Easter 2005

Easter came quite early this year and everyone just managed the time off from work for the annual trip to Cobweb Cottage, or the Denmark/Walpole areas. We were greated by one of the largest fires in the area for many years and saw some flames leap well over 50 meters and even higher in some areas. The fishing was quite good this year as we had learnt from our previous efforts how to beach launch effectively and what sort of ground we should look for. Our special spot out from walpole produced another good blue groper (green as it was a female) and quite a few queen snapper, big skippy, blackass and sgt bakers. Not quite the same catch as the year before, but enough for a good feed none the less. We also tried out from Peaceful Bay a couple of days and ended up with a few sharks, tuna, blackass, harlequin, sgt baker and big queen snapper. Here are a few pictures from this year and the last couple of trips.

[img_assist|fid=64|thumb=1|alt=Easter 2005|caption=Adrian Gribbon's Tuna]

[img_assist|fid=92|thumb=1|alt=Easter 2005|caption=Damien Bolton with a Female Western Blue Groper]

[img_assist|fid=95|thumb=1|alt=Easter 2005|caption=Easter 2004's Golden Day (2 Boats)]

[img_assist|fid=98|thumb=1|alt=Easter 2005|caption=Easter 2003]

[img_assist|fid=101|thumb=1|alt=Easter 2005|caption=Damien Boltons 18ft Voyager]

[img_assist|fid=104|thumb=1|alt=Easter 2005]


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