Shorter Fishing Tripod
Submitted by kknlk on Tue, 2013-12-03 11:43
There's some who use tripods at places like Triggs but they typically are high so that you sit and fish. I was wondering about building one just about 1 metre high with a platform to stand on. Has anyone seen something like that? Just wondering about getting bowled over but if the waves just go past the legs on the bigger one there ought not to be a problem for a shorter one. What do you think?
Posts: 2925
Date Joined: 27/12/06
I wonder how an aluminium step ladder would go? would have to find some flattish reef
maybe a bit more water drag than a tripod, not that they were guaranteed stable
Posts: 247
Date Joined: 27/08/11
Shouldn't in theory be an
Shouldn't in theory be an issue. The drag from the legs (if low enough diameter) should be fine with the mass of a person on top. Just be mindful of a wave catching the seat or your body then it will be game over I imagine. The other thing to consider is the 'splay of the legs'..nothing kinky, but the larger the surface area they cover the greater balance you should have. Slightly different application but I fish with my surf rods on a tripod and it can smashed by waves and not affect stability.
just dhu it
Posts: 1081
Date Joined: 14/05/09
Mini tripod
Many years ago I was a member of the surf casting angling club , I had a full size tripod and fished Triggs a lot other members had made up a reef stand in 25 mm tube , the top was about 1200 mm in diameter with mesh welded on top , then had three legs , that were remove able about 900 long and small square plates on the bottom of the legs , just clip the legs in and carry out the reefs edge and stand on top and fish away, these were great for Rotto trips and local reefs .