DEC Whale Disentanglement Statement
Collaboration between Government and industry reaps giant reward.
Environment Minister David Templeman said the successful disentanglement of a humpback whale yesterday was exciting evidence the fishing industry was embracing the Department of Environment and Conservation's new world-first training DVD.
Mr Templeman said the skipper and crew of the fishing boat that first spotted the imperilled whale yesterday morning had viewed the training DVD and acted swiftly and appropriately, ensuring a successful rescue.
"The DVD explains what people should do if they spot an entangled whale and outlines the West Coast Rock Lobster Managed Fishery’s (WCRLMF) code of practice intended to prevent entanglements in the first place,” he said.
"This rescue is tangible evidence of the positive effect this DVD is having out there and I pay tribute to the skipper and his crew, and to our accomplished disentanglement team, for their actions in saving this whale.
The department’s whale disentanglement team responded to the report of an entangled whale around 14 nautical miles off Two Rocks.
The animal was a 9 to 10 metre young humpback weighing around 15 tonnes that was on its northern migration. Craypot lines were entangled around its pectoral fin and tail.
"Within an hour and a half the team managed to free the whale," the Minister said.
"I am told the conditions out there yesterday were particularly nasty, making the successful rescue all the more gratifying."
The 15-minute DVD was produced by the department and in collaboration with the Western Rock Lobster Council and the WCRLMF to help reduce the number of whale entanglements in the rock lobster fishing season.
It is believed to be a world first and is already attracting interest from other conservation agencies in Australia as well as in the United States, New Zealand and South Africa.
The department's specially trained whale disentanglement team has responded to incidents involving 44 whales in the past 15 years. It is equipped with a small fleet of zodiacs and accompanying safety gear to provide a rapid, round-the-clock response to whale entanglements around the State.
"This is yet another way the Carpenter Government is acting now to protect our unique environment for future generations," Mr Templeman said.
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