Outboard cowling damage

Hi all,

During last Mondays stormy weather, I had a solid object hit my outboard causing some scratches and gashes. Being fibreglass, can a smash repairer tackle this problem?
Decals can be obtained directly from Yamaha.

Thank you


Broady's picture

Posts: 130

Date Joined: 16/01/13

Fiberglass or plastic?

Sat, 2014-07-12 08:35

I thought the cowlings were plastic, if so a motorcycle repairer who can repair fairing with plastic welding may be able to help.  Will watch the thread with interest because I have a crack in mine as well...

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 Nah. Glass. Cheapest way is

Sat, 2014-07-12 08:40

 Nah. Glass. Cheapest way is to just put a cowl cover over the top.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 315

Date Joined: 07/05/11

Yamaha place at wangara

Sat, 2014-07-12 09:11

 Got my genuine one there and he was well priced for cover 


 Baron Sportsman

Just the depth that Varies