Love the stuff. The 12lb US version seems almost indestructible. My brother's son has recently landed a 27 kilo GT and 120 cm black Jew on his little river rod giving it heaps. When they get snagged the 20lb leader is snapping first. The stuff casts a mile and they have put several outfits through the ringer in the last 6 months.
Be aware the UK versions go to 28lb and the US (which is what we get here) only go to 12lb. I got some UK stuff in thinking it was 12lb as well and it was nowhere near it. Probably closer to 4lb and was noticeably thinner. In other words the UK stuff is re-rated to expand out to cover a wider breaking strain for some unknown reason and I bet if you got the 28lb in it would be the US 12lb. Just something to be aware of if you looked to buy OS.
We'll be getting in a bulk 1200 m spool of the 12lb US to put on a heap of our small spinners as it is great.
i got a spool of the 12lb its hard to snap! cut my hand before it broke lol, but havnt had the chance to fish with it yet, keen to put the 4lb on my bream setup but wanted to stick with the black fireline seeing i dont use leader when i go for bream and dunno if the white would spook them?
I'm using the 6lb and found it to fray a fair bit.. I't strong as buggery but I keep having to cut it fairly often to get rid of the damaged sections. I did not see that happening as much with fins braid I use on the other rod..
I had no issues with it cutting the leader using the two knots Barkley website recomends for nanofil.
Posts: 678
Date Joined: 05/08/10
Love the stuff. The 12lb US
Love the stuff. The 12lb US version seems almost indestructible. My brother's son has recently landed a 27 kilo GT and 120 cm black Jew on his little river rod giving it heaps. When they get snagged the 20lb leader is snapping first. The stuff casts a mile and they have put several outfits through the ringer in the last 6 months.
Be aware the UK versions go to 28lb and the US (which is what we get here) only go to 12lb. I got some UK stuff in thinking it was 12lb as well and it was nowhere near it. Probably closer to 4lb and was noticeably thinner. In other words the UK stuff is re-rated to expand out to cover a wider breaking strain for some unknown reason and I bet if you got the 28lb in it would be the US 12lb. Just something to be aware of if you looked to buy OS.
We'll be getting in a bulk 1200 m spool of the 12lb US to put on a heap of our small spinners as it is great.
Posts: 355
Date Joined: 07/07/11
i got a spool of the 12lb its
i got a spool of the 12lb its hard to snap! cut my hand before it broke lol, but havnt had the chance to fish with it yet, keen to put the 4lb on my bream setup but wanted to stick with the black fireline seeing i dont use leader when i go for bream and dunno if the white would spook them?
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
i use the 4lb stuff for fresh
i use the 4lb stuff for fresh water fishing here (only tarpon so far) and for bream, whiting, flatties and the like, absolutely love it so far
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
What knot do you tie for
What knot do you tie for 4lb? I keep having problems with it cutting through the leader or breaking at the knot prematurely
Posts: 795
Date Joined: 02/01/11
hey mate, i tie a short
hey mate, i tie a short bimini twist (usually about 2 inches)
then this mono to braid knot, was shown this knot years ago by Paul Willis and is my go to knot for light line, hope this helps.
Cheers Yewie
Mr M
Posts: 8
Date Joined: 13/07/12
I'm using the 6lb and found
I'm using the 6lb and found it to fray a fair bit.. I't strong as buggery but I keep having to cut it fairly often to get rid of the damaged sections. I did not see that happening as much with fins braid I use on the other rod..
I had no issues with it cutting the leader using the two knots Barkley website recomends for nanofil.