Exploring WA’s Unique Marine Environment Jessica Meeuwig

Exploring WA’s Unique Marine Environment Jessica Meeuwig

The advertisement for this in Wed's West Australian is headed "Free public lecture" and bookings are open again.

Join Research Professor Jessica Meeuwig, Director of the Centre for Marine Futures, as she explains how we can pull back the blue curtain to understand what lies below.

WA's marine environment is vast and unknown and there are more unique species here than anywhere else on the planet. It is subject to significant pressures in terms of fishing, offshore oil and gas exploration and production, and climate change.

Professor Meeuwig will discuss the UWA-based research, funded through the Natural Heritage Trust Marine Futures project, that helps us understand the impact of human activities on the sustainability of our oceans.

Time and date:    6 pm, Thursday 25 June 2009

Venue:    The University Club Hackett Drive, Entrance 1, Carpark 3 Crawley

RSVP:    fnasadmin@fnas.uwa.edu.au (booking essential)

Web:    http://www.fnas.uwa.edu.au/lectures

Also http://www.sciencewa.net.au/index.php?option=com_eventlist&view=details&id=87:Exploring%20WA%E2%80%99s%20Unique%20Marine%20Environment-%20A%20View%20From%20Below&Itemid=200065

Come on, guys, come and find out all about it. There might actually be some good interesting stuff there.



Beavering away in the background.......

Rick's picture

Posts: 1113

Date Joined: 22/12/06


Wed, 2009-06-17 13:14

Have made a request for a booking, could be very interesting.

Looking forward to hearing her understanding of the current situation,and what solid research has been done,and how much more we need to do




PGFC Member


Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

This afternoon. Time and

Thu, 2009-06-25 08:42

This afternoon.

Time and date:    6 pm, Thursday 25 June 2009

Venue:    The University Club Hackett Drive, Entrance 1, Carpark 3 Crawley



Beavering away in the background.......

Posts: 102

Date Joined: 09/03/09

was very interesting quality

Thu, 2009-06-25 21:14

was very interesting

quality evidence was presented. Makes it very difficult to disagree with sanctuary zones.

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Some very different opinions on a biased presentation

Sat, 2009-06-27 07:06

quality evidence was presented. Makes it very difficult to disagree with sanctuary zones.

See some real in-depth comments and some very different opinions starting at http://www.westernangler.com.au/forum/fb.asp?m=223760  (excluding post #14 from someone who wasn't there)



Beavering away in the background.......

Recreational anglers want sustainable fishing and good fishing experiences and a FAIR GO!.

Informed Recreational anglers aren't opposed to Marine Parks.

Informed Recreational anglers aren't opposed to sanctuary zones in the right places for the right reasons.

Informed Recreational anglers want to protect nursery areas, spawning fish stocks and spawning fish aggregations, but these don't need total closures all year long. Example:- Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper seasonal spawning closures championed by concerned recreational anglers.

Recreational anglers want to protect the environment, but locking up large areas is not the only way to protect the environment.

Informed conservationists would talk about the outcomes they want, and not just keep promoting one of the methods which might achieve them and ignore all the other methods........

Posts: 102

Date Joined: 09/03/09

thanks for the link was

Sun, 2009-06-28 23:32

thanks for the link

was interesting

was good to see jon ford and im sure other political figures attending these lectures. (ford was the only one i recognise).

jamie and others obviously have a greater scientific understanding than me and maybe i looked at the graphs and didnt question the science behind them. I appreciate that the analysis techniques may not be the best but it must be difficult to develop a fool proof technique for statistical analysis.

 i too was disapointed that she didnt talk about what was advertised and was basically 45 min on just no take zones but still it was thought provoking and interesting to understand their methods.

 I was shocked to hear about how few dhufish were seen and the slow growth rate of foxfish, slower than blue groper. Will definatly go to more effort when releasing them!

 my 2 cents - no take areas are not the complete solution, and not as important as jess made them out to be, but are required in certain areas and to be used in conjuction with other management tools (an example where they are applicable is around rotto). I could waffle on but ill stop, i realise all these comments can be countered but I appreciate uwa putting the info out there and putting on beer and good food even if it just generated passionate discussion.