first trip out of point samson
Being our anniversary weekend we decided to try our luck at point Samson.
Headed down after work Friday night . Got up at 5 for a coffee and to get the boat sorted. Down at the ramp about 7 , boat in the water and running . Pulled out from the dock to find we had no steering. With the wind blowing us towards the wrong side towards the rocks I made the decision to jump in and swim the boat back to the ramp , was not easy at all. Got up on the jetty took one look at the front of the boat and said to Sandy, why didn't I just use the minn kota. Lol.
A couple of quick phone calls and a drive down to karatha we had it sorted out. Back to point Samson for a quick trip out . Not knowing where to go we headed out to an area that we got told about. Only went about 15nm but no sooner the lines were in the water they were getting hit . Every move we made resulted in fish from undersize reds up to huge golden trevs. Never lost a fish to sharks but did hook up to a couple . The damn wind came up quick and made it a slow trip back with nothing over 10 knots. All up a successful day just a pity the reds were small but as our first time there it's a starting point.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 9523
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Well done
Russ, at least the water would be warm, got some fish as well
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18101
Date Joined: 11/03/08
The water wasn't too bad at
The water wasn't too bad at all. Got a few feeds for us and a few to share around . The aboriginal hostel up here gets the big ones for the residents
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together