Black Bream tactics??

 Hi guys, i recently have found a few spots with some thumping black bream in the river and i have tried using bait but i cant even get a bait to the bottom because it gets enialated by blowies. I was wondering if any of you experienced blokes knew of a lure or a metal or just anything i could use to try and get one of these blackies without using bait.



grantarctic1's picture

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Tue, 2013-05-14 22:35

Try bigger baits like mullet cubes or whole mussels . If that dosn't work then come back to the spot after sunset or before sunrise, blowies arn't as active while its dark .

curtis14's picture

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 yeah cheers mate i might try

Tue, 2013-05-14 22:37

 yeah cheers mate i might try that



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As grantartic1 has said

Wed, 2013-05-15 08:06

As grantartic1 has said bigger baits ive got a spot exactly the same and you have to use gangs and mullies and 50lb leader at least as there is structure to.
After a while you will eventually get through them and be rewarded.
but I find if you burley up a section to keep the blowies in one area and cast behind them that works to.
I normally throw a few cubes of mullies in close to get all the blowies just in front of me while they are occupied I cast a nice bait behind and bang on to a bream.


to fish or not to fish is that even an option?

spook's picture

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Thats agood idea burley the

Wed, 2013-05-15 09:26

Thats agood idea burley the blowies up away from ya spot. I might have to change to 50lb leader too so i stop getting bricked, haha


Haunted by water

tailor marc's picture

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As Matty said, mulies and

Wed, 2013-05-15 09:53

As Matty said, mulies and gangs . If its the same spot as i got these its best to put these bream back. Its one of the last places in the swan thanks to everyone keeping it hush and c & R These are my best. 51 biggest so far... Biggest Black bream i have caught 51cm by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr




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tailor marc's picture

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Another 50cm  Biggest Black

Wed, 2013-05-15 09:55

Another 50cm


Biggest Black bream i have caught 51cm by Marc Russo (Australia), on Flickr

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dant's picture

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they are some quality fish

Wed, 2013-05-15 10:43

they are some quality fish tailor mac - very impressive, good to see you are looking after the spot, as you said there is not many around and fish like that are very rare to come across.

tailor marc's picture

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Thanks matte, yep a picture

Wed, 2013-05-15 11:00

Thanks mate, yep a picture lasts forever. Dead bream lasts only days. Get em out for a quick shot, handle them correctly and realese they gently. All the ones i get here realese well with big tail wash as they leave my hand. 


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Now that i finally cracked

Wed, 2013-05-15 11:03

Now that i finally cracked the impossible 50cm i have now given up fishing for bream. For years i would get many bream 48cm and even a 49cm but couldnt crack the 50cm .

 This was a target i had for a long time. I will now leave the bream alone here now. I doubt that there is anything bigger then 51cm but you never know


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dant's picture

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yeah i dont think you will

Wed, 2013-05-15 11:13

yeah i dont think you will come accross another one that big, 35cm is about my biggest - havent had the chance to land a monster yet. pleny of small ones in the spot i go to, i just have to wait awhile haha.

so whats on the agenda next - fishing for bream is still always good fun, i often take the boat out in the river when the weather is not to good to search for them.

tailor marc's picture

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Swan river bull shark is my

Wed, 2013-05-15 11:38

Swan river bull shark is my next on the bucket list :)

Sorry to hijack tread... back on topic lol 


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Posts: 186

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 50lb is to waaaaaaaaaay to

Wed, 2013-05-15 12:12

 50lb is to waaaaaaaaaay to heavy. In heavy structure, use 12lb max. I mainly use 5lb for all my breaming as just last week i pulled a 35 from tight structure and my mate pulled a 39 from heavy structure on 4lb..

Good work Marc, good spot there as well. Good work keeping it quiet mate :)


If you need to use bait, choose crabs, mussels or scaly fillets.

Posts: 524

Date Joined: 31/01/13

That's hilarious. Your a 15yr

Wed, 2013-05-15 15:58

That's hilarious. Your a 15yr old that has probably never seen a 50cm bream let alone caught one. Somehow I don't think your in a position to tell an experienced fisho he's doing it wrong when he's got the photos to prove what he does works.


