Friday Funnys


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crasny1's picture

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Fri, 2018-04-06 08:05

And I went to School.
Actually I think it might be 5 only!!
Or if the Monkeys are going to the river, holding the Parrots, are the parrots actually going to the river, then it's only 3!!
This suxs


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

Date Joined: 23/02/11

very good!- addition before

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:06

very good!- addition before multiplication! :-)

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

Date Joined: 06/02/13

 The monkeys are only heading

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:09

 The monkeys are only heading towards the river not to it. I give up. Must only be the rabbit. Another edit : my bad i fail english and math haha ill get back to work.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

Date Joined: 06/02/13

Yep 25

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:03

Yep 25


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

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19 animals

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:10

 The others were not necessarily going to the river.

Wes F's picture

Posts: 1067

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Did the 6 Elephants see the same two monkeys?

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:15

Do monkeys actually have hands?


 Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.

hezzy's picture

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4 is imo the right answer

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:19

4 is imo the right answer

the question is ''how many animals are going towards the river '' ??

explanation imo as below lol

the rabbit cannot be counted as he was going to the river , not towards it .... '' to '' gives a defintive destination of the river , ''towards '' means you are heading in that direction but may be going to stop anywhere before or after the river so only the monkeys and parrots can be counted as heading towards the river

''every ''elephant saw 2 monkeys , imo means that each elephant saw the same 2 monkeys , not each elephant saw a seperate 2 monkeys

same as'' every '' fishwreck member can see this 1 forum ,it does not mean every fishwrecked member saw a forum as fishwreck having multiple forums ..there is only one we each look at

each monkey had 1 parrot

this is good for a laugh and fun , fire away if you think your comprehension of it is different with your logic for your answer



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Auslobster's picture

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TOWARDS the river!

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:19

 Not TO the river. Which means two monkeys, plus the two parrots they were carrying....4.

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

Date Joined: 06/02/13

 SCHOOL is spelt wrong. Haha

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:21

 SCHOOL is spelt wrong. Haha


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Wes F's picture

Posts: 1067

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Picked it like a runny nose.

Fri, 2018-04-06 08:26

Picked it like a runny nose.


 Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.

little johnny's picture

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I would go

Fri, 2018-04-06 09:03

5 animals,1 rabbit. 2 monkeys and 2 parrots ?

Lastchance's picture

Posts: 1273

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Yep same, 5 for me too

Fri, 2018-04-06 17:21

Yep same, 5 for me too

davmor's picture

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 But did every elephant see 2

Fri, 2018-04-06 10:11

 But did every elephant see 2 different monkeys each or did they all see the same 2 monkeys?

Matt T's picture

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Fri, 2018-04-06 10:13

rob90 for the win. 

Dale's picture

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Fri, 2018-04-06 10:26

 Oooo, my brain hurts


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



Taffy's picture

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how many

Fri, 2018-04-06 11:01

 only 5 is the Answer

Dale's picture

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Fri, 2018-04-06 12:20

 I’m going for 5. Checking the wording. Only the rabbit and the 2 monkeys and the 2 birds were heading towards the river. The other animals were just observed.


"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

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each monkey holds 1 parrot in

Fri, 2018-04-06 14:07

each monkey holds 1 parrot in their hands - does that mean 2 parrots for each monkey? :-)

little johnny's picture

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Good point

Fri, 2018-04-06 15:01

4 parrots . Total 7 animals.

little johnny's picture

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Fri, 2018-04-06 15:04

5 ,they hold one parrot in their hands,

Faulkner Family's picture

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 gotta be 25. thats going on

Fri, 2018-04-06 15:22

 gotta be 25. 

thats going on each elephant saw 2 diff monkeys each plus 1 rabbit.

great pickup on the word school 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

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5 5 5 5 5 5

Fri, 2018-04-06 18:50

 I am in the 5's logical