monster mesh max pe3-4 o/h with an accurate boss extreme 400n good combo?

Hi everyone,

my current rod/reels are absolute tanks so i'm going to keep them for towing lures only and get myself a new setup that's jig friendly and a bit more fun to use.

after reading as much as i could in the search section about good jigging rods and reels i think i've decided on a monster mesh max (pe3-4 overhead) with an accurate boss extreme 400n. from what i've read, the monster mesh max rod sounds like they're a good value for money option (only $200) and the reel has a nice low ratio(4:1), smooth twin drag, enough line capacity for my needs and it looks like really good quality. i mainly fish around rottnest and out off two rocks in about 30-60m of water and plan on running some decent 50lb braid experimenting with all sorts of jigs.

can anyone comment on weather this would be a good jigging combo for demersals (i've never done jigging before) and occasional bottom bashing? Any opinions/suggestions would be great







Symes Plumbing & Gas. No job too small, servicing all northern suburbs 

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grayzeee's picture

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that would be considered a

Mon, 2012-02-20 18:07

that would be considered a heavy jigging combo for those depths for demersals, but as your bottom bouncing as well...

great reels , but the rod........ ?????

i have a mid weight do all set up that is a t curve deep jig 200 with a torsa 16n filled with 30lb. 


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

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Reel needs a better rod IMO

Mon, 2012-02-20 18:35

Reel needs a better rod IMO :) But would still be a solid combo. Maybe find a tackleshop which has both in stock and see what they feel like?

southcity104's picture

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im loving my accurate 600N

Mon, 2012-02-20 19:30

Have really worked them hard on many trips and they still feel as new with no corrosion. Check the models though as the higher ratio will suit jigging more so. In comparison to prices, a US accurate for around 400 is unbeatable for matched reels in Aus.  Cant comment on the new Monters. All IMO


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stevebw23's picture

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yeah the reel looks like a

Mon, 2012-02-20 20:23

yeah the reel looks like a good bit of gear, sounds like i might have to get out and look at some more rods :)

do you guys think i would be better off looking for a pe1-3 rod and running 30lb braid?


Symes Plumbing & Gas. No job too small, servicing all northern suburbs 

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Accurate BX400XN ordered from

Mon, 2012-02-20 20:51

Accurate BX400XN ordered from Chark Bait in Candy Red, would go really well with a Jigging Master Evo. Tit. Pe1-4 




stevebw23's picture

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that jigging master would be

Mon, 2012-02-20 21:41

that jigging master would be awsum but it's waaaay out of my price range at the moment. hoping to spend less than $300 on a rod and upgrade later if i need to 

i'll be jigging in fairly shallow water most of the time (less than 60m) so would i be better off with the lower ratio(4:1) or higher ratio(6:1)?  i thought higher ratio was more for deep water jigging?



Symes Plumbing & Gas. No job too small, servicing all northern suburbs 

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High ratio is better, smaller

Mon, 2012-02-20 22:42

High ratio is better, smaller spool diameter etc. 




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 I've got the exact same

Mon, 2012-02-20 23:17

 I've got the exact same combo with the higher ratio reel, and narrow spool, 400XN, great reel. Saying that, I was on budget too, so got the Monster Mesh, until I can afford the JM Tit. Don't get me wrong, it feels so nice with the MM rod, it's just the reel looks and feels that it needs more  I've seriously changed 3 rods so far on this reel. May be it will match alright with some of the Accurate rods .... Check their website where they recommend some, I heard they're so light as well.

Overall great combo for what you're after, I think anyway.



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Awsum, thanks for all the

Tue, 2012-02-21 19:44

Awsum, thanks for all the advice everyone, i think it's a definite yes for the bx400xn then. Once that's in i'll go browsing for a rod. Found out today i'm heading up north for a bit of work so i might even end up getting a jigging master titanium with my extra money when i get back on break :) work is going to drag big time, all i'll be thinking about is my new rod/reel waiting to be used haha


Thanks again,



Symes Plumbing & Gas. No job too small, servicing all northern suburbs 

junglejigger's picture

Posts: 102

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nothing wrong with the rods.....

Wed, 2012-02-22 20:08

apart from the stonkingly huge flat spot in them pahah


and i was an owner!


they look and feel good until you bend them

Righteo's picture

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love my bx400 4:1 but would

Thu, 2012-02-23 15:41

love my bx400 4:1 but would have gone the 6:1 if i thought about it a bit more, also went budget on the rod and bought a saltiga g 30-70lb from the states for about $200, its ok for now but JM ti is the go, you will fit exactly 300M of pe 4/55lb daiwa boat braid and i highly rate it. saying this... im in phuket and jm ti are %30 cheaper here and guess what im heading to the tackle shop now ;)


Here we go again.