Stainless hooks

 Does anybody know if Vexed products use stainless steel hooks? 

Just curious as I've always thought stainless wasn't the best option

for general fishing. Cheers


Bend over

Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

 Just stuck one to a magnet

Wed, 2022-08-03 18:02

 Just stuck one to a magnet so it might only be for some of their jigheads. I'm guessing they are stainless so you can keep on sharpening the tip without having to buy the whole jig.


Bend over

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 You can get magnetic grades

Wed, 2022-08-03 18:35

 You can get magnetic grades of stainless ( martenstic) but not  common , most stainless grades are Austenetic 304, 316 etc but they still have free iron issues.


Love the West!

still trying's picture

Posts: 1075

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 I always thought the

Wed, 2022-08-03 21:10

 I always thought the martensinic was harder stainless that's why used on knives as cheif knives stick to magnetic holders on the wall. Exhaust  in s/s is usually magnetic too. Maybe for sound/ tune.


 rather be fishing

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Yeah Guy, bang on mate

Thu, 2022-08-04 06:35

 Yeah Guy, bang on mate usually in the 400 grades.


Love the West!

still trying's picture

Posts: 1075

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 Probably should have written

Thu, 2022-08-04 06:05

 Probably should have written cheap knives that call themselves s/s


 rather be fishing

Posts: 199

Date Joined: 13/05/16

stainless hooks

Tue, 2022-08-09 18:52

 Dont get one stuck in you unless you have a really good set of cutters to get it out.Stainless is a bugger to cut.

