comparison thoughts 1870f vs 587
Submitted by rj on Wed, 2015-05-06 20:47
I am currently tossing up between a 1870f and either a 587 or 585, just wondering if anyone has used both. From what I have read the Furuno's aren't the greatest plotters going around but if the sounder function on the 1870 is equal to the 587 I figured the plotter is just an added bonus. What are your thoughts.
Posts: 69
Date Joined: 31/07/11
Thats what i figured too got
Thats what i figured too got my 1870 cause it fits in smaller space hieght wise seems to be good so far
wish I was fishing
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Went through the same
Went through the same situation. The sounder processor is the same between both units.
Chose the 587 as the dials are easier to use in manual mode. Much easier than scrolling through a menu. The furuno gps are not the most user friendly either.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?