197
Date Joined: 22/08/11
i only fish down south and the most memorable spot would have to be the jetty there. it doesn't produce too many big fish there but that is where i have had the most fun and have caught the most fish
Posts: 7006
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Its called H2O
Wherever it is. Love freshwater for trout, (even redfin) Marron. From the humble Sandie to Marlin in Salt. I dont care. If there was fish to be caught on land I would be there.
One of the best fishing experiences was when we had BIG rain in Leinster yrs ago. Flooded all the lakes. The golf club all decided to head to the closest one, cast the rods out in hope, and sat there talking fishing TALL tales. A few beers, cheers and very tall tales. Some even got "BITES".
Its not always about the fish, its what you do to catch them.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 18
Date Joined: 23/07/11
#1 anywhere other than working !
im gunna run with
#1#2 red bluff / gnaraloo ,more land based ,but hard 2 beat boat fishing in them parts, just home from there 2 weeks ago an heading back soon (sorry rockhopper but im not resting easy after fish i lost there other week off the rocks)
#3#4 yardie creek /exmouth , spent my share of time there been beaten up by all sorts of sea dwelling monsters !!
#5 margaret river , gotta love ya home town when it provides like it does
#6 islands of the angry ghosts ,best of both worlds ! cant bring myself 2 put real name but anyone who knows , KNOWS !!
#7 pemberton and surrounding areas, always fun hunting out trout
#8#9 augusta/blackwood , great place 2 hide from northerlies , inshore ocean , dea sea , and whiting/black bream from river
#10 busselton ,the good old jetty, 4 mile and more ....
i wonder why it is that my top 6 all happen to be surf breaks as well funny that !
Ryan C
Posts: 1575
Date Joined: 08/07/10
top 10
my top 10 would be
carnarvon 6 times in june/july , we found a spot in 0'7 about 5 miles from koks island and anchored on it for 3 days!!, reds,rankins ,pinks, cobia, spangleds, and epic floater fishing for big 30kg+ macks and tuna awesome!! and night fishing the lady joyous wreck for mulloway and big pinks.
mackeral islands , been there 7 times always found awesome action on bottom fish and pelagics , rosily cay , supermarket and around the gas/oil rigs
gold coast , 8 times in january (this coming january 9th time!!!) superb light tackle marlin fishing, dolphinfish,(fished with Jim Dalling from the old "orca" and now" reel chase" wahoo and excellent estuary charters for "monster"dusky flathead and good mangrove jacks
Karratha (i was born in dampier) always good fishing if you know where too go , big spaniards, trout, reds , had some good days at stagg too!1 the old point samson jetty when i was a kid epic fishing, saw a big black marlin hooked on a live yellowtail on a 200lb handline off the jetty it jumped right next to us !!
perth,jurien,leeman,rotto,two rocks , i love catching dhuies and other bottom species!!
thats all i can think of!. cheers
Posts: 2100
Date Joined: 05/11/10
top places to fish
my top places would be thevenard, coral bay, and before the ban cockburn sound snapper fishing! there is nothing better than sittin back having a beer then all hell breaks loose!!!!
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
For me number 1 has to be
For me number 1 has to be fishing the cliffs of Steep point
Number2 : karratha and surrounds
Number 3: Kalbarri
Kalbarri, Western Australia by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr
Number 4: penguin island
Number 5: Boating off rotto
Number 6 : Northmole and freo area like eshed and southmole
Number 7

Swan river 45cm+ blackies
DSC02002m by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr
Big black bream i caught today. Let him go to fight another day. Bream this size are around 20yrs old by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr
Number 8: mandurah cut (no pics of the whiting and tailor there
Number 9 : Floreat drain

Floreat Drain by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr
Number 10 Busso jetty
Loads more. Havnt fished exxy yet and load more places to try north of karratha
My photography pictures...
