The new breakaway impact clips (IMP2); Clever little devils, or useless little ......?
I have been using the old IMP clips for a while, great things and true to the claim on the packaging they really were clever little devils. Added a good 20m to the casting distance with a scalie and 5oz. Picked up a pack of the new ones from blue water about a week ago, called the IMP2. Either im doing something wrong or these are one of the most useless products I have ever come across!
The idea, for those who havent used them, is that it clips your hook to your sinker, stopping that hellicopter action during the cast, making the whole package more streamlined. When it hits the water, the impact of the water on the bottom part of the bait clip pushes it back, releasing the hook and bait. This means that to use these clips the leader to your sinker needs to be longer than the leader to your hook and bait. An added benefit of the clips is that you can use a light leader to your sinker which would break during the force of the cast without the clip. This is because during the cast the sinker is clipped to the hook, so all the weight goes through the hook leader.
So heres the problem! In the new IMP2 clips, the part referred to on the package as the fast link (I'll call it the frame) has been extended at the top by about 5mm and is now made out of a weaker material (see pics 1 and 2). This solved a problem the old clips had, in that they used to be very difficult to put together, generally requiring a pair of pliers if assembling more than 5 at a time. They are now very easy to assemble, but the problem is the extra 5mm and the weaker material means when loaded during the cast the part of the frame that the bait clip (the bit you clip the hook on to) is attached to, bends out away from the rest of the frame, allowing the bait clip to come loose from the frame and after a few casts, falls off (See pic 3).
I was fishing someone else a couple of months ago and their clips kept falling apart, I couldnt understand it at the time but now with a closer look at this new version it all makes sense. I was hoping there was a new way of putting them together or something but after speaking to the guys at bluewater where I bought them, they had no explanation and after a bit of discussion seemed to agreed it was a dodgy product. The boss didnt seem to agree as I wasn't offered a refund ($20 for a pack of 10 by the way, not cheap) but as I said to the guys its not about the money, its the fact that a good product has been replaced with a dodgy one and the shops seem happy to stock it?!?
Im still hoping someone can point out something im doing wrong. Used to cast 8oz sinkers with these things, then fishing on Friday destoyed them using 5oz. Has anyone else used the IMP2 and had the same problem, or is it just me? Anyone know where I can find the origional IMP clips?
Posts: 262
Date Joined: 12/12/09
Man you have every right to
Man you have every right to be unhappy about that, I know it's not about the money and all but you have a right to a refund. If the product is not fit for purpose you can demand a refund or exchange, mabey after they have refunded several people they will consider not re-stocking the item.
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
same problem
I have had the same problem Adam. I cant see any way of fixing it, looked many times and there is only one way to put them togeather.
As you said i think they tried to improve it and failed. I'm just glad i have a couple packs of the IMP 1s at home.
I know what i'll be doing if i spot some of the original ones at a store. Grab the lot . lol
Cheers Grant..
Posts: 518
Date Joined: 04/05/08
Looks dodgy as.I hate it when
Looks dodgy as.I hate it when the replace a product with an inferior one.Lucky i have about 20 of the series 1's at home,will try not to lose em....
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
not fit for purpose for which it is advertised
Hi Adam
If you take the items and the packet in which they came to DOCEP( Dept of Consumer and Employment Protection) advise them of the problem and point out you have seen the retailer who sold them to you and requested a refund to no avail, they will run with it and I can assure you you will get a full refund. Thats the debate no ifs no buts. if it won't do the job it is advertised to do then its not to be sold by anyone.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Cheers Ron, if push comes to
Cheers Ron, if push comes to shove, no one can show me something im doing wrong and they refuse to remove the product from shelves, then that will be my next step I think.
