Best boat ramp to use to head across to rotto
Submitted by Aaron Santos on Thu, 2010-11-18 14:34
Hi all,
Im pretty new on this forum, and actually pretty new to perth. I moved up about 5 months ago from bunbury.
Im heading across to Rottnest in a couple of weeks for an over nighter on the island, was wondering what would be the best boat ramp to use and probably the closest so its less travel across to the island. I live North of the river.
Also is it safe to leave the car over night.
Cheers all advise appreciated.
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
For NOR, probably Hillarys.
For NOR, probably Hillarys. Not sure I'd leave my car at any boat ramp overnite, apart from the fact its worth more insured ;)
Ryan C
Posts: 1575
Date Joined: 08/07/10
boat ramp for rotto
we usually trailer down to the3 ramp (leuwin??) near pier st freo and go out from freo harbour much shorter travel in the boat if the weather turns to shit!! i live in ellenbrook, but its not so bad to hop on the freeway then down canning hwy. cheers
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
That ramp is a ripoff and
That ramp is a ripoff and its only really saves 2 miles on the trip.
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
dido till. and a shit ramp
dido till.
and a shit ramp as well
Ryan C
Posts: 1575
Date Joined: 08/07/10
rotto ramps
i havn"t had any issues with the condition of the ramp it"s still pretty good , but i do agree they rip you off there !!!!!
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
yer the ramp is ok. but for
yer the ramp is ok.
but for your $$$$ and alot of them for a overnighter,,, the jetties are anchent and skinny, there is no protection from the wind in the arvo, so every one wants the one jetty, and you normally have to cue up for ages on the weakends.
for the extras couple of k's go to woodys, qauility ramps and its free (just be aware of the breakins)
you can park your car at the shops behind the gates with security fo $20 a night.
i leave nothing in my car and the doors unlocked, havent been touched yet.
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
how much is a rip off, is it
how much is a rip off, is it hourly parking?
Can you pay for over night parking at hillarys or am i gonna get stung there too.
Glad I've asked the question could have got a nice shock.
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Posts: 2539
Date Joined: 26/09/09
mate for 24hrs at freo it
for 24hrs at freo it cost $24.. 4hrs-12hrs was $12 from memory.
absolute rip off and they are quick with the tickets mate.
Ryan C
Posts: 1575
Date Joined: 08/07/10
rotto ramps
one thing though i have left my car there about 20 times overnight and never had an issue with break ins (touch wood!!) and split the parking cost and its not too painfull.
Posts: 695
Date Joined: 16/08/09
Am pretty sure its $12 bucks for 24hrs. Just need to be back there before the 24hrs is up or you need another $12 in the machine. Is expensive but is 1min from my place so thats the one I use for Rotto trips.
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
can you pay for longer then
can you pay for longer then 24hrs?
pretty sure i wont be back b4 the 24hrs is up
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Faulkner Family
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another option for you would
another option for you would be to get someone to come down to the ramp when you depart and drive your car and trailer home. no parking fees and no chance of a break in. then all you do is make a phone call and tell them to come and get you and the boat
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
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This is the best option
Pete D
Posts: 1681
Date Joined: 07/06/07
If going to Rotto is going
If going to Rotto is going to be a regular occurrence I'd be joining
I believe there are spots available now.
Lock up parking and you can wash down ya trailer when you launch. Well worth the extra drive (only 25 minutes from Perth on the Kwinana).
About 45 minutes to Rotto from the ramp, so a little longer then Freo, but you can chill out at Rotto and not even have to think about what might be happening to your car and trailer.
Cheers Pete
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
So true Pete D
there is a special area for over night parking at the Club and the Bosun knows that you are over nighters (don't forget to tell him), extra security is on the cards. Downloads are on the web site for forms, club rules etc. We have members coming from as far away as Caversham and country members bring their boat and caravan, can stay for 2 weeks (book through the club manager), no extra charges for having van their, showers/tiolets/bbqs/fridge/microwave/toaster/kettle/instant hot water and sink to wash your dishs.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
what happens with paying
what happens with paying your launching fees from Hillarys if you stay overnight at Rotto as your ticket only lasts until midnight?
Posts: 1025
Date Joined: 06/02/07
Easy solution to that is to
Easy solution to that is to get a yearly pass squire... $105 i think, although you might not get the full value of it if you two are heading up to exxy for a while.
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
thanks heaps for all the
thanks heaps for all the advice guys.
Appretiate them all.
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Rod P
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 20/05/08
Another point is to consider
Another point is to consider the trip home and possible weather. A run to Hillarys with a normal sea breeze would be a good run.
Outlaw II
Posts: 39
Date Joined: 17/08/10
I launch my boat form the end
I launch my boat form the end of jhonson street in peppermint groove. Parking is free and in a snoby area of perth where break ins rarely happen. Ramp however is shit house but ive only once had a problem at low tide launching a 17.5ft haines hunter
Posts: 130
Date Joined: 17/07/09
Is there any update on this
Is there any update on this thread since last years info? I'm looking at boating over and staying for 4 days... Is that just asking for a break in? Is the parking behind the woodies shop still available?
Posts: 527
Date Joined: 11/04/12
Around the Leewin Ramp
There are some desperate people around and would pick up on your car not moving for a few days. It's quite an alive place with the cafe next door during the day but during the night I just wouldn't take the risk. Its been mentioned before i would get someone who can drive your trailer back for you. Then you know your car/ trailer is safe and you don't have to fork out $3000 for parking.
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
if you live SOR your best bet is to join the CPBA, read my postthurther up, is their web site and you can get all your info on joining on the left hand side, downloads I think from memory has the application form and also prices.
Their are CCTV cameras covering the whole area of the club grounds, and the Bosun lives on site.
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 130
Date Joined: 17/07/09
Thanks for the feedback :-)
Thanks for the feedback :-)