Hugh's Hoo - Picture Heavy

Many years in the making this fish, not the exact one I've been chasing but still over the moon!

This one happened about a week into a trip and over 100NM off southern Fiji with Jaga Crossingham, making my fifth trip over there chasing the big ones! This day started with an early morning session at a Dogtooth Tuna haunt, which ended up being far more productive for oversized spanish instead this day, always good to know your fish tax to the local village is sorted early in the day. Following that we continued the daily pattern of filling in the less fishy part of the day by putting the lures out and trawling some of the current side reef edges for wahoo and saily's, we put a few smaller wahoo in the boat and decided we were getting enough hook ups that it would be worth jumping in and seeing if there were any big ones amongst the school.

Matt and I were first to jump in and have a look around hanging off the reef in around 100m of water waiting for something to come through, we didn’t have flashers in the water so relied on the likelihood that the fish would be curious enough to have a look at us. Sure enough about ten minutes into the drift I see the first fish in the school sneaking behind my dive buddy Matt for a look, knowing that the fish were here I frisbeed a double sided CD out in front of me and ignored the school for ten seconds or so making sure not to make any eye contact or quick movements. I looked back and could see the biggest fish of the school coming aggressively towards the now flashing CD and decided it was a good time to approach as it wasnt focusing on me, a small dive to about 5m saw the fish come right between me and the CD allowing me to put an easy shot into the back third of the fish where all the tougher flesh is. Giving me plenty of confidence that it would hold!

From there the fish took off with my float for about 15 minutes and Matt and I had to eventually get picked up by the boat as we were miles behind the fish at this stage. The guys in the boat were excited with Jaga saying he had been following the floats which were doing 8 knots next to the boat for the last ten minutes. Matt and I jumped back in a took a more rushed approach to getting the fish into our hands as the sharks were starting to get heated and keen for a meal! A Second shot by Matt at around twenty metres and we could confidently drag it to the surface! A few hi-fives and screams in the water and jumped on the boat for a photo!

Fish got weighed to satisfy my own curiosity, but I always find it much more fun to let others speculate and guess. Considering writing a full trip report at some stage soon, but its a start. 

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Cruise Control's picture

Posts: 973

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 Man, that is one massive

Sat, 2017-09-09 12:59

 Man, that is one massive 'Hoo and from the accompanying narrative, well earned. No wonder you are tipping a beer over your head !

big john's picture

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Sat, 2017-09-09 13:00

How tall are you?


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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HughRW's picture

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Hey John

Sat, 2017-09-09 13:13

 Im 6'1 so im not allowed to shoot small fish....or at least have photos with them. 

big john's picture

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Sat, 2017-09-09 14:31

 I'll go 55-60 kgs.


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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Tim's picture

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Sat, 2017-09-09 16:17

I'm thinking 45 -50kg. Cracking fish 

Scotte's picture

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 Must be similar to the  one

Sun, 2017-09-10 10:39

 Must be similar to the  one  you got out  in the trench a few years  back  aye  tim

Tim's picture

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Sun, 2017-09-10 17:50

Nah mine was only around 30kg.

Pictures always make it hard to judge size.

hopefully we get a hint on weight at some point. 

kirky79's picture

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Bloody big

Sat, 2017-09-09 13:37

 Well earned. Cheers for sharing 

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Sat, 2017-09-09 16:50

 Entry for sure. Solid fish! Still on my bucketlist


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Dale's picture

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Sat, 2017-09-09 16:59



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ranmar850's picture

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One big wahoo.

Sat, 2017-09-09 17:28

 Weight guess. well, I have an old picture of me hefting a big spaniard. Nose dug into the sand, fork of the tail under my nose. i'm just on 6 ft, that one went 37kg. That wahoo is a lot bigger and fatter, I'd have to go with a good 45 kg, maybe more.

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

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Congrats on a top hoo

Sat, 2017-09-09 17:34

52kg for me. 



crano's picture

Posts: 713

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Kadavu ?

Sat, 2017-09-09 18:23

 Amazing effort.

HughRW's picture

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Not Kadavu

Sat, 2017-09-09 20:17

Not Kadavu Crano, quite a bit further! have spent time in the water at Kadavu though and got good fish.


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18094

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 well done. would be a bit

Sun, 2017-09-10 07:32

 well done. would be a bit daunting seeing one that size comming at you , especially knowing what them gnashes can do. sounds like a great day was had by all


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

HughRW's picture

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Does seem a bit backwards

Sun, 2017-09-10 08:06

Does seem a bit backwards encouraging them Russ! Its the big barracudas im running from.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18094

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 true. the cuda have got them

Sun, 2017-09-10 08:16

 true. the cuda have got them big hypodermic like teeth. either way if they bite you would  know about it 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

big john's picture

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Sun, 2017-09-10 10:03

Well what was the weight Hoo(ugh)?


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

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HughRW's picture

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Sun, 2017-09-10 17:09

 Tim was pretty much on the money!  

Tim's picture

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Sun, 2017-09-10 21:36

Awesome fish then. 

Can be real hard guessing from photos even these ones. Fish looks enourmous in that first pic

HughRW's picture

Posts: 17

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nothing to sneaky

Sun, 2017-09-10 22:41

nothing to sneaky going on with photos, those ones are kept for the non-fishing people haha

crano's picture

Posts: 713

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How did you get there ?

Sun, 2017-09-10 17:16

 How did you get there ?

HughRW's picture

Posts: 17

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Jaga Crossingham

Sun, 2017-09-10 17:36

 Jaga Crossingham who runs Freedive Fiji is who looks after the trip and would be the only guy making it out to these places, he is a young aussie expat and a legend of a bloke can't recommend him enough! I think his last line fishing trip out to this area produced twin 80+kg dogtooth tunas and GT's till the guys couldnt cast anymore. 

Posts: 6265

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 that is frekin huge

Sun, 2017-09-10 20:07

 that is frekin huge

Posts: 5823

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 Thats huge!Do they get

Sun, 2017-09-10 20:22

 Thats huge!
Do they get ciguterra over there?


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HughRW's picture

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Haven't heard

Sun, 2017-09-10 20:36

 Haven't heard of issues with Wahoo, but we dont eat the big macs or trout...the local islanders however eat everything no matter what size, this guy would have been macheted up and guts eaten by the dogs in about 2 minutes flat.

Notorious's picture

Posts: 914

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 Epic fish, shame they dont

Mon, 2017-09-11 14:44

 Epic fish, shame they dont grow that big on the west coast.

I'm calling 39kgs


Adam Gallash's picture

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Mon, 2017-09-11 18:18

 I was going to guess 50 on the dot, looks like a fair sea monster.


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Troyboy's picture

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Tue, 2017-09-12 20:46

Unreal fish!

brown364's picture

Posts: 249

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That is fekkn

Tue, 2017-09-12 21:20

 AWESOME! Suppose you done have to worry about the sharks when you have bait like that to hand them. Great effort!

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

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Wahuge!! cant recall seeing

Wed, 2017-09-13 07:58

cant recall seeing one this big on here before. Does the ones at Christmas Isle or Cocos approach this size???


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HughRW's picture

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Christmas Island and Cocos

Wed, 2017-09-13 15:27

Would definitely have some creeping up close to this and i wouldn't the slightest bit surprised if someone had already got one this size there, but i would assume christmas and cocos wouldn't have enough land mass nearby to hold fish like Fiji does with hundreds and hundreds of islands and semounts. We were seeing fish like this one everyday in the water there, and a 57kg was landed not long ago by Jaga. 

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Fri, 2017-09-15 15:54

