Something to think about
Just a comment re the post by fishermanpat and the following negative comments about him fishing responsibly and about "farming the spots" etc, first off I am not one who posted any negatvie coment infact good on him for taking his bag limit and no more. what is bothering me though is this, me and a mate have another mate who runs an unnamed tackle shop in mandurah he tells us of a particular customer who comes in the shop, he tells him he has caught 35 dhui's in 7 weeks that is an average of 5 dhui's per week all between 8 and 20 kilo's that in my estimations is pushing the boundries in fishing responsibly I mean who the hell needs 5 Dhui's a week of that size? apparently he went out with a couple of other boats tied them all together to drift the same spot, this is bullshit IMO so whilst we have knobheads like this in our midst's people like fishermanpat need to be applauded he's not a problem or a threat to the fish populations it's the aforementiond knobheads who are the threat. If everyonne fished responsibly like fishermanpat then we wouldn't have the problem we have now granted they are only taking there bag limits but c'mon enough is enough. I'll probably get attacked for this post but that's how I feel
Thats my rant
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Good point
You make a good point thou fishy fingers. They weren't necessarily negative comments about Pat's catch, they were in relation to farming your spots and taking care of your own fishing patch, rather than outright saying, you shat in your own nest by removing your spot of all its good fish.
It is a very fine line that we tread when emotions are expressed over a decent catch of fish. It varies between those that are conservative in their catches and what they keep, some which are jealous over others catches and those which are expressing concern and trying to do the right thing which in a round about way got misconstrued with being an attack on Pat's catch.
There are so many different type of fisherman out there its hard to define them all. All that can really be said is that if it is within the bag limit and he is within his possession limit at home, then there is nothing more that can be said within the law. It comes down to the own persons morals and their fishing ethos and all we can do is express our own opinion, which will likely result in a 'f*** off mate' from the person involved based upon the stereotype of those sort of fisherman I have met at the boat ramps over the last year.
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fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
If it's true
I have come to the conclusion that he either eats an awful lot of fish or he gives an awful lot away to family and freinds or and this is the worst he sells it on the black market or he has way over his posession limits at home in his freezer. Like I said if it's true and I cant confirm it maybe the fisheries could spend a bit of time at the ramps down that way and if they come across him regularly maybe visit his home.
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Jamie Chester
Posts: 66
Date Joined: 12/11/06
Possession limit??
As far as i know there is no possession limit for your home??
Posts: 78
Date Joined: 23/10/06
fishy fingers
I wouldn't let it upset you to much, people that go it to tackle stores and tell storys of catching 35 dhuie in 7 weeks are normaly full of crap (could even be related to Tony H ) JMO
cheers Troy
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
pmsl@chezza on his
pmsl @ chezza on his comment
but agree there, alot of ppl talk crap, he might have just been bullshitting to make himself look good
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
Your probably right
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I think
you maybe wrong Jamie but i stand to be corrected if i am.
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Jamie Chester
Posts: 66
Date Joined: 12/11/06
Possession limits apply
Possession limits apply throughout WA but do not apply in your permanent place of residence unless you live within the Ningaloo Marine Park Land Zone (this includes Exmouth townsite and Coral Bay). Boats, cars, caravans and tents are not considered permanent places of residence.
Lifted from fisheries website - so there ya go - possession limits do NOT apply at home!!
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Knew my Exmouth rules, thought the rest of you had to comply as well. Hopefully that will all change next year!
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fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
Thanks Jamie
as I said I stand Corrected.
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!