joins the 'Sambo Science 2' program

Today I've been down to Murdoch to speak to Andrew Roland from the Samsonfish Science program. Seeing as we are spending a week on the south coast over Easter, there is a good chance there will be a few schools around and hopefully a few tagged ones from when they were aggregating in the metro area.

I am of the opinion that samsonfish are going to be the next world class sports fishery here in Perth and any information that is gathered on them can only be benefitial to us understanding their movements, growth and spawning aggregations. I will hopefully have some video footage and pictures of us tagging samsonfish and successfully releasing them in the coming weeks. promotes catch and release, sustainable fishing practices and now scientific research. If you have any questions, please ask and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. I will get Andrew to post up some information regarding the program once it finishes.



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