Posts: 824
Date Joined: 22/07/10
use a pulley rig,that way it
use a pulley rig,that way it will hold a lot better than just having 2 seperate lines off of a 3 way swivel.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Actually I dont use a 3 way
Actually I dont use a 3 way swivel, I use a sliding sinker rig with a longer sinker trace than hook trace and I dont like the pulley rig as it reduces sensitivity between the rod and the hooks. I actually tried a pulley rig tonight hoping (since im not that great with physics and couldnt think it through for myself) that this might reduce the strain on the frame during the cast. Still an epic fail!! The problem isnt with the clip holding the hook, the problem is that the frame isnt strong enough to stay solid during the cast and so allows the clip to release from the frame
The more I think about this the more annoyed by it I am, if no one can show me something im doing wrong I think im gonna take this further. There will always be dodgy products out there, what bugs me is that local stores chose to stock these products.
Oceanside, do you guys stock these IMP2 clips? Bluewater, you were on the forum defending a different product a while ago, any comment on this? Might PM you guys, still a chance its a mistake on my part, but its looking pretty slim at this point.
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
Hi Adam - send you an email
Hi Adam - send you an email with photos of what I do. (sorry - dont know how to add pics to excisting thread - no tech fundi man!) Been working for me for the past 4 years.
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Thanks mate, I have a
Thanks mate, I have a feeling I know what you will suggest. What I used to do is similar to the small wire hook used to connect a sinker to the stopper ring when sliding. Is it something like that?
Look forward to info about your rig anyway mate, you had some killer rigs last time I saw you fish!
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 15/01/10
First I've heard of it and
First I've heard of it and personally, I have no idea... I'll drop an email to the importer (and I know he uses them himself) and see what he can tell us.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Thanks Hal,Look forward to
Thanks Hal,
Look forward to your feed back.
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 24/02/11
Sounds like you do a fair bit
Sounds like you do a fair bit of business with that shop, silly of them to not offer a refund...downright business sabotage actually!
My mate makes his sinkers and adds a little hook for the same purpose, bomb little casters they are. Saves him a STACK of money too.
Not all who wander are lost...
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
yea thats what I do with the
yea thats what I do with the grapnels I make, just add a little clip. Looks like ill be doing that with all my sinkers now I guess.
I dont mean to be having a go at bluewater scabs, cuz I have generally had pretty good service there and the two blokes I was talking to yesterday were happy to listen to the problem. Just a shame the boss didnt have time to come out and discuss the problem with me after they mentioned it to him.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 15/01/10
I had a look at them today
I had a look at them today and can see what Adam is saying... don't have an old one to compare it to unfortunately. I don't have an email back from the importer yet. Also spoke to the two guys who dealt with Adam yesterday and can confirm that Adam wasn't refused a refund or any of the other crap that some here want to flame on about - we would of course do anything to do the right thing and it's unfair (and downright ridiculous) to suggest otherwise. Adam wasn't wanting a refund, rather he made it clear that his intent was to draw our attention to what may be, and does appear to be, a flaw in the new product; at least when used with 5oz+ sinkers. Several of the guys here use Imp clips but with lighter (up to 4oz) sinkers and hadn't had a problem; so rather than saying it's a completely useless product, we might have to accept that they're now only good for up to 4oz sinkers. But I'll wait for further advice from the importer too.
And p.s. I was on the phone when you were in here yesterday - Justin spoke to Dave out the back who is one who has used 4oz without a problem - so it goes...
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Ok, thanks for the feed back
Ok, thanks for the feed back Hal.
I maintain that the product is flawed as when using a 5oz sinker I certainly wasnt putting much weight into the cast as I was fishing into a reef hole not too far out. Im almost certain that that if using a 4oz and casting without holding back the product will fail within the first 3 casts. This in my mind is a product which doesnt perform the job it is supposed to do.
When you say I wasnt refused a refund, you should also mention that I wasnt offered one when I described the problem to the staff. It was clear through my conversation with the staff that the product was not doing the job I purchased it for. This however isnt the issue, the issue is that a (in my mind) defective product is still on the shelves. I didnt go into the shop looking for a refund, but I wouldnt have turned one down!
