A bit Behind "three mile"

Sat 18  weather forecast wasn't as forecast wind was suppose to die at 9.00 which messed up the out wide trip fishing  trip had to settle for closer in grounds 45 large sand whiting, 500 mm King George, 2x Breaksea, cuttlefish undersize Duhue { I pulled him up slow so was in really good shape to swim back)  600mm Samson fish swam back too. So it was no failure as fishing trips go....would have loved to go deep

tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

Date Joined: 24/05/11

Yep blew its arse off this

Sat, 2012-08-18 18:15

Yep blew its arse off this morn, nice forecast bom


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Geeze us west aussies can be

Sat, 2012-08-18 18:21

Geeze us west aussies can be spoilt at times, sounds like a really horrible day haha


southcity104's picture

Posts: 1659

Date Joined: 27/01/09


Sat, 2012-08-18 19:13

im pulverized.


"Its a life style job"

Jody's picture

Posts: 1578

Date Joined: 19/04/07


Sat, 2012-08-18 21:53

See if I cant make a proper job of it tomorrow ;)



tim-o's picture

Posts: 4657

Date Joined: 24/05/11

Do you work at BOM Jody? I

Sun, 2012-08-19 07:55

Do you work at BOM Jody? I was just unhappy about my salty face, did blow a bit harder than the 10kn forecast firstup, was beaut around midday tho.


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Nickk's picture

Posts: 109

Date Joined: 16/11/11

today was awesome

Sat, 2012-08-18 21:04

 today was awesome weather, wind died off around lunch time and cockburn sound was glassy :)