My first mulloway

My first mulloway. Caught on a live yellowtail off the Bunbury this wednesday just gone. Measure at 120cm and i am guessing 10kg.

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Chris fish's picture

Posts: 847

Date Joined: 23/02/11

 120cm should weigh 18kg sick

Sat, 2013-04-13 22:33

 120cm should weigh 18kg sick fish for a first!! Well done


always looking for a new challenge!!

Posts: 56

Date Joined: 24/07/11

thanks chris my wife reckopns

Sat, 2013-04-13 22:54

thanks chris my wife reckopns more to 13kg though.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

well done

Sun, 2013-04-14 07:38

Regardless of what it weighs, its a great first mulla thats for sure.


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breno1985's picture

Posts: 144

Date Joined: 02/01/10

My wife reckons she weighs

Sun, 2013-04-14 10:38

My misses reckons she weighs 65kg!? cant always belive them

Awesome fish anyway mate. still waiting on my first.

Posts: 56

Date Joined: 24/07/11

my missus is a fair bit

Sun, 2013-04-14 16:38

my missus is a fair bit heavier then that but yeah the kids are about the same weight as it :)

grantarctic1's picture

Posts: 2546

Date Joined: 03/03/11

Nice first

Sun, 2013-04-14 13:26

Nice first Mulloway, goto be stoked with a beast like that  .

ruste13's picture

Posts: 249

Date Joined: 07/02/10

 Nice fish the wight will

Sun, 2013-04-14 18:05

 Nice fish. The weight will depend on the condiion of the fish, a 120cm fish can weigh 12 or 20 depending on how well its been feeding once they are over a meter the take ages to get longer but continue to stedily put on weight. My 28kg mulla was only 127 cm long.