Jetpowers Salt Away Special - Save 20% Off !!

Hey guys we have plenty of Salt Away products back in stock and we are offering a 20% discount for Fishwrecked customers to kick off the new year!!

Salt-Away is an engine flush for inboard, outboard, I/O and personal watercraft engines, and an exterior salt removing treatment for any surface where salt corrosion and build-up is a problem.

Mixed with water, Salt-Away washes away the salt and if not raised off, leaves a protective film on the surface to prevent rusting and corroding, and protects it against future salt corrosion. It is easy to apply by using Salt-Away's special Mixing Unit for bigger jobs or the ready-to-use spray bottles for smaller jobs.

Items also may be immersed in a mixture of Salt-Away and fresh water and no rusting or corrosion will occur while immersed. For detailed information, please go to


For any questions at all contact the team at Jetpower on 08 9409 4644!



29 Automotive Drive, Wangara WA 6065

08 9409 4644