As for the matches...... without defined rules you can do whatever you like...
If you rotate the pic 90 deg clockwise, the move the bottom 2 of the '3' then add them to the '1 1 1'... you ger 11,111
or, you use the esisting figure and take the top 2 matches from the 3 and move them down, effectively moving the '3' to a lower position...
then the number becomes 3 to the power of 8, 3^8, = 6561
0r... you rotoate the whole diagram bu 180 defgrees so the '*' is on LHS and the 3 is back to front.
Now take the bottom 2 matches dfrom the '3' and move them up to turn the figure in to a '6' with out the top line. No rules to say we cant do this... same as putting a single match as a '1'...
now the figure is 8 to the power of 6, 8^6= 262144
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
and 313 I think
and 313 I think
Love the West!
Posts: 92
Date Joined: 07/09/18
781?? for the matchsticks
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 31/08/17
To the power of
78 to the power of 11
(roughly 6 with 20 zeroes after it)
Posts: 659
Date Joined: 28/05/10
moving 2 match sticks 391
Posts: 590
Date Joined: 10/04/12
Same as above, but make it 3911
Posts: 590
Date Joined: 10/04/12
Or 7811
Posts: 455
Date Joined: 07/03/19
simple maths et al...
(a x a) = (a x b) =
(9 x 9) + (9 x 5) = 121
As for the matches...... without defined rules you can do whatever you like...
If you rotate the pic 90 deg clockwise, the move the bottom 2 of the '3' then add them to the '1 1 1'... you ger 11,111
or, you use the esisting figure and take the top 2 matches from the 3 and move them down, effectively moving the '3' to a lower position...
then the number becomes 3 to the power of 8, 3^8, = 6561
0r... you rotoate the whole diagram bu 180 defgrees so the '*' is on LHS and the 3 is back to front.
Now take the bottom 2 matches dfrom the '3' and move them up to turn the figure in to a '6' with out the top line. No rules to say we cant do this... same as putting a single match as a '1'...
now the figure is 8 to the power of 6, 8^6= 262144
no rules... no one is wrong...