Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 17/11/2017
Submitted by Bluewater on Fri, 2017-11-17 17:11

Whites have been turning up in pots set off Mindarie and Two Rocks, however their shells are still very soft. This will change shortly and all signs suggest that this year’s cray season should be pandemonium. In the meantime, there are still plenty of reds to be caught on shallow reefs whilst we wait for the whites to kick off their run.
Tailor averaging 40cm are showing up most mornings at the usual haunts between Mindarie and Lancelin. If you’re new to chasing tailor from the beach, look for deeper gutters that form this time of the year. Don’t be afraid to ask one of our expert staff members for tips on reading a beach. Some plump yellowfin whiting are also making a regular appearance providing a tasty bycatch for the tailor anglers. So if you’re lobbing out a mulie and star sinker, it would be a good idea to include a short trace with a small hook and piece of squid.
Farther south, spots such as North Mole have been producing a good feed of sand whiting. Those after a slightly bigger target have been getting into the small sharks that have been turning up along the coast, as well the occasional mulloway up to around 15kg.
The whiting ‘popping’ season is already better than last year’s and we haven’t even had a day of 40 degrees yet! Mandurah whiting have been hitting small poppers on the hotter days, particularly after the sea breeze has kicked in. Many anglers who go home when the sea breeze arrives have missed out on the bulk of the action. The breeze not only assists your cast, but creates chop on the surface of the water. This chop adds to the action of the popper. Keep your eye on our Facebook page for some staggering deals on whiting lures in the coming weeks.

Ebi-Panic's by Jackson are accounting for heaps & heaps of whiting
In the river, giant herring are creating a massive buzz and now is the time to have a crack at this acrobatic sportfish. Numerous fish have been landed in the Swan and the Canning. Metal slices weighing 15g-20g have accounted for most of the captures although they don’t seem to be too fussy with minnows and poppers also taking their share. These speedsters go hard and jump frequently so an 8-10 lb outfit would be a better option as a reel spooled with 4lb could get emptied very quickly. Also in the river, the tailor show no signs of slowing up and although most are still on the small side, there are reports of fish in the 30cm range starting to show up. Reports also suggest giant herring have been mixed in with the tailor by anglers trolling around Mosman’s, Claremont and Pt Walter.
Predictably, the mulloway have been hanging around the rampant schools of chopper with reports of captures coming from the middle reaches of the river. Flathead are becoming more active and a number over 50cm have been caught this week on bigger hardbodies such 110mm Yo-Zuri Crystal Minnows. Try slow rolling these hardbodies through flats and drop offs to pick them up whilst trying to avoid the plagues of blowies. Both flathead and flounder have been caught over the sand flats towards Freo on soft plastic grubs.

Mindarie customer Dan with an early season flatty.

Herring are in plague proportions around Carnac as staff member Curt found out!
Crabs are slowly making their way into the river and those fishing the deeper stretches towards Fremantle, such as Blackwall Reach are doing well so if you haven’t already, check your nets, make sure you have what you need and get out there!
Bluewater Tackle World
Friday 17th of November 2017
Friday 17th of November 2017

Whites have been turning up in pots set off Mindarie and Two Rocks, however their shells are still very soft. This will change shortly and all signs suggest that this year’s cray season should be pandemonium. In the meantime, there are still plenty of reds to be caught on shallow reefs whilst we wait for the whites to kick off their run.
Tailor averaging 40cm are showing up most mornings at the usual haunts between Mindarie and Lancelin. If you’re new to chasing tailor from the beach, look for deeper gutters that form this time of the year. Don’t be afraid to ask one of our expert staff members for tips on reading a beach. Some plump yellowfin whiting are also making a regular appearance providing a tasty bycatch for the tailor anglers. So if you’re lobbing out a mulie and star sinker, it would be a good idea to include a short trace with a small hook and piece of squid.
Farther south, spots such as North Mole have been producing a good feed of sand whiting. Those after a slightly bigger target have been getting into the small sharks that have been turning up along the coast, as well the occasional mulloway up to around 15kg.
The whiting ‘popping’ season is already better than last year’s and we haven’t even had a day of 40 degrees yet! Mandurah whiting have been hitting small poppers on the hotter days, particularly after the sea breeze has kicked in. Many anglers who go home when the sea breeze arrives have missed out on the bulk of the action. The breeze not only assists your cast, but creates chop on the surface of the water. This chop adds to the action of the popper. Keep your eye on our Facebook page for some staggering deals on whiting lures in the coming weeks.

Ebi-Panic's by Jackson are accounting for heaps & heaps of whiting
In the river, giant herring are creating a massive buzz and now is the time to have a crack at this acrobatic sportfish. Numerous fish have been landed in the Swan and the Canning. Metal slices weighing 15g-20g have accounted for most of the captures although they don’t seem to be too fussy with minnows and poppers also taking their share. These speedsters go hard and jump frequently so an 8-10 lb outfit would be a better option as a reel spooled with 4lb could get emptied very quickly. Also in the river, the tailor show no signs of slowing up and although most are still on the small side, there are reports of fish in the 30cm range starting to show up. Reports also suggest giant herring have been mixed in with the tailor by anglers trolling around Mosman’s, Claremont and Pt Walter.
Predictably, the mulloway have been hanging around the rampant schools of chopper with reports of captures coming from the middle reaches of the river. Flathead are becoming more active and a number over 50cm have been caught this week on bigger hardbodies such 110mm Yo-Zuri Crystal Minnows. Try slow rolling these hardbodies through flats and drop offs to pick them up whilst trying to avoid the plagues of blowies. Both flathead and flounder have been caught over the sand flats towards Freo on soft plastic grubs.

Mindarie customer Dan with an early season flatty.

Herring are in plague proportions around Carnac as staff member Curt found out!
Crabs are slowly making their way into the river and those fishing the deeper stretches towards Fremantle, such as Blackwall Reach are doing well so if you haven’t already, check your nets, make sure you have what you need and get out there!
If you have any information or photos that you would like to include in our weekly fishing report, please email
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