"Post your photos - part 2"

Seeing as though the last thread was getting to big i thought i would start a fresh one.... post away guys...


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

Star Trails over the Estuary

Wed, 2009-09-23 17:22

Swamp's picture

Posts: 121

Date Joined: 10/03/09

Some of my favourites, taken

Wed, 2009-09-23 18:52

Some of my favourites, taken with a ricoh 5mp point and shoot 



The last was in Yak fisher magazine and won me a subscription 




Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

3 questions. 1. is the 3rd

Wed, 2009-09-23 21:25

3 questions.

1. is the 3rd pic of a banjo shark?

2. is it alive?

3. if it is how the hell u catch it?

ps that last photo is awesome and thats a very nice fishy

Swamp's picture

Posts: 121

Date Joined: 10/03/09

1. Yes2.

Wed, 2009-09-23 21:43

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Snorkeling at Rotto saw it on the bottom so i dived down and grabbed it. Let it go after the pic




Posts: 809

Date Joined: 01/05/09

hahaha nice.. good job

Wed, 2009-09-23 21:56

hahaha nice.. good job

Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

nice work mate, love the

Wed, 2009-09-23 19:14

nice work mate, love the shovelnose pic!

Posts: 401

Date Joined: 01/02/09


Wed, 2009-09-23 19:33

What software do you use to edit your shots.

Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

photoshop, adobe lightroom,

Wed, 2009-09-23 19:36

photoshop, adobe lightroom, picasa

Posts: 401

Date Joined: 01/02/09

photoshop 7.0

Wed, 2009-09-23 19:50

I have photoshop 7.0. Is lightroom, picasa different and where can I purchase it.

kaney68's picture

Posts: 401

Date Joined: 29/07/08

Picasa is free...

Wed, 2009-09-23 19:58

Picasa is a free download



Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08


Thu, 2009-09-24 13:36

Kalgoorlie Superpit at night, reworked in Adobe Lightroom

kaney68's picture

Posts: 401

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Air Race

Thu, 2009-09-24 15:27

As p!ssed off as I was with the State Govt handing NSW Rally Aus on a gold platter, I still can't come to terms with the Red Bull Air Race as a replacement...

Good TV vision is really all it's worth IMO....

Anyway, here's a couple of images from last year's event.


Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

awesome shots mate, love the

Thu, 2009-09-24 15:33

awesome shots mate, love the first one!

Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

i probably should get off my

Thu, 2009-09-24 16:06

i probably should get off my arse and do some work instead of posting photos... but anyway heres another...

Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

Date Joined: 23/10/07

Cool colours Sheldon

Thu, 2009-09-24 16:25

You guys sure take some awesome pics.


Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime http://fishwrecked-reeltime.com/

Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08


Mon, 2009-09-28 19:09

Here is another ive been working on. 3 Image Stitch. HDR with Photomatix (3 x single RAW shot). Adjusted in Lightroom.

Bluebonefamily's picture

Posts: 218

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Yanchep Sunset

Tue, 2009-09-29 08:07

Took a few shots of the sunset at Yanchep


Member of Cockburn Power Boats Association

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Well my trip down to

Thu, 2009-10-01 09:32

Well my trip down to Denmark/Albany was mainly a fishing but i also had in the back of my mind to try some hdr pics for the first time.

Im not usually a fan of unatural looking hdr so while processing them i tryed to keep them as natural as poss while giving good colour

CC welcome but please go easy as its my first time lol ;)


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Posts: 3246

Date Joined: 15/08/09

Excuse my ignorance

Thu, 2009-11-05 17:09

what does HDR stand for. Undecided

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

couple more :)

Thu, 2009-10-01 13:26

couple more :)


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

nice work mate, where abouts

Thu, 2009-10-01 13:40

nice work mate, where abouts did ya stay in albany and denmark?

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Cheers mate, i stayed with a

Thu, 2009-10-01 13:53

Cheers mate, i stayed with a mate for 2 days then 2 days at the waterfront at the inlet in denmark. Went to Albany for a day trip :) Love holidays ;)


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



GusG's picture

Posts: 547

Date Joined: 07/04/08

Nice pics Mark.  You gotta

Thu, 2009-10-01 14:02

Nice pics Mark.  You gotta love a holiday in that part of the world.  Best around I reckon.  How was the fishing?

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

cheers, yeah fished around

Thu, 2009-10-01 14:08

cheers, yeah fished around elephant rocks and green pools. Lots of KG;s , flathead, skippy etc. Will post up a thread soon :)


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

i thought you might have

Thu, 2009-10-01 14:10

i thought you might have stayed at the waterfront, the bridge and paperbarks in the inlet looked very familier haha, good spot that one i reckon, here is a shot i got from the balcony of our room,


How did you do your HDR, with RAW or bracketing?

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Did them with bracketing and

Thu, 2009-10-01 14:24

Did them with bracketing and jpeg :)


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

ahh the proper way haha well

Thu, 2009-10-01 14:33

ahh the proper way haha well done mate good job for first attempt

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Little bit to much

Thu, 2009-10-01 14:57

Little bit to much prossesing here but dont mind it


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

just going thru some old

Sun, 2009-10-04 19:46

just going thru some old photos

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

(No subject)

Mon, 2009-10-05 09:39


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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(No subject)

Mon, 2009-10-05 09:39


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

(No subject)

Mon, 2009-10-05 09:40


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



WODF's picture

Posts: 553

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Very cool.

Mon, 2009-10-05 20:08

Some of those HDR shots are wicked! Keep it up guys.

PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

Date Joined: 16/05/07

Couple of recent shots, playing with pannas now

Tue, 2009-10-06 09:18

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

great pics, would love to

Mon, 2009-10-12 19:50

great pics, would love to take shots like those,the second one is best imo


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

(No subject)

Wed, 2009-10-07 12:23


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

last nights sunset

Wed, 2009-10-07 20:02

last nights sunset

crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Love the last one Sheldon

Mon, 2009-10-12 14:01

There is even a Fish V in the picture!



"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Pics from rocky pools

Mon, 2009-10-12 12:43

Pics from rocky pools yesterday ....


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

Date Joined: 16/05/07

you can see that your

Mon, 2009-10-12 13:53

you can see that your starting to get a hang of the software marc

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Cheers Brad, yep and gee its

Mon, 2009-10-12 14:06

Cheers Brad, yep and gee its addictive lol. I fell asleep at my computer last night and woke up at 3.00am lol


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Couple shots from freo

Mon, 2009-10-12 14:08

Couple shots from freo prison...


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

(No subject)

Mon, 2009-10-12 14:09


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

Date Joined: 16/05/07

yep it is very addictive hey

Mon, 2009-10-12 14:59

yep it is very addictive hey

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

Just a Few i Have taken on a point and shot Camera

Mon, 2009-10-12 19:27




RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Bluebonefamily's picture

Posts: 218

Date Joined: 15/08/09

Love the frogs.  We have

Sat, 2009-10-24 10:34

Love the frogs.  We have motorbike frogs in our pond.  They tend to hang around more in summer.  I have not been able to get a good pic of them yet as there are so many leaves in the way.


Member of Cockburn Power Boats Association

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

we have got heaps in and

Sat, 2009-10-24 22:30

we have got heaps in and around our pool and garden, and we have had those motorbike frogs as well , noisy things


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

just a birdy pic with a

Mon, 2009-10-12 20:28

just a birdy pic with a basic camera nothing special but thought i would chuck it up.

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

what sort of bird apart from

Mon, 2009-10-12 20:33

what sort of bird apart from ugly but cute in its own way


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

kat said dont pick on her

Mon, 2009-10-12 20:34

kat said dont pick on her baby, its a blue indian ringneck about a week and half old.

agree about the ugly but cute part hahaha

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

not picking on her , just

Mon, 2009-10-12 20:58

not picking on her , just the bird Tongue outLaughing,


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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(No subject)

Wed, 2009-10-14 16:32

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

a few more feathers

Sun, 2009-11-08 15:05

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

apparently the call it blue pastel???

Sun, 2009-11-08 15:06

Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

that  bird is wicked!  

Wed, 2009-10-14 18:07

that  bird is wicked!


mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

hahaha, yeah the last pic

Wed, 2009-10-14 18:09

hahaha, yeah the last pic was just thrown up to show someone how to add a pic, the bird is so cute but so ugly at the same time hahaha, its amazing how quick they grow etc

Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

Date Joined: 12/08/08

did you buy him/her or bred?

Wed, 2009-10-14 18:21

did you buy him/her or bred?

mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05

not sure on sex yet, i got

Wed, 2009-10-14 18:24

not sure on sex yet, i got it from a friend only a week old

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Couple of my car from last

Fri, 2009-10-23 12:38

Couple of my car from last night


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Couple pics fron AQUA on the

Fri, 2009-10-23 12:39

Couple pics fron AQUA on the weekend. It was dam hard to get the focus right and not get flash bounce back into lens. These shots worked ok for ISO 800....


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

(No subject)

Fri, 2009-10-23 12:40


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

Date Joined: 14/06/07

some of the stuff I

Sun, 2009-10-25 11:14

some of the stuff I shoot,

when I get back to Perth I'll post up some deep sky pics and comet pics etc.


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

Date Joined: 14/06/07

I try not to process my pics

Sun, 2009-10-25 11:32

I try not to process my pics these days, bit of a purest at heart, maybe cause I learn t on old fashion film and in a dark-room...lol too many kids these days take an average picture and then "hot it up" with photoshop. Each to their own, as they say.

my weapons of choice..


the telescopes replace my lens, and used in prime-focal position give maximum light gathering. I have seen award winning shots done with a 2megapixel old camera on a quality glass lens. Most of these pics where taken either in film using a Pentax SLR body ( solar eclipse ones) or with a Nikon 4500 digital camera & lens adapter ( 4 megapixels) for others.


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

Maverick's picture

Posts: 1260

Date Joined: 06/06/06


Sun, 2009-10-25 12:37

This page takes foreva to load how about dropping the size of your pics or just put a link to photo bucket etc.



 OFW member 088 

 Sponsored by no one and I work for myself so my comments are my own.

Tony Halliday's picture

Posts: 2500

Date Joined: 14/06/07

naaaa size counts and you

Sun, 2009-10-25 13:04

naaaa size counts and you can wait a minute or two for the top quality images ... lol


Tony Halliday: ~Meals on Reels ~

 It takes a strong fish to swim against the current. Even a dead one can float with it

"It is always in season for old men to learn." Aeschylus (525-456 BC)

"In a mad world only the mad are sane." Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998)

tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Some pics of my bro's band

Tue, 2009-10-27 11:53

Some pics of my bro's band (chainsaw hookers). Took these pics saturday..


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

Here you go guys , spread

Thu, 2009-11-05 15:52

Here you go guys , spread the word.....



My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

pics from the weekend...

Thu, 2009-11-12 16:04

pics from the weekend...


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/



tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

(No subject)

Thu, 2009-11-12 16:04


My photography pictures... http://westernhorizonsmedia.wordpress.com/