I still have a few working clips left, so I will test with a 4oz and let you know how it goes.
Thanks for your attention to this issue.
EDIT: Hal, if you click go to the link provided in the post below, then click on "Instructions" for the IMP1 clips, you will see from the pic in the bottom left of the window that opens, that with the IMP1 the bait clip is attached closer to the top of the frame, therefore allowing less leveradge during the cast for the bait clip to come apart from the frame.
Im interested to hear the weight the importers feel this product is suitable for.
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
I had some time this
I had some time this afternoon to surf the web for information on breakaway clips and what quality you get out there. I must say I that got onto the "Pro-Link Bait Clips" and they surely look like the part. Easy, simple and strong and affordable. Maybe some of the tackle stores around here want to investigate the option or post confirmation if you have / stock the item. I make something similiar, but if I could buy this at a store in the area I would. Save me more time for fishing!!
6th item from top - "Pro link Bait Clips"
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Hey mate, thanks for that
Hey mate, thanks for that link, they also have the origional imp clips so ill be stocking up on both!
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Stupid but i missed out
After all the comments on this thread i feel a bit stupid. About 5 months ago i saw a stack of IMP 1s in the bargan bin at a local tackle store.
5 bucks a pack, i didn't grab any because i had 3 packets at home. Now i realize why the were so cheap. (clearing out old stock to be replaced with IMP 2s )
With hindsite i should have bought the lot.
As far as the probem with the new ones, i too have looked online to buy some and question why they are not rated to a sinker weight. No info is given for both clips on recomended casting weights. ( ie. this clip will shit itself if used with more than 4 oz sinkers )
The new clips claim to be easier to put togeather ( why are they not assembled at the point of manufacture? ) I have always wondered this even with the original product.
Personaly i did not find it hard to put them togeather even before they changed them. But again why are they not assembled before being sold ?
I am not trying to bag the manufacturer or suppliers , I realy like this product and use it often, and would not be happy if i cant get my hands on them anymore.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Grantarctic thats a good
Grantarctic thats a good point about having the weight limits on the pack. In my mind if bluewater decide to continue to stock the product this would be the ideal solution, a sticker indicating the weight limit, as it is pretty unlikely that staff would be able to, or remember to, advise everyone who purchases the product about the weight limits. I have to say the outcome of this discussion will be a strong indication of the customer service offered.
Im still very interested to hear what the suppliers/importers have to say about the limits of the new product. Apart from that I guess this post has run its course. Its unfortunate that this seems to be yet one more product I can no longer buy locally. It will be even more unfortunate if this product continues to be stocked locally without some sort of indication regarding the products new limitations.
Thanks again to Hal/Bluewater for taking these comments into consideration. If you are able to get stock of the older IMP1 clips, the "Pro-Link Bait Clips" mention above, or a similar product, that would be a bonus.
Posts: 106
Date Joined: 24/02/11
Sorry to rehash this...but
Sorry to rehash this...but that reply from Bluewater just got my goat!
He didn't ask for a refund...all this crap...what?
Its a plain and simple issue here, the item purchased from the store doesn't do what its supposed to without failing. Well, it does...but only with light sinkers (light for the purpose its designed for, i.e. beach, rock etc.)
Thats not a complex situation I would have thought, and he clearly isn't blaming the store for a manufacturing defect or anything, but to say HE NEVER ASKED FOR A REFUND?
I am sure you would not want to take some blokes money for a defective product. Bluewater hasn't become successful by doing that, we all know your rep for quality products and service. Thats why we shop there.
We both know a refund, whether he asked for it or not, for a product that doesn't do what its supposed to is a no brainer. Especially considering the cost of a refund on a packet of Imp clips vs the amount he has spent there over the years on rods, reels, line, terminal tackle etc.
Why wouldn't you OFFER a refund in more the pressing question!
An unhappy (and regular) customer, an apparent defective product, I just don't get it...
Not all who wander are lost...
Posts: 7
Date Joined: 25/04/09
IMP Clips
The IMP clips were originally designed and used in the UK where they tend to use much lighter 'snoods' than we use here in Australia and are also used in other parts of the world.
Consequently, they did have a problem when used with heavier weights/lines, which has been addressed.
If you would care to peruse what Breakawy have posted at: you will see that the first paragraph reads:
"The Imp is a clever little devil, and thats just what it is, a small neat bait clip that fits into the fast link and can be added or removed from rigs during fishing. Since its introduction the Imp has found fame in the U S A. Australia and S.Africa because of this we have modified the fast link to make it stronger so it can cope with 50lb hook lengths and wire snoods. as there is little stretch in heavy snoods the fast links where distorting, we had no problems in the U K as lighter hook lengths are used. All Imps come with a Fast link as Well."
We now know NOT to use these IMP's with heavier gear, as they 'may distort'.
I personally use these items primarily for lighter fishing, but swap to the 'Impact Shields' when using heavier gear.
Mention was made of utilising the 'Clip Pulley' rig. This is appropriate for the IMP's as it distributes the load when casting onto both the hook and sinker 'snoods', thereby reducing the load on the IMP and the potential to 'distort'.
Please feel free to PM me if you would like any help with these items.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Chas, I must be missing
Chas, I must be missing something?
The problem is that the old ones worked (IMP1) and the new ones dont (IMP2). It says that the fast link clip was modified to make it stronger, but then directly below that it mentions that it now has a longer frame. This is what makes it significantly weaker!!
The statement above contradicts itself;
"Consequently, they did have a problem when used with heavier weights/lines, which has been addressed"
"We now know NOT to use these IMP's with heavier gear, as they 'may distort'"
Can you please tell me exactly what is meant by "heavier gear" would this include 4oz sinkers? Exactly what is the maximum weight that should be used with this product? Do you not feel that it would be appropriate for this maximum weight to be displayed on the packet somewhere? Especially considering that the old product was more than capable of casting heavy sinkers, while the new one is not?
I thought this issue was dead, but if people still want to defend this product in its current packaging I think its appropriate to argue the other side.
Theres a simple sollution really though.... just give us back the original product lol
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Bit confused on your comment ( or quote ) Chas.
You state the clip was modified to cope with 50lb hook lengths and wire snoods (whatever 50lb hook length means ? )
But then you Quote ,
We now know NOT to use these IMP's with heavier gear, as they 'may distort'. (Not trying to start an argument mate but please explain )
As far as the debate that continues to go on, the problem is the original clips worked fine with no distortion, then were changed so they could be put togeather more easily, ( again, why arn't they pre assembled )
Now the "new improved clips" continue to fail, wich you claim ." Consequently, they did have a problem when used with heavier weights/lines, which has been addressed"
Sorry mate but your comments make no sense.
What i am going to do is not buy this product anymore and make my own clips. Same as i had to do with grapnel sinkers. Its not rocket science.
This is just my 2 cents worth on this subject and i hope not to offend anyone, but we are the people that spend money on these products , then get the run around when question the quality of products or service from retailers.
Blue Whaler
Posts: 382
Date Joined: 05/10/10
Hi Chas / Adam;(Photo by
Hi Chas / Adam;
(Photo by Reefman / Sealine) This is the idea with a pulley rig / IMP clip.
An example of the pulley rig with a IMP clip. Take note of the sinker size - 6oz. Personally, with a 6oz or bigger - if it has a hook clip on the sinker (as this one does) I would attach my bait hook directly onto the hook clip of the sinker on a pulley rig. Just more that can go wrong with your line, snag, ect ect with the insertion of the IMP clip here.
Personally - I prefer just a wire genie clip as mentioned to Adam.
Every day at the Beach is a Good day!
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
pic hasnt worked for me mate.
pic hasnt worked for me mate. Ill have a look for it on sealine
EDIT: Cheers for that can see it now!
Posts: 7
Date Joined: 25/04/09
IMP Clips
I posted an explanation of sorts that was searched for and located at the manufacturers website. Something I thought would have been done by others before posting on this forum.
Rather than offer all sorts of opinions in these postings, why don't you just contact the manufacturer and ask all those questions that are currently being plastered here.
As a help, I suggest that you email Norman BICKERS at:
I am sure that he will be only too helpful to each and every one of you in answering your questions and resolving your problems.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Chas,Thanks for your
Thanks for your reply.
I feel there are no more questions to be asked. The product has been modified in a way that allows more leveradge in the frame of the product, this has been demonstrated in the photos at the top of this post. It is pretty simple, compare the old frame, a photo of which is avalable through the link provided above by Blou Walvis, with the new frame. The length of the part of the frame to which the clip is attached has been lengthened. Now im no physics wizz, but even I understand this allows for more leveradge, thus allowing the clip to come loose from the frame.
It seems clear this product is now only suitable for a maximum of 3 or 4 oz sinkers, as you have said a pulley rig may slightly increase this limit. But personally I still had failures with a 5oz and pulley rig.
You were kind enough to provide your email address to discuss this further, while I dont feel this is necessary, feel free to pm me if you would like to.
I hope this discussion hasnt come across as having a shot at bluewater. It would be unreasonable of me to expect to walk out with a refund, given I didnt walk in asking for one. Im happy with the way this issue has been handled, so long as people who purchase the product are aware of the difference to the old product, then I see no problem.
Cheers guys,
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
All good Chas
I understand what you are saying chas, I did reserch the site and others, thats why i went to the local tackle shop and grabed 2 packs of IMP 1 .( the only ones i could find )
What i had a problem with was your comment did not make any sense. Seriously read it . ( Hope im not wrong but i have read it about 10 times and still cant understand what you are trying to say. The comment contradict's itself several times. )
Anyway as i said ,when i use up my stock ,i will look at other ways to accomplish the same effect as the IMP clips.
OMO, no offence , Im going fishing,,
Cheers Grant.
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 07/05/11
Correct Use Of Breakaway Imps
After several readings of the posts by Cuthbad I have realised he is using the Imp in a way that was never envisaged by the designers and is contrary to the user diagram that comes with each pack of Imps.

The Imp is meant to be used as a clip to hold the hook and bait behind the sinker under gentle pressure and release same on impact with the water.
What Cuthbad is doing is that he using the Imp as a a mainline clip which is what it is not designed for.
Extract from Cuthbad Post.
"This means that to use these clips the leader to your sinker needs to be longer than the leader to your hook and bait. An added benefit of the clips is that you can use a light leader to your sinker which would break during the force of the cast without the clip. This is because during the cast the sinker is clipped to the hook, so all the weight goes through the hook leader. "
This is wrong, the Imp is not meant to be load bearing as Cuthbad is using it. In fact it is downright dangerous as the Clip which is plastic is not designed to take such loads. Also by using the hook length as the load side means that there is lateral strain on the Imp frame as well. Imp frames are meant to take the load along the frame not laterally.
If Cuthbad wants to use light sinker lengths he should be using a rotten bottom technique.
From what I read in the Fishwrecked forum I believe Cuthbad owes the shop he has criticised a public apology as well as to the Fishwrecked members he has misled.
Breakaway and distributors sell a product on the assumption that it is going to be used as per instructions, a person changing the method of use cannot complain if that use fails.
Graham D Johnson
Breakaway tackle Aust Pty Ltd
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Thanks for your information.
Thanks for your information.
The reason I have been using the product in this way, is because this is the way I was advised to do so by a seperate tackle shop around two years ago. Indeed, when I first visited the shop Bluewater, I began by asking "am I doing something wrong?" which I also did at the start of this forum discussion. No one (untill now), including other forum members, a supplier and the staff in the shop I purchased it from have been able to explain what I was doing wrong.
