Exmouth - Chrissie '07'

Well here is the report from my lastest jaunt up to sunny Exmouth. Photos are all up in my gallery

Didnt fish a whole lot as diving was more on the adgenda. Besides didnt need to as the 2 times we went out we got some excellent fish including - reds, rankins, spangled emperor, jobfish ... You get the idea. The highlight for me was probably my biggest red I have ever caught which went 80cm so I had a pretty big smile on my dial after that one to say the least. Surface activity was very quiet which was a bit surprising but there were a few dollies around but decided to be pretty fussy when I started throwing soft plastics at them. They would just tail it and sniff it without actually striking.

The weather couldnt have been better with just about 5kts of wind max for the entire trip. Diving was great with the highlight there diving with 3 big potato cods which were intent on following us round and playing for the dive. Was unreal.

A HUGE thanks must go out to Adam for letting us use his house while he was down here, so cheers again mate - we owe you one. Will make it up by taking you out in April when we get back there.
