Decky Dave and the panties of shame * PHOTOS ADDED*

So a good forecast for Friday saw an early finish at work, and the boat was in the water heading behind Garden Island with high expectations. Seas were good, but there was a reasonable swell running, nothing over the top. Warm humid and overcast conditions added to sense of expectation.

After reaching the five fathom bank, the plan was to follow it North trolling, with the occasional stop for a bottom bounce. Out went Decky Dave's laser pro 190, and not a minute later it was hit. I started bringing it in, then said "nah, it's off." There was no weight on the line, but I could still feel occasional head shakes, so dragged it back in, wondering what it could be. As it got near the boat, I could make out an elongated silver form, with a long mouth full of sharp teeth. First thought was a baby mackie, but when it came on board was a 70cm snook, that had been foul hooked through the eye and gills. It looked terminal, so instead of being released it ended up as some nice strip baits for next time. It was good to at least see some teeth marks on the Laser Pro, and we thought it was a good sign that there was some action about.

Next stop was Casuarina shoal for a bottom bounce, and I think it was my second or third drop and up comes a nice and fat black arse, you rippa, and into the ice slurry. Decky Dave is complaining about the swell, and following my advice from previous trips (if you're going to spew, you might as well make it taste good!) starts downing the coke zero and rips into a packet of Salt & Vinegar chips. The decision is made to keep moving, hoping that will make the poor dear feel a bit better.

No more hits on the laser pro, but as we approched Seaward reef, the birds gave away some action. As we got closer the excitement started to build, and dear old petal was starting to feel better. Big splashes on the surface, and bait fish jumping high to escape the predators below. The tuna were out to play, and they were playing hard! Huge surface splashes with fish clearly visible, and some big fish in there. We couldn't entice them to hit the laser pro without driving right through them and spooking them, so I pulled up the boat short of the action, and Decky Dave grabbed the closest rod that was already rigged with a gold 30g twisty. (It just happened to be the lightest combo on the boat) First cast heads towards the school but falls about 5m short. Dave startes the retreive and then BANG! it is on!

The poor little Shimano didn't know what hit it, and I can honestly say I have never seen a fish take line like this thing did. The hookup only lasted probably twenty seconds or so, before pulling the hooks, but man, what an adrenalin buzz. All thoughts of seasickness gone, we drifted and kept casting near the schools as they busted up, at times there were schools on both sides and ahead of us, absolute madness. Couple this with the swells breaking at times over the top of the reef made for some pretty hectic action, but we couldn't manage any more hookups. DD even tried his own special blend of burley, a mixture of coke zero & salt & vingar chips, without success.

The decision was made to have another go trolling, yes, DD was looking green again. After several laps around the school towing the laser pro and a popper, we couldn't get any action. The schools seemed to be getting used to us, and we could get in closer and closer without spooking them. We finally got another hit on the laser pro, but no hookup. DD did a pretty good job of steering the boat in close to the school, watching the breaking swells and berlying all at the same time, but eventually it got too much and he called it.

So we left masses of tuna busting up, on a rising tide, aproaching sunset without even trying for a bottom bash, to head inside garden island and out of the swell. I was quite pleased to note that on the way in, even though we weren't trolling, he was still giving the burleying a massive go, leant over the side just as the boat came down off one of the swells and he managed a nice saltwater mouthwash, hehehe...

Back inside the island we anchored up for some bread & butter stuff, but apart from a couple of 35cm pinkies (obviously returned) the only thing to show was a thumping occy that took, you guessed it, a piece of occy. A couple of beers as we watched the sun go down, and talked about the tuna madness we had just seen, when I mentioned to DD that he must forever wear the panties of shame, for calling mercy on such a promising trip. With a look of resignation he said "yeah, I was expecting that, but I nearly passed out and went all tingly and stuff" - whatever!

So now, FW crew, it's over to you. All suggestions for panties styles & colours will be welcome, and he will be forced to wear them on the next trip (over his boardies, don't need any wardrobe malfunctions thank you very much!)

Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

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Can't help with the colour...

Sun, 2015-02-01 17:57

...but they gotta be crotchless.

tim-o's picture

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Sun, 2015-02-01 18:28

Love the report. Spewin about droppin the tuna, hard to set hooks on light gear


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

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Right of Reply

Mon, 2015-02-02 11:13

 Well written Browndog and thankyou for the kind words. Yes it is true i "called it" and now have to live with it and the dreaded panties of shame. I was and am however devo the busting up Tuna wasn't enough to pull me out of the spiral of sickness I had fallen into. I already have restocked my tackle bag with Travelcalm and some spare panties.

gotta say though as Browndog mentioned that run really was just awesome. Can't wait to get out there again. Panties and all. Thanks for a great day Browndog. My buy next time mate. Cheers.....

Posts: 6265

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 cant let the decky make the

Mon, 2015-02-02 15:25

 cant let the decky make the call.

i remember last year going to a mates engagement party, 1am finish  awake at 3am for a 3.30am launch for a trip to the trench ( not ideal weather either) got about 20min out of hillarys when i mentioned the ice coffee wasnt a great idea. within minutes i was sprawled out the back watching hundreds of dollars worth of booze and food spray into the sunrise. mate yelled back to me too late now bud ahhaahhahahaha, gave the thumbs up and yelled all good. i think it was about 2 hours of trolling around rotto waiting for good weather when i finally came good so of to the fads and the trench, swell got bigger wind dropped head kept spinning. bugger it give me a beer i said cant do this sobber. bloody long day all for the grand total of 0 fish

crasny1's picture

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Got to be leopard spotted

Mon, 2015-02-02 15:38


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Paul H's picture

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Got that feeling the pics of

Mon, 2015-02-02 18:43

Got that feeling the pics of this aren't going to turn out that nice Crasny.......... 

Particularly given the lack of pouch room - now I'm feeling sick  :-0


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Browndog's picture

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A deal is a deal...

Sun, 2015-06-21 18:56

Well a deal is a deal or so they say. Decky Dave came through with flying colours and made up for his shameful behaviour on the last trip, and I gotta say he did it in style!

Due to circumstances, we haven't managed to get out for a fish since the infamous "Day of Chunder." I had bought Dave the panties, and they were securely stored in his tackle box, ready for action on the next trip that never seemed to happen. All seemed forgotten until....some of you may have heard that we just got back from a Montebellos charter trip. To say the other punters were a little taken aback would be an understatement! Dave had told the crew what to expect, but the other passengers and myself were treated to a sight that will be forever burned into my retinas (oh how I wish that it could be "unseen"!!)

Not only did he strut around the deck like a lovesick peacock, he picked up the rod and managed to guessed it, a tuna! Closely followed by a nice mack.

As a final parting gift, the panties were left aboard the houseboat "Full Monte", so no doubt someone would have got a nice surprise when they got to their room.

Crasny, thanks for the "Leopard Skin" inspiration. Hope you all enjoy the photos, please don't show the kiddies!


big john's picture

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Mon, 2015-06-22 09:08

I don't see any shame being displayed, in fact he actually looks like he's enjoying it. LOL


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Browndog's picture

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On to it

Mon, 2015-06-22 12:38

You could be on to something there BJ. Come to think of it, there has always been something a bit strange about the bloke.... 

just dhu it's picture

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Tue, 2015-06-23 20:55

 matching shoes??  i think he came prepared