I believe the reason no one has advised me the way I was using it was wrong, is because this is the way the clip has often been used in Australia, at least among the anglers I know and the shops I have bought it from. Untill the recent modification to the product, this method was quite successfull!
Another reason the clips have been used in this way, is because of the lack of clarity in the instructions on the back. I certainly never interpreted these instructions in the way you have described them. Consider this quote from Hal after he looked at the product and I assume, the instructions;
"what may be, and does appear to be, a flaw in the new product"
It seems im not the only one who missinterpreted the instructions!
Is it advisable to use this product with the pulley rig, as suggested by Chas a supplier of this product above? The pulley rig is also not the way the instructions on the reverse of the pack suggests.
I will not apologise to the shop, as I believe I have been fair in explaining that my criticism was not of the shop, but of the product. If the destributors "sell a product based on the assumption its going to be used as per instructions" they should probably be aware of what those instructions are!
I will also not apologise to the members of fishwrecked.... hey, this is what a fishing forum is for. I started off asking what I was doing wrong, when no one could explain this to me, I came to the conclusion the change in the product was the cause of the problem.
I maintain that if the product (the frame of the clip) had been left the way it was, it would still be suitable for the purpose I (and many others) were using it for. Basically, it used to work for us, now it doesnt.
I will apologise to the producer of the product for calling it useless. I understand exactly what you are saying and will revise my statement. With the modifications made to the product, it is no longer of any use to me!
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 07/05/11
Imps / Impact Shields in Pulley rigs
Breakaway Tackle Development UK information states that Imps and Impact shields should not be used in pulley rigs unless the user is sure of what he is doing.
Imps and Impact Sheilds are not designed as load bearing so care has to taken to minimise the load.
In the 2010 catelogue Breakaway put out this information which covers the use of the above.
In this they clearly state that care should be taken when tying a pulley rig, for me I tie my lead length in full and then tie the hook length. I try to have the hook length no more than 15 MM shoerter than the lead length. This means that line stretch will ese the pressure on the Imp or Impact Shield.
The use of the sliding clip on the lead length and the small swivel in the hook length also allows for lighter breaking strains.
Hope this helps.
Graham D Johnson
Breakaway Tackle Aust Pty Ltd
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
Thanks for that, looks pretty
Thanks for that, looks pretty complicated.
So what your saying is the rig pictured halfway down this link should not be used;
This picture was produced by Reefman who is a very senior and highly respected member of the South African fishing community. The rig pictured used to work with the old IMP clips, but with the new frame the product is no longer cabable of this.
This gets to the heart of the issue. Regardless of what breakaway tackle advise people to do, this clip was being used in a number of ways by a number of people and was performing great! Modifications were made to the product and it is no longer capable of performing those jobs.
I appreciate your point that the pack advises a specific rig for use with the IMP clips. Its just unfortunate that the product used to be capable of so much more than that before the change in the frame.
Posts: 3
Date Joined: 07/05/11
Imp Changes
I cannot see the rig mentioned so I cannot comment.
The initial changes came about due to feedback from users and there is another upgrade on the way
The following has been received from Breakaway UK.
"Breakaway Tackle along with Nigel Forrest has spent the last 38 years designing testing and marketing a large amount of the tackle that is to be seen in sea anglers tackle boxes around the world. In the past few months an increasing amount of criticism has been received and aired on internet forums .This development concerns and worries us as we depend on the goodwill and in-put of anglers to continue to improve our company and its products. We take seriously any criticism and always strive to rectify any problems that exist. The area of concern is the change in the length of the clip that holds the imp, it appears
That it can drop the plastic Imp to the obvious annoyance and cost to the angler. As a product that is sold by the thousands around the world we are concerned that bad publicity will put off anglers who have yet to try this product,
The new clip is made from the same grade wire and is hardened by heat treatment to the same tensile strength as the original smaller clip. We have tested by a straight pull and can break 60lb line without deforming the clip but the clip can start to deflect at about 25lb pressure and then return to its normal conformity.
