Bunbury Snapper

Fishing buddy "Garbo" and myself haven't hit the water in a while due to work commitments but Saturday was looking just too inviting!

The aim was for Snapper and the figuring was, New Moon, sunrise at 7.00am with a high tide at 9.30am along with all the solar Lunar charts saying " GET THE F#*K OUT THERE AND FISH!!!

With the new moon and being dark, we decided the snapper would be in close so we started at the 18 mtr mark at a known haunt for them, We fished until sun up, ... but, alas no sucess!

We then moved south to some ground south of Bunbury in 15 metres and from 8.30am to 9.am we bagged 3 x 90cm Snapper and released 2 huge Sambos.

We hung out for another half hour to get the last snapper to make the magic 4, but it wasn't to be.

Back home at the ramp at 10.am.

Plenty of time to fillet the fish in time to watch my belovered All Blacks kick arse!! That was never going to be in doubt!


Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!

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quest's picture

Posts: 248

Date Joined: 03/08/15

Ripper fish

Sat, 2015-08-15 20:02

Got to be happy with that and back at the ramp @10am.  Well done.

Guardy's picture

Posts: 381

Date Joined: 09/08/12

In fact

Sat, 2015-08-15 20:33

 Got to be happy with both results 

Brock O's picture

Posts: 3264

Date Joined: 11/01/08

Great Session!

Sat, 2015-08-15 20:45

and great fish! Smiles all day in sure...except for the rugby? 

Boydy's picture

Posts: 623

Date Joined: 26/09/12

Good honky heads, nice work.

Sun, 2015-08-16 07:27

Good honky heads, nice work.

Posts: 1392

Date Joined: 08/01/09

good onya fellas

Sun, 2015-08-16 11:55

nice fish



kelsea's picture

Posts: 134

Date Joined: 14/02/12


Sun, 2015-08-16 13:31

 Great effort, I am jealous of that session guys, well done.


 Ocean bound is where I'll be found

Posts: 412

Date Joined: 02/09/06


Sun, 2015-08-16 14:10

Well done BJ and Garbo.

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 crack aaaaa 

Sun, 2015-08-16 19:43

 crack aaaaa 

Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

Date Joined: 23/02/12


Mon, 2015-08-17 02:00





dan1's picture

Posts: 379

Date Joined: 11/07/07

well done guys

Mon, 2015-08-17 09:58

They are some nice snapper there
glad to see you boys got out for a fish haven't seen you guys on here for a while
damn personal commitments

Heinz's picture

Posts: 165

Date Joined: 20/06/07

 Nice snapper mate!

Mon, 2015-08-17 11:34

 Nice snapper mate!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Mon, 2015-08-17 17:26



Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

Bluetonic's picture

Posts: 1147

Date Joined: 09/01/08

Thank's everyone, it was one

Tue, 2015-08-18 06:12

Thank's everyone for your comments, it was one of those mornings that just fell into place.

Also was Garbo's PB snapper.


Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!