so now they want us to work untill we are 70

so PM abbot and treasure Hocky want us to work until we are 70, my bet is neither of them will work until they are 70, until they are 70 they will just have there snouts in there super fund and ex poly benefit's , the age increase is bullshit if any thing it should be lowered men and women that have done there 30 to 40 years in the Pilbara have build this state and country, you only have to look at the skin of any NW veteran to see what happens when you spend your life up there .

dumper's picture

Posts: 1027

Date Joined: 03/04/08

 Aren't you retired?

Mon, 2014-04-28 20:29

 Aren't you retired?

Posts: 2946

Date Joined: 03/03/10

yes i am

Mon, 2014-04-28 20:32

I am but self funded not entitled to bugger all

scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

Have you arrested simon peterfy yet?

Mon, 2014-04-28 20:32

Tell us again the breaking news on the NW property market. 


You shoulda put the blackarse in a tank, it would've grown the 2mm and been sized by now. 


Youre already retired so what's the diff??

bradz's picture

Posts: 693

Date Joined: 29/10/07


Mon, 2014-04-28 20:50

They were never saying you have to work until 70... You just can't get the pension until 70. There is nothing to stop you working until 60, grab your super, and then get the pension later.

Anyway, now it's off the agenda for a few years until the next election.

As for dry skin, have you seen what sitting in an air conditioned office for 8 hours per day does :)


I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.

hilly9's picture

Posts: 282

Date Joined: 13/10/12

Give them a few years those

Mon, 2014-04-28 20:59

Give them a few years those super laws will change and you won't be able to access it until later. That's why unless you plan on retiring within 10 years max in my opinion I'd be very wary about putting extra money into super.

Posts: 544

Date Joined: 10/03/11


Mon, 2014-04-28 21:08

Before the election the Libs. were saying the pensions wont be under review but now their looking at fiddling around with it. How do you know a pollie is lying? His lips are moving. Bloody liars.

Simon C's picture

Posts: 801

Date Joined: 01/05/07

I will bite

Mon, 2014-04-28 21:11

Ok Pete its a slow night and I havent been fishing for too long but here is my take

If you have worked in the NW for 30-40 years and have not spent all your money on piss, fast cars, loose women, overseas trips etc and have done even some modest investment during that time then you can probably step aside at 55 - 60 and never have to work again if you choose, and all the more power to ya(even moreso if you have a smart missus who also worked). BUT - that retirement age(65) was set many moons ago when the average aussie male was in a pine box by 72 -75. THey paid tax their whole life and in return the government paid them a pissant amount for 5-10 years before they dropped dead. The average aussie male I would guess 50 years ago was also more likely to work in a physical job or trade that meant their body was well rooted by then - just looking around at my old mans mates and rellies who are all 70+ and whilst they are mentally great their bodies are stuffed(they are all farmers so explains a bit). I for one would like to get to 60, be healthy and think I have 5-10years of being in my prime for work, having raised and educated kids, paid off the house, enjoyed myself immensly between 30 and 50 and once the kids turn 18 throw myself into a project that I love, so its not really work any more - but thats just my dream. Tony Abbott is just being real, retirement age has not kept up with life expectancy, and  there is still huge gap before super catches up to allow someone to retire on it. Had ruddy and co kept the purse strings closed this may not have been as big an issue, but I will admire Tony  if he breaks some promises  and makes some decisions that are right, not that are popular because unless someone does our kids may not grow up in quite so lucky a country. Hawke did it, keating did it and Howard did it early in his reign(not in the last three years they were piss weak), it takes courage and I hope for our kids sake that Tony has the nuts and conviction.

milsey's picture

Posts: 1462

Date Joined: 22/08/07


Mon, 2014-04-28 23:24


Posts: 1535

Date Joined: 30/12/08

Work as long as you can

Mon, 2014-04-28 21:19

 I intend to work as long as I physically can be that 65 70 or 75 does not matter to me. Work is good for you. I am not looking for the tax payer to help me out.

 For the young peoples future.. the entitlement days are going and the sooner the better.

 We all know how to set ourselve up for our old age..and if you fail to do this then dont expect the working people of tomorrow to pull you out of the shit.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15048

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Yep I'm the same Wayne. I

Mon, 2014-04-28 21:58

 Yep I'm the same Wayne. I actually love my job and my w/shop, so will probably only semi retire. I've seen it so many times that guys retire and they are dead the next year because it's such a radical change I think mentally as well as physically. But I'll keep slamming dough into my super because the pension is crap and I intend to have a comfortable older life if I'm still here lol.


Love the West!

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

The laws/rules regarding superannuation

Mon, 2014-04-28 21:42

You can just about guarantee that the superannuation laws/rules etc will change at least 3 more times in the next 10 years so I wouldn't get all excited about the proposed changes now.
What also has to be kept in mind is (I believe) the changes must be passed through the senate, and it is there that the big question mark sits, what will the senate make of the proposed changes ?

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Funny how I can tell a thread

Mon, 2014-04-28 22:22

Funny how I can tell a thread is going to be by petermac just by reading the title...


MandurahMatt's picture

Posts: 613

Date Joined: 18/09/13

 Shark culling, Religion and

Mon, 2014-04-28 23:44

 Shark culling, Religion and Politics!!!!

so any way I got my first Jig caught Snapper the other day, went 62cm on a vexed 80gr demersal jig that I rigged my self n put a little rubber Occy skirt thing over the assist hooks. 


 Bewdey Fellaz

Dale's picture

Posts: 7930

Date Joined: 13/09/05

 I'm 53 now and my body is

Tue, 2014-04-29 07:36

 I'm 53 now and my body is shot. I had a career change into OH&S but once you fall out of that at this age it's tough to get back in and that's where I am now. The Rabbit and Big Joe will be retired and on a cushy pension by 60 living more comfortably than any of us can even dream about. Who is going to give a job to a 60 year old anyway? This government is making a bad situation a whole lot worse.



"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."

Mr Wolf



scubafish's picture

Posts: 964

Date Joined: 15/08/12

Famous saying 2014

Tue, 2014-04-29 09:00

"That's Just the Way it is These days"
People that say this need a good slap.
It's only this way because we let it happen!
Warning :if your super fund goes belly up(& the CEO pisses of with all your money) do you think the Gov will Bail them out ?


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18091

Date Joined: 11/03/08

more focus is needed on those

Tue, 2014-04-29 09:12

more focus is needed on those younger ones and some older ones that just sit back and live on welfare instead of getting out there and working for their money. i have 2 kids that do just that. they say they cant get a job , load of crap. let the older ones retire as by 65yo most have got some medical probs that would stop them working longer than that .  get the younger ones working like they should be.


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

uncle's picture

Posts: 9509

Date Joined: 10/02/07

can't agrue with that Russ

Tue, 2014-04-29 09:55

spot on


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs