Fitting a sarca bowsprit to a carribean reef runner

hey guys has anyone on here fitted a sarca bow sprit (  to a carribean reef runner. My concern is the existing gap in my bow where the sprit will be fitted is going to be to wide and I may have to attach a plate first before I mount the sprit. Any assistance would be appreciated

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2633

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Just had one fitted to Seaquest

Mon, 2015-08-17 18:48

 And I know that is ally rather than glass but even then strengthener plates were installed AND a thick vinyl plate was installed beneath the bowsprit to minimise any impact damage from the swinging anchor as it enters the bow sprit

spinksy's picture

Posts: 266

Date Joined: 06/10/10

I fitted a lonstar Bowsprit

Tue, 2015-08-18 09:18

A while ago and the recess in the front wasn't wide enough so I scuffed up the gelcoat in and around the recessed area then mixed up some epoxy and filled it in and painted it. Then I mounted the bowsprit to the flat surface. Works fine