For its original concept normal type trapped swivel match rigs this is no problem as the amount of pressure placed on the Imp is very small as the rig body of 60-70 lb is much harder to stretch than 20lb hook line. A problem can occur if very heavy hook lengths of braid or wire and mono over about 30lb is employed. Anglers fishing around UK waters would not normally fish heavy rigs like this but anglers in Australia ,South Africa and the USA often do. For Rigs of this type a much stronger bait release is needed like an Impact Shield or Impact Lead or similar
The Imp is also not suitable for use in a Pulley rig tied with equal pressure on lead and hook. All anglers who have complained ,without exception have tied the pulley rig like this."
End Quote
I do not know when stocks will be available but again I reiterate that the Imp is not designed to be used in a way where it is to be subjected to heavy load stresses
Graham D Johnson
Breakaway tackle Aust Pty Ltd
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
As an impartial observer
Anglerman, from your quotes, Breakaway Tackle are receiving feedback from all over that the IMP2 clips are not performing as well as the old ones due to the way they are being used. It seems pretty simple from my point of view to just offer both products?
All you have done is make a change to a product that now makes it inappropriate for use as many of your product users were actually using it. If anglers in the UK dont need the features, then sell them the IMP2 and bring IMP1 back for everyone else.
I think the last thing a company receiving constructive feedback on their product usage should be doing is critisizing their clients on a web forum. Perhaps if 'In the past few months an increasing amount of criticism has been received and aired on internet forums' then you would do well to listen to the people who are using your product to find out how it works for them.
Especially when it looks like you have not taken the time to educate your distributors in the 'correct' usage of the product. Or taken the time to provide adequate instructions on how to use the product. For example: If the only instructions provided with the product is the image you scanned in your earlier comment without any prior knowledge I would be wondering where the hook goes, or If I should just cast a sinker all day.
I had to go to your website to watch to understand.
Instead of telling people their usage of the product is wrong, why not just sell both, offer more versatility, opportunity to make profit etc.
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
"In the past few months an
"In the past few months an increasing amount of criticism has been received and aired on internet forums .This development concerns and worries us as we depend on the goodwill and in-put of anglers to continue to improve our company and its products. We take seriously any criticism and always strive to rectify any problems that exist. The area of concern is the change in the length of the clip that holds the imp, it appears"
Hmmm, so its not just me having a problem with the product.
Are you going to track down all the other people complaining and tell them to apologise as well?
Posts: 166
Date Joined: 02/10/10
Break Away....
What you are getting over the net from your users and in this forum is priceless information on the perception of your product in the market place. Many companies pay thousands to get that information. I wish I could get that information regarding my company that easily. Lap it up - its free!!! Don't get annoyed - give the market what it wants (i.e. get Imp 1 back into this country post haste) and thank everyone who has whinged for letting you know. You are leaving money on the table if you handle it any other way.
Posts: 1342
Date Joined: 05/05/06
Would putting the plastic
Would putting the plastic clip on the opposite way make it stronger?
Bend over
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
it would, but they dont fit.
it would, but they dont fit. The top of them hits the edge of the frame so they arent able to flip back and release the hook
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
Just bumping this thread up
Just bumping this thread up again as i was doing a bit more research, has anyone used any of the products on the attached link with any success?
just trying to gain some extra yards while casting from 4-6oz weights with bait.
Flat stick
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 27/04/13
This is much simpler
Just use a curtain hook from Bunnings and screw it into the top of your sinker. Works just as well.
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
Posts: 501
Date Joined: 09/07/10
Flat stick
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 27/04/13
Just remove the plastic and
Just remove the plastic and bend them open a bit. Best case is that the hook slips off just before the bait hits the water. If you don't bend them open the hook will stay attached to the sinker which you don't want to happen.