Posts: 90
Date Joined: 14/08/12
Fantastic pictures
Fantastic pictures mark........... congratulations!!
perth fisher
Posts: 132
Date Joined: 02/06/11
lots of great places
lots of great places mentioned here !
Posts: 56
Date Joined: 24/07/11
hmmm top 10 fishing
hmmm top 10 fishing spots.....
1. Would have to be cape naturaliste - had a ball with the family there this time last year. gummy shark, dhuies, pink snapper and red snapper, break sea cod.
2. busso jetty - squid, lots of them. did i mention squid?
3. Rotto - hmmm schoolies... lovely spots and so relaxed. i loved snorkelling around the rocks and reefs.
4. exmouth. perfect one day 30knot winds the next. Caught my first spanglie there.
5. the donut - squid and snook and sambo's. - tis a spot off bunbury.
6. The Ammo jetty. - anything can be caught there from nor west blowies to sharks to snapper.
7. back beach bunbury on the basalt rocks there - always good for a feed. and a drenching.
8. Argyle - can you say marron?
9. Denmark - the big black bream and the location for some good wine and cheese and a feed of fish....
10. Any spot i can take my eldest little girl fishing and she has a ball. could be a jetty or a beach anywhere is W.A.
Posts: 469
Date Joined: 19/07/11
i love shark bay, Augusta,
i love shark bay, Augusta, Walpole, Rotto, Albany and Perth

Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger
Posts: 614
Date Joined: 24/02/11
Jurien bay exmouth you can have the rest
Posts: 97
Date Joined: 14/02/12
Gods own Country
Gods own Country Just give me AUSTRALIA YES YES YES And YES SAY NO MORE!
Posts: 158
Date Joined: 21/04/13
My list is purely based on
My list is purely based on memories and good times weve had, not soley the fishing results, prob could go on for a bit but top 5 will do.
1. Would have to be Coral Bay. No other place like it. Great fishing, laid back people, 2 happy hours a week, great memories, best of all $10-15 of all Billabong clothing (haha, Grants been saying that for the 17yrs ive been going there), perfect sunsets in the bay sinking a couple beers, Bakery bash after a hards days fishing cant be beaten.
2. Kalbarri. Some interesting moments going through the mouth passage, on our first trip there, being told we could 10kms upstream, only to have the tide run out 2kms up and having to push our 6m Dolphin back to town. Finlays!! Great amount of variety with the fishing too, be it pelagics or bottom dwellers.
3. Exmouth. Prob better fishin than Coral Bay and alot shorter trip to deep water, but town doesnt have the same vibe. Still spent some great trips there with some great results fishing
4. Jurien Bay. Just over an hour from perth now, awesome spots for Dhuies
5. Ningaloo Station. Only discovered recently. Fully self reliable camping. Great spot to beach fish, easy to launch the boat from the beach, and dog friendly
Posts: 2946
Date Joined: 03/03/10
best spots
I love the N/W (lived in Dampier/ Karratha decades) the Dampier islands are great , I have done the montys a few times and its hard to go past but for easy places to get to it is hard to go past bowers ledge and black ledge out of Onslow for both diving and fishing
Posts: 48
Date Joined: 03/06/13
1. Rowley shoals just epic
1. Rowley shoals just epic if you can get a fish past the sharks that is we got 5 fish to the boat in 5 days
2. Monte bellos incredible diving and fishing
3. Abrolhos islands
4. Dirk hartog island
5. Rottnest and the trench
6. Doubtful islands/Bremer bay amazing diving and fishing some of the greatest squiding big enough to pull a 2l coke bottle under
hmmm wait they are all islands
7. Steep point
8. Garden island
9. Any river, stream or creek up north that holds barra
10. Wilson inlet not many places you can catch pinkies off the beach with a flick rod
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 16/03/13
south west rock hopping
bob's hollow the mixed bag from fishing the bottom is always interesting but thru summer get ur burley going and put the balloons out the mako's are tonne's of fun as long as their flips don't hit the main line
