7m ali to big for karratha fishing???
Hi Guys,
Im 99.9% decided on a 7m ali Assassin up here in Karratha for me and my missus, its my bosses boat, ive heard nothing but good things about it and he is letting it go at a good price.
Its my first boat and my only concern is its size. I had originally only planned to get something in the 5.2-5.6 range so I could use it both in the creeks and out wide but after looking for about 2 1/2 months nothing has come up and although its 10k more then I wanted to spend its a hell of a boat for what he's selling it to me for.
so my question is, is it too big for 2 people to enjoy regularly? am I going to regret the extra expense and running cost of a larger boat?
A mate at work said that once you go out wide you never want to go up the creeks and I think I might get a kayak for the creeks instead.
so what does everyone think??
Posts: 267
Date Joined: 02/04/10
7m Ali Assassin
A 7m Assassin is not too big for Karratha, good safe boat for the conditions, ideal with a bit of shade, expense depends on the motor a good sized four stroke will be reasonably economical if you go easy on the throttle, plenty of room for the eskys with food, drink and ice not to mention for the catch.
Go for it, iif you can afford the extra expense and your car is capable of handling the boat at the ramps etc.
Old Banga!
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Hasnt he been advertising it
Hasnt he been advertising it as a pefect couples boat?
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 27/08/11
its a 03 model and has twin
its a 03 model and has twin 90hp mercs with 500hrs, the max hp for the hull is 200 so it should go alright..
I figure I will probly repower at some point whilst owning it, with a 175 or 200 suzi and still would of spent less than 50k afterwards...
Dodgy he has, and It probly will be, its just my missus is a nurse and as such works w/e on occassions so 25% of the time I might be taking it out by myself..
Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
If you are already thinking of re-powering it, just keep looking for something that you won't need to repower. In my years of owning boats and having to fix and change things, its better just to try and get 'the one' first up without needing to improve or upgrade it - because once you start - things start getting expensive. If you are really keen on a boat, towing it from Perth to K-town isn't a big feat and the money you'll spend on fuel getting it there, will be so much better served knowing you got the 'right boat'. A nice mid sized boat in the 5.5m range means you can launch easily by yourself, have all your gear on board and still handle the average conditions. That's just my thoughts on it though.
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Perry Home
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Date Joined: 07/10/10
Boat size for the Single Operator
Have to agree with Adam on this issue. Given that your Missus won't be able to go out with you coz of work commitments & times when she just doesn't feel like it you may well find your upto 50% by yourself - not that solitude is a bad thing - very therapeutic. What that does do is raise the question of what size boat you feel competent in operating by yourself. One way to determine this with the Assassin is to pick it up from your boss and take it for a spin doing everything yourself from launch to retrieve and EVERYTHING in between - you'll soon determine whether you feel happy in it or not. My preference is the 5.2 to 5.6 m range ( 17 to 18.6 in the old money) very "doable" in almost any conditions and if you re investing that type of coin you'll want to use it when you can coz you can if you understand. Still pretty amazing how many later model boats have 2 stroke motors and not the whisper quiet odour free 4 stroke or hpdi 2 strokes both alot quieter and better fuel economy tan the 2 stroke of equivalent size. Anyway give that Assassin the run down and see what your gut feeling is - that'd be the way I'd go.
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Date Joined: 01/11/06
From my point of view it
From my point of view it depends on the price .. I've got a 7.5m ally . And yes it is usable by yourself at good ramps .. but note only at good ramps . If your saying you van get it after a repower around 50k I'm guessing its about 20 to buy as a repower ain't cheap .. I did mine last year or so (admittedly with a bigger motor than your looking) bloody expensive job .. but for 20 - 30k its a lot of boat .. sounds a bit underpowered tho .. jmo
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 07/10/10
Sea Trial
I wouldn't buy it without a sea-trial, and take out it out loaded, fully fuelled and some extra bodies on board. Then you'll see if it's underpowered.
As for size, it's great for camping trips etc, but like Ads said, a well-designed and well powered 5.5m boat can take you anywhere including the Monties, Pilbara Brad did it and there's a few of my mates who do the creeks and the monties in the same boat.
nana nana nana nana fishing!!!
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Date Joined: 24/09/08
Brads boat is a 5.2 but very
Brads boat is a 5.2 but very wide and stable for a boat of it's size Plus he is a very able seamen (Pun intended hehe). I think anything bigger would limit your creek options. But anything smaller would limit your red and Billie options so it depends on what you really want to target? In the perfect world get a six and a half meter walk around and a 4.5 tinnie but good luck getting that past the missus.
I live with fear every day... sometimes she lets me go fishing.
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Date Joined: 01/02/10
I've taken my 5.3 across to
I've taken my 5.3 across to Monties a couple of times. Takes a close eye on the weather and a reliable rig.
Not really a novice trip.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 19/12/10
Is that the one opposite the Tambrey?
It looks alright when driving past. If you are concerned about launching/operating on your own then go for a centrecab/walkaround.
I've got a Patriot and go out solo about 90% of the time. Last couple of boats have been walkaround and I reckon it's great.
Also remember the servicing costs up here are pretty steep so in this case 2 donks aren't always better than 1.
Posts: 375
Date Joined: 11/09/05
out wide and creeks
The limit in the creeks is about 5.5 and on windy days you want that to get home, 7metre can be a handful trying to recover by yourself (remember the best days get windy in the arvos here) I have the big boat and fish the creeks in brother in laws boat.I love both types just as much so if you want to do both adjust your boat.Motor servicing in town is bloody expensive so two donks would put me off.Do what the guys say and sea trial and see if you love it on a 15 knot plus day.keep your options open ,plenty of boats get on the hill when it warms up
There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
Right now the do'ers are the doing it
And the watchers are watching us do it
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 27/08/11
Thanks guys for the opinions
Thanks guys for the opinions and insight
At only 500hrs I think the mariners still have quite abit of life left in them? and being carby I plan to service them my self..
When I say repower it at some point I mean in 3-5 years time :) at a cost of 15k or there abouts and again im only getting that figure from the reports ive read of people on ausfish.com getting 175 and 200hp suzis landed from the states for 14.5k, I also have a mate who brings in sea containers from the US who said i could put a o/b in it for $300 when im ready so maybe a little cheaper again. At this point it will probably be in need of a birthday and freshen up too
I suppose a sea trial will tell, but I think ive made my mind up and figure a boats an expense regardless of its size and I can justify it with the amount of fun i anticipate to have with it
Posts: 539
Date Joined: 29/03/10
Easy option on the running
Easy option on the running costs is to get a good deckie and split the cost. Theres normal a queue of people wanting to go. My only advice is to be really organised with a launching procedure, spoil a good day out having a argument with the lady before getting on the water.