Recfishwest calls for new members
Recfishwest calls for new members
Recfishwest today called on recreational fishers in Western Australia to get behind their peak body and join up now.
Recfishwest is now celebrating its 10th birthday in September, and is the peak body representing recreational fishers in Western Australia.
"Recreational fishing is one of the most significant activities in this state with about 1/3 of the adult population fishing at least once a year. It is worth around $700 million a year to our economy and many regional centres rely on recreational fishing as the basis of their tourism industries." said Mr Frank Prokop, Executive Director of Recfishwest.
Recfishwest is recognised as one of the most successful peak bodies for recreational fishing in the world, having been responsible for pro-active management measures ranging from Wilson Inlet snapper to barramundi management in the Ord River.
"Recfishwest has a long and successful record of initiating change and working with the Department of Fisheries and successive Ministers on a wide range of issues." Mr Prokop said. "We have done this with a small membership base and dedicated volunteer board members to date."
"With the implementation of the wetline review and the need for more timely management of the recreational sector, Recfishwest has been set a challenge by government to greatly increase its membership so that its ability to speak for recreational fishers is reinforced."
Minister for Fisheries, Jon Ford acknowledged the input of Recfishwest but added, "The government has recently set Recfishwest the challenge to dramatically increase their membership in order to secure future funding for the organisation. It is important that the recreational sector makes a direct commitment to the peak body."
Recfishwest is taking up the Minister's challenge and is calling on all recreational fishers to join their peak body. Mr Prokop said that Recfishwest had done something constructive for every single recreational fisher in recent times. Recfishwest needs at least 1000 members by early next year.
"It is time for the recreational fishers of this state to decide if they want a group to act in their best interests - our future is in their hands." Mr Prokop said. "It is time for recreational fishers to make a small investment in their fishing future, otherwise the peak body might not exist."
"Membership costs only $20 for a calendar year. We have negotiated with Halco lures to send new members a special limited edition colour Laser Pro 45 lure (while stocks last) which makes a membership even better value." Mr Prokop concluded.
Media Contact
Frank Prokop, Executive Director - Recfishwest 9246 3366 or 0419 949 118.
Beavering away in the background......
Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future.
You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?
Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us.
For $20, you can join by post, by phone 9264 3366, by email , in person, or fill in a website form. See
Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with - you may give new details which will change Recfishwest's decision.
You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out when Recfishwest is ignored.
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