Propeller & prop shaft damaged...

 Hi all,

Was out on the swan on wed and prop has hit something in the water, it has destroyed the propeller and looks to have slightly bent the prop shaft which was noticable once i removed the propeller once at boat ramp. I have been reading countless forums on what could have happened the $$$$$$ factor and how to repair. Does anyone know where i could get the shaft repaired as i have read this is possible i will be pulling it apart next week to asses further but will be replacing bearings and seals once the shaft is out!!

Any help or advice would be appreciated to get a start....

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Date Joined: 18/01/12

if you are insured it will be

Thu, 2014-10-02 23:07

if you are insured it will be covered?

But (as a machinist/marine engineer) I cant see how the shaft can be accurately straightened at home.

And in a workshop the time taken would be barely worth it against labour-you dont say what outboard but a F115 shaft from is under $300+ a bit of freight?

Given that much of the labour will also be in stripping and resetting the preload on the bearings-not worth it.

On the other hand if its a cheap old 9.9hp dunga, you could try just giving it a smack with a rubber mallet in the right direction and maybe get some of it out-worst case? Find a second hand box (I got one for my 9.9 for $50)


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Arthur Page in Rockingham.

Fri, 2014-10-03 04:11

Arthur Page in Rockingham.



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G'day Hoops If it is a thru

Fri, 2014-10-03 18:27

G'day Hoops
If it is a thru hull shaft - get a new one - they can never straighten. A stainless shaft properly - to get a new one made isn't as bad as you may think
I hit something a few years back in the river -looking at the black marks left on the hull we think it was a tyre - completely bummed the prop and bent the shaft - bad day that was!

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I would think there are several ways to check

Fri, 2014-10-03 18:36

I'm no mech but i think maybe the folloing would apply

- drop the lower gearbox/leg and see if the bent shaft extends beyond the lower gearbox and into the upper.

If it is bent, hopefully its just the lower.

Alot easier to replace and cheaper.......


PS did i tell you i have a bravo two lower gearbox in mint condition with prop ???




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Hi fella's, Cheers for all

Sat, 2014-10-04 22:50

Hi fella's,


Cheers for all the info. forgot to add the motor type its a 2006 Honda BF115 outboard.

Muppet i wish i had a bravo now!! i am going to drop the leg when home from work fingers crossed it is only the lower end.

If it turns into a mess i will contact arthur page cheers aaasnapper for that heads up!!!


Anyone know of anyone with a spare lower leg for one of these i might be able to salvage some parts from haha...wishful thinking



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Schematic and parts

Sun, 2014-10-05 07:26

Edit: the above is for an BF115A6 2006, just go back to 2006 for all the models if this is incorrect.

See above for the parts schematics.  Several issues here, if the shaft is bent I think this will be a bridge to far for a home job and if insured as others have said it would be worth going down that road.  1, So you got the prop off, but behind that is the bearing carrier assembly, this will need to be removed with a puller and if the shaft isnt straight it can be lots of fun with heat(Drain the G/Box First) and tries with the puller.  2,  Once you get it out, you might need to take it somewhere like embleton engineering to have it straightened unless you can measure how far out of whack the shaft is and have a full mechanical wshop. Or as Rob said you can buy one for about $270 + postage. 3, its worth inspecting and replacing any damaged bearings, oil seals, orings, thrust washers etc, 4, getting the gearbox pressure tested might be a good idea also.

In my mind definately a job for a trained mechanic and its better if you give them the whole donk because then once the g/box is repaired (if it can be) they can reassemble and test.  If they just have the leg then all they can do is put it together and hope for the best when you put it back on.

Honda dealer in perth is Dinghy World on Canning Hwy.


Posts: 5821

Date Joined: 18/01/12

definitely good advice. Im a

Sun, 2014-10-05 07:28

definitely good advice. Im a marine engineer and its fairly specialized setting up the preloads similar to differentials-myself Id leave it to someone who does it regularly.
Plus there are some special tools required.
Could probably get away with it on a 9.9 but these gearboxes carry a lot of power so the tooth contact needs to be correct.
Remember if you strip it and screw it up you have little or no chance of claiming it-$2K+ for a box.


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hoops are you insured ??I

Mon, 2014-10-06 18:28

hoops are you insured ??

I bent the bottom leg shaft and prop years ago on my motor , had to surf the boat in at canal boat ramp as best as I could on a big swell 3+ metres
not recommended !!

western QBE looked at it back in millard marines workshop , no probs on the claim fixed and paid in full in one week

I agree with the boys above too much pressure/reliance on your motor to not have a professional repair it



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Mon, 2014-10-06 22:09

Hezzy, you should know better than launch from Canal rocks when the swell is above 2.5 metres. Its nearly always the same result, I have been dumped more than once there and its not a nice feeling with your catch being washed out over the stern of the dinghy and an even bigger wave coming in next to finish the job.

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[Hezzy, you should know

Mon, 2014-10-06 22:25

[Hezzy, you should know better than launch from Canal rocks when the swell is above 2.5 metres. ]

yeh john , thing is it was at about 2 metres when we went out at 5 am ,forecast was for it to ease .... bs by 2.30pm it had lifted well & truly up to at least 3 metres or more ,
with not enough fuel to go around the cape, and only being in a 5.3 metre ally boat with the sea breeze blowing its head off we didn't have much choice , short of if there had of been a spare mooring to tie onto overnight till it dropped at canal

so it was surf it in as best I could , minor damage was a good result one of those days you don't forget easily lol



OFW 11

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 Thanks for all the info guys

Mon, 2014-10-06 20:39

 Thanks for all the info guys appreciated, sounds like will be a big job for me to do at home think will leave it to the guns!!

I am insured so when i get home from work i will book it in with a honda dealer and go from There hopefully all is good and this can be sorted in good time.

Sucks when the unexpected happens on the water!!