NEW rods from Oceans Legacy


A couple of new ones just dropped from Oceans Legacy!

The NEW "FOCAL" range of spin rods are extremely versatile, with three models; PE2 at 7"2', PE3 at 7"4', and PE4 at 7"6'. These rods have been designed to suit a number of different styles of fishing such as flicking soft plastics, casting and working stickbaits, and could be used drifting baits down for snapper etc...

Also NEW to the Market are some heavier models in the popular Adrenalin Deep Game series of jigging rods. The new models are PE5-10 rated and 5" in length. These come in both spin and overhead, and would be ideal for jigging super deep water, or just to stop those XXL Sambos, Kingfish, Doggies etc..



A small store with a big heart.

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Dreamtime's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 21/09/09

How much

Fri, 2019-10-25 18:51

 Some prices would be good

Posts: 146

Date Joined: 14/11/10


Fri, 2019-10-25 19:58

Prices would be good...

Southside boating and fishing's picture

Posts: 136

Date Joined: 12/04/19

 Hi guys sorry about that

Mon, 2019-10-28 10:40

 Hi guys sorry about that which prices where you after?

We don't always put up prices as we have had another store complain that customers are taking our prices to them with the less 10% discount and asking them to price match as the price is visable in a post . So to keep peace we provide prices as requested.


A small store with a big heart.

Posts: 296

Date Joined: 27/05/11

You are too kind. I would

Mon, 2019-10-28 22:25

You are too kind. I would call it competition.

You are a site sponsor and unless it is against the agreement you have with this site or the distributer, can't see why this is wrong. After all, it is the other shops choice if they honour the 10% discount or not. Agreeing with a competitor to not compete in the open market in this manner may be considered collusion. Just some thoughts.

Southside boating and fishing's picture

Posts: 136

Date Joined: 12/04/19

 That is very true .Cheers

Tue, 2019-10-29 08:30

 That is very true .

Cheers for understanding . The less 10% is something we do out of good faith for you guys it is not part of an agreement so other stores complaining is not a big issue for us but if we can avoid it we try our best.


A small store with a big heart.