Squiding today

Went squiding in the sound today with Gaymond Gason(the Trumpeter King)

I got 6 squid, Ray got 2 squid and cut one up to catch his favourite fish the trumpeter. Well done RayLaughing


Bring on April

Posts: 1

Date Joined: 22/01/08


Mon, 2008-02-18 08:26

Simon..... do you remember trying to catch trumpeter and that you failed to do so..... snag after snag and the trumpeter were just too smart for you. lucky squid are your friend.
God those trumpeter tasted crappy.
Warning if anybody goes fishing with simon he wiil try to get you wet when docking.....lol

What happened to the eagles???

Simo_'s picture

Posts: 1843

Date Joined: 13/11/06

the eagles are off the drugs

Mon, 2008-02-18 08:52

the eagles are off the drugs and can no longer play. Good win in the cricket but.


Ray you need to change you username to the Trumpeter King Laughing


Bring on April