Leeman last 6days

Hi Guys & Gals,


Went to Leeman last Sunday, didn't take the boat, running in Prado, 3 days of 30knt southerlies, then the heat hit, then thunder and lighting, then a bushfire alert on Thursday night, lighting strike 15klms east of Leeman just past the lake near the Industrial area.  Friday hot humid, night got woken up with a massive thunder/lighting show, rattled our caravan, so humid you could have cut the air with scissors, got up Sat morning, stuff this and come home.

Father/son camping went out Wednesday and got two nice size dhuies, 1 baldie, they were rapted and thats all I heard that was caught via boat.

Beaches......... for all you LB fisho's was very clean, very high tide in the afternoon, but with southerlies useless,

Pro went out Tuesday thru till Thursday morning and got 25 big dhies, %$#$#@

The new Engel fridge/freezer worked a treat, old fart tied her down for the trip, excellent result to and back from Leeman everything still frozen.

Thats it fellas, both ramps very clean of weed.

Did hear a whisper that Humpfreys Investments is going to spend $90 to $100 million dollars on a Resort/Caravan Park in Jurien Bay.......so hopefully he's not interested in developing the Leeman Caravan Park into a  4 Star Resort/Caravan Park


Ginger Tablets Rock


MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

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Pro got

Sun, 2011-01-30 10:21

25 Dhuies in 2 days. Pretty slow by pro standards i'd say. The pro's down this way get that in half a day.

roberta's picture

Posts: 2773

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MattMiller I think

Sun, 2011-01-30 12:07

the pro earnt his money  for the two days as southerly blew 30knts for the time he was out


Ginger Tablets Rock


wazzbat's picture

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Good report Roberta.  Do pros

Sun, 2011-01-30 10:27

Good report Roberta.  Do pros have quotas on Dhuies?  No wonder they banned them in the metro area.  There'd be none left for us rec fishos otherwise.  Good luck down your way Matt if that's what they're getting too.


I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!

roberta's picture

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wazzat he has

Sun, 2011-01-30 12:13

certain tonnage but don't know his tonnage catch, he was bragging that he made over $200 thousand last finacial year.  Heard some of the females were full of roe as well.  He has that thinkie in his boat, when ever he moves Fisheries knows when he goes out, comes in.

Old fart wasn't happy either 25 dhues, thats 10.5 amatuers catch, if amatuers even catch a dhuie going out.  I know pros have to make a living but annoys me when they can catch in the amatuers ban time each year.


Ginger Tablets Rock


smash's picture

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Sun, 2011-02-06 09:49

for running a commercial fishing boat and a fish and chip shop isnt much?

But having said that, in all my years as a commercial fisherman I have never heard a wetliner brag (perhaps an inexperienced decky maybe?).

They work bloody hard and its been a tough decade for them.

Did he brag about being full of roe?? If he did he would be the biggest mug around, and deserves a good ragging, but as I reckon he must process himself Id guess that bit is made up by someone and spread around.

You need to understand also that the ban is for recs, pro's gave back alot prior to that part of the new rules coming in.


No I am no longer in the industry for 8 years, but I have sympathy for their situation and someone needs to correct the misinformation for the "other side".

roberta's picture

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Sun, 2011-02-06 16:36

didn't see them but there was a rumour that some females were full of roe, can't verify it, last year in the ban did see the charter boat that came in from a fishing trip and killed the pig with dhuie's baldies and snapp big breeders, those I did see from the crayfishermans jetty in Leeman 2010.


Ginger Tablets Rock


smash's picture

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charter boat?

Mon, 2011-02-07 13:39

been out of the industry for a while but I wasnt aware that charter boats were exempt from the demersal ban? 

roberta's picture

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Its a cray boat

Mon, 2011-02-07 14:35

charter boat and pro fish boat, thats all I know, does that mean 3 different licenses??


Ginger Tablets Rock


smash's picture

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sure does

Tue, 2011-02-08 12:47

one catches fish to sell for an income and cant carry paying passengers. The other takes people out to catch fish but CANNOT sell them.

Very important not to mix them up when passing on a story or "rumour" as from there it soon gets out of hand-the classic "chinese rumours".

