new PB Bream
after last weekends fishing efforts, 6 hrs for 1 butter fish from the rocks, i was a little disalusioned but with the nice weather today, a crap week at work and the gf suggesting a quick arvo fish i figured what could i lose.
had a look on google maps for a spot in the river close to home and grabbed some bait n was down by 430, an glad i did! was slow to start but with consistant smaller bites,no hookups, few hook changes flicking around trying to find the bigger fish till i caught this guy.
didnt measure him but roughly 20ish, on a strip if mulie. short bit of time with nothing more happening and in an effort to use up the bait threw on a whole prawn, barely a minute later and a fairly solid thump and the rod loaded up. a strong but nerve wracking fight later and i carefully landed my new pb.
36cm and fat 2 woulda been 5-6cms across, not big by some others standards but i was pretty stoked. got him on 8lb braid and had the drag up tight so he didnt pull much line but the weight of him made me nervous enough to wind it back once i new id made some gound n got him out of the snags. released him well and baited up again, got another good hit but no hooked then nothing for another 15 before i called it quits.
cheers for reading
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Solid Bream, looks in top
dj dvd
Posts: 237
Date Joined: 27/03/12
Nice work. Nothing like a
Nice work. Nothing like a relaxing afternoon fishing by the river. Especially when it's windy
Born to Fish/Forced to Work.
Posts: 5981
Date Joined: 17/06/10
Well done
Good fight good looking fish great feeling on releasing it to fight again. Have you had a good day or what, and thoughtful gf who read your mood and kicked you out for a relaxing fish.
Posts: 213
Date Joined: 26/11/13
Yeh he looked healthy, even
Yeh he looked healthy, even felt the ground shake when his tail thumped as he took of in the shallows near my feet haha he had some power dont no how u guys do it on 4lb and less! Was beautiful down the river to, nice protected spot barely any wind just a nice breeze. Yep shes a good girl and she was spot on, improved my mood ten fold, sometimes all ya need is to get out there.
Posts: 6
Date Joined: 05/01/12
Good report and a nice fish
Good report and a nice fish there well done.
Even if its an hr spent relaxing havng a fish its worth it!
Posts: 387
Date Joined: 28/01/13
Nice catch mate. I think my
Nice catch mate. I think my PB is 32cm so you're one up on me. Sometimes I don't believe these 40cm+ bream exist!
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Same here
Posts: 213
Date Joined: 26/11/13
My previous pb was 33cm,
My previous pb was 33cm, from up around guildford. But yeh I was thinking the same I just cant picture a snappersized bream. But ive had a taste now so ive gotta get out and try get a 40+ haha.
Posts: 387
Date Joined: 28/01/13
I saw a 47cm bream that Steve
I saw a 47cm bream that Steve Correia caught using mussels around Claremont area. Absolute horse of a bream. I dare say that was (and probably still is) his PB
Posts: 213
Date Joined: 26/11/13
jeezus, a fish that big
jeezus, a fish that big wouldve been around longer than alot of us. might need a big more practice before i manage something like that, so far i think ive just been lucky
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Yeah, I saw that too on The
Yeah, I saw that too on The Water or something similar. I remember seeing a photo of a 60cm odd one from Kalbarri in random images a while ago
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
Seen a few pictures of the
Seen a few pictures of the Bream caught in Lake Clifton. My father in law and brother in law were there near the start. Some massive bream were caught down there.
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 03/12/13
Yeah the Bream coming out of
Yeah the Bream coming out of Lake Clifton were beauties but they had been in there for years with no fishing pressure as apart from the guys who put them in there no one else knew about them. The lake was first stocked in 1947 and people only realised there were fish in there in 1996 when the walkway was built, word soon spread and two weeks of fantastic fishing occurred until Fisheries found out about it and closed it down. I saw Fishing Australia on the weeked and it showed Rob Paxavanous fishing for Bream in another salt lake down Esperance way which must have also been illegally stocked.
Posts: 213
Date Joined: 26/11/13
wouldve been great to be in
wouldve been great to be in on that! is fishing not allowed there now?
Posts: 790
Date Joined: 25/05/12
Grew up fishing the swan
Grew up fishing the swan from guildford to maylands either with my old man or ride my bike down with all my fishing gear we used too get big blacks all the time biggest was caught pissfarting around with a whitebait on gangs and handliine ..cast out 1st piilon at Guildford rd bridge and barley floated down and I was on would of gone 45cm atleast and a sweet fight on the handliine
but I think the chemical spills and the lack of care for the river has killed off a few of the big bream up that way all I catch now is sub 30s
alot of juviees around which is a good sign but not like 15 years ago no way
Posts: 49
Date Joined: 26/10/11
Nice fish always beats work
Nice fish always beats work
Fishing n 4x4