sugarloaf rock (not for the inexperienced)the possibilities are endless I have caught tuna,sambo and yellowtail kings fishing the surface but then fish the bottom and prepare 2 hold on blue groper will make short work of any pound line if ur not onto them quick snapper, blackarse and tasty other bottom dwellers
rocky point pack light and be ready for a walk but worth every step salmon at all different times of the year I've caught a 8kg horse in October before tailor herring and at the right time of year I have caught ytk's 5kg plus on the bottom you will always get a bite but mostly wrasse but if your willing to persist I've done well on blackarse and silver bream but its always the random catch that brings me back I got a 520mm tripletail last thing I expected in june or in the south west
torpedo rock salmon, tailor, herring, ytk's, snapper, dhufish and for the first time just 2 weeks ago got some beautiful big K G's biggest of which was 530mm nice fish from shore
otherside of the moon be prepared to loose some gear but worth the price tag I have caught a lot of fish hear and I still don't think I've seen its full potential salmon, sharks, tuna and blue groper when its calm enough to fish the ledges but don't let them take much line coz u won't get it back
hope I inspired you to try our beautiful south west just remember the anchors are there for a good reason freak waves happen and I have got very wet a fair few times and no fish is worth your life go with a partner bring rope and keep your eyes on the water
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 04/04/13
top 9
1) shark hole point - best fishing of my life more than once
2) rowley shoals
3) mouth of wild dog creek - have to hike in but its worth it
4) near redgate (those who know will know)
5) "supermarkets" offshore south of onslow
6) whale beach - bit of a trek but you never regret an overnighter
7) Montes
8) orphan bay
9) Shark hole point - twice as good as any of the rest
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Damm - I wanna move to WA!!
Damm - I wanna move to WA!!
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 13/09/09
I only fish land based
I only fish land based so;
Steep Point - Definatly in 1st Position
I'd give the area around S-Bend a second
Looking at a Quobba trip next year, so I'll hold judgement until then
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 21/09/13
Off the rocks
I live in Busso so i fish areas close to home like Busso jetty,Canal Rocks,Cosy Corner,Torpeddos Rock,Hamlin Bay,Faul bay,Sugar Loaf,Injadup,Point Picket,Castle rock,Eagle Bay,Margaret River,Augusta,more then 10 but they all produce good fish off th rocks HAPIDAYZ
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 15/10/12
Well there are so many places I haven't been to...Yet! , but my favourite spot in the world are the islands S/West of the Fortescue River,we usually camp on North Sandy Is. and fish the waters around that area,heading in the direction of the Barrow Is. shoals, there are some great reef areas and all the islands have great shallow reef areas for burlying up some blue bone or diving for painted crays, One of the earlier posts was asking about the Abrohlas Is. I went out there on the charter boat RAT PATROL and had an awsome time,they operate out of Geralton
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
Bernier/Dorre island
Snapper Bank
Dirk Hartog Island
Steep Point
Turtle Dove Shoals
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 19/12/13
best fishing
I would have to say Bremer Bay, fosters beach and reef beach! the most beautiful beaches around.

Posts: 468
Date Joined: 20/07/08
Rowley Shoals is and will
Rowley Shoals is and will remain on the top of my best fishing places.. and now ticked off :) it's truely an amazing place to visit and fish!
Cockburn Power Boat Member (CPBA)
Posts: 1758
Date Joined: 26/11/13
Montes, coral bay.
Montes, coral bay.
Posts: 619
Date Joined: 18/04/08
My top 10
#1 Rowley Shoals
#2 Abrolhos Islands
#3 Turtle Dove Shoals
#4 Admiralty Gulf
#5 Balla Balla
#6 Fitzroy river
#7 Jurien
#8 Quobba
#9 Rottnest (West)
#10 Anywhere I get a chance
Just going off memories from being there and catching.....Point Samson needs a mention as well, best Mudcrabs in WA :)