Please dont think Im am goin at you personally but its not hard to see above how a story of a "charter boat" is fishing "illegally" (during ban), catching fish full of roe (breeders) etc etc and is easily identified by the story above, has been put in the public eye for all to see.


Very unfair to the operator above who is probably (and by law is completely entitled to be considered) a legitimate and law abiding business person.


No I dont know who it is but I am sure it could be found out in a minute or 2.



MattMiller's picture

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I'm pretty sure

Sun, 2011-01-30 10:44

they have quotas like everything else they do. I think they even had a catch reduction a year or 2 ago. But TBH wazzabat as you've seen from harro, seaquest, ferel and others down here and from metro guys there are still a s$%tload of Dhuies around if you know where to go. I think the reduced bag limits and the closure has been a good thing.

Silk200611's picture

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Leeman sound like a good

Sun, 2011-01-30 12:13

Leeman sound like a good place to spend a few days, U said boat ramp so i take it theres a ramp? and u stayed at the caravan park? Been looking on the web at the Leeman caravan park. Not to bad priced i thought.. Any advise would be appreciated on were to stay and what to take.


Call me Brad as that's my name..

roberta's picture

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Sun, 2011-01-30 12:56

1.    There's the town ramp, nerly the crayfishermans jetty,  4x4 would be better to in/out your boat, but if you are bringing the wife as a deckie, she'll get her bum wet holding boat, no jetty.

2.     Low tide in the morning you are better off going to the Sea Rescue Ramp does have a jetty, better for when you come in with the sea breeze in the afternoon, prefer's 4x4 to bring your boat out.


The caravan park is basic but plenty of shade for camping if it gets hot, near second tiolet/shower block ask for that part of the CP, as if the sea breeze comes in hot but plenty of shade and a bit cooler than the front of the CP.

Depends what you want to spend, there are houses/units in the town to hire.  If you drink beer/spirits bring them up from Perth too dear at the Seaside shop (is a little grocery shop tin food milk bread etc) or on your way through Jurien get your booze in the shopping complex where IGA.

The Post office (no ATM's so good to get money if you are running short) is good for fuel, bit cheaper than the servo on Indian Ocean drive but there is a good fish chip shop that services genuine dhui, snapper etc, bit pricey but you are getting genuine, as the pro owns the shop with his wife,  Post Office have a good fishing section/bait etc, if you need meat they have heaps in the freezer and not too bad on prices.  There is a charter from Leeman but can't say when it runs or costs.

Hope this helps you, if you need any more info PM and I'll see if I can help


Ginger Tablets Rock


Silk200611's picture

Posts: 286

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Thank You..

Sun, 2011-01-30 13:14

Thanks for the advice. thinking of heading up there after easter. (after the kiddies have gone back to school) Looking at a on-site van or cheap  accommodation, as the GF will be coming along on this trip. But the camping facilities sound good at the caravan park.

Great info Roberta and will keep it in mind.



Call me Brad as that's my name..

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

I think your on the money

Mon, 2011-01-31 11:29

I think your on the money with Humfreys Land Developments there Roberta. I drove the new road on Friday and saw Barrys car on the road between Cervantes and Jurien. Knew he had to be up to something.

Got a feeling that whole area is going to see some massive growth in the very near future.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

roberta's picture

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Yes dodgy

Mon, 2011-01-31 14:03

from memory he paid just under $4 million for the Leeman Caravan Park and was going to turn it into a 3 star resort and move the caravan on to the native title land, if he got the native title moved.  But it seems Jurien Bay was the better option and I must agree Jurien has more going for it than dusty old Leeman.  When the mineral sand mine closes down in Enebba, either this year or next Leeman will be dead except for holiday makers and cray fisherman or people pasing through to Dongara.


Its a shame if they develop that land Dodgy between Cervantes/Jurien, it so natural and unspoilt, but the mighty $ will ring and ring for developers now the road has gone through.  I'd like to see eco tourism/hotels/caravan park etc, through there.  As we heard Jurien Bay Caravan Park was packed over Xmas and they were putting people on the \Football Oval for campers and caravaners which hasn't happened for many a year.


Ginger Tablets Rock