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 Last weekend: 39, 35, 34,

Wed, 2013-05-15 20:38

 Last weekend: 39, 35, 34, 33, 33, 32, 32 and heaps of other just legal fish all pulled from tight structure on 3lb. 

Saw over 60 bream that would have been 40+ and some over 50+ as well... Not taking anything but you get the general idea...


I highly respect people like Marc for the fish he catches, he is an amazing angler.  I personally would rather hook and lose a fish than not lose it at all. (I dont use gangs, only barbless lures so if I do lose a fish, it can shake the lure and live happily).

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 Mate I fish light to (2lb

Wed, 2013-05-15 21:50

 Mate I fish light to (2lb braid, 3lb leader) & in the river also pretty much exclusively lures with crushed barbs. I've read enough of Marc's posts to know that if he says he needs a 50lb leader then that's about what's needed. You might pay attention to the fact that he's only using that lb leader, clearly for abrasion resistance. As I said, he's got pics of his 50cm bream, you don't. 32-40cm bream, decent but pretty much a typical day bream fishing for most of us. As for seeing all those big bream, wonderful, obviously the lighter leader didn't help you catch any of them or we'd be looking at your photos. 


 Just because I smile & nod does not mean I believe the crap coming out of your mouth.

All people have the right to stupidity but some abuse the privilege.

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I have pulled High 30's fish

Thu, 2013-05-16 12:59

I have pulled High 30's fish from the structure that Marc fishes (not spot pinging, i have fished there for years, few fish there lately although :/ ) and I know you have to use heavy leader there. The only place I use 8lb leader is there...

tailor marc's picture

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These structure where i get

Wed, 2013-05-15 13:22

These structure where i get these ,30- 50 pound is a must unless you want to loose fish of a lifetime which i dont. My main line is 10 pound. Other probs is you use a light leader and get busted off is the fish you hooked could die with a set of gangs and fishing line stuck in its gob till its rust away. I rather get the mother of all bream, take a pic and let it go.


I have lost count on how many people hook bream of a life time only to loose it amoungst the pylons. This happens after i tell them to step up to heavy leader. The " Told you so" get said often while they are gutted

Each and to there own. End of the day i got a pic of a 51cm and its still swimming making baby bream


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curtis14's picture

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Wed, 2013-05-15 22:03

 Any lures recommended 



Posts: 918

Date Joined: 06/03/09

 can of worms right there

Thu, 2013-05-16 12:09

 can of worms right there

Posts: 186

Date Joined: 26/12/12

Harbody: Smith Luna, SX-40 or

Thu, 2013-05-16 12:56

Harbody: Smith Luna, SX-40 or Nories Laydown Minnows

Surface: OSP Bent Minnows, Duo Pocopoco

Vibe: Duo Bivi

Blade: Madeye 38

Plastic: Zman Grub, Madeye Whippyworm or Gulp Camo Worm

Posts: 524

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Seeing as blowies are a

Thu, 2013-05-16 06:18

Seeing as blowies are a problem avoid all the soft plastics, they will get shredded almost as fast as bait. Hardbodies are the way to go & there are thousands to choose from. Which lure suits the situation is difficult to say without actually seeing the spot your fishing because each lure has different properties, eg: floating, sinking, dive depth, retrieve speed etc. Start with some of the proven lures like the Ecogear SX-40, Atomic Hardz Shad 40mm & 50mm, Atomic Hardz Crankz, Cranka Crank (deep & shallow), Cranka Shad & Halco Scorpion 35mm & 52mm. They are all cheaper (under $20ea) bream lures that have been around for years & caught thousands of bream but there are thousands of other lures, some cheaper some more expensive that will catch bream as well & may suit the situation better. Have a read of a few articles on bream fishing & lure fishing in general ("practical" section of is a good place to start) so that you have the general idea of how to work the lures.


 Just because I smile & nod does not mean I believe the crap coming out of your mouth.

All people have the right to stupidity but some abuse the privilege.