I took boat over from Denham while brother in law drove my car from Denham to steep point. Took them around 3 and a half hours coz the corrugations were shocking......really really shockin is what he kept sayimng. Not boggy going up the hill though. He had to gaffa tape the window wiper control in place on the steering column coz corrugations kept making window wipers come on then rattled one of the window wipers off the car! He took cans of great northern in an esky in the car, I couldnt believe he lost about 9 - 10 cans they rattled so hard together in esky that they wore through each other, bottom of esky full of beer. So be prepared to have your bones rattled mate! have good trip
Its when you get off the sealed road and onto the dirt and corrugations that the trip turns into a 3 - 4 hour trip. I went over for just 4 nights (Sunday to Wednesday night) with the wife, brother in law and sister in law with just one boat. It wasnt really a serious fishing trip and we didnt want to bring fish back just kept what we could eat each day. Ticked off my bucket list fish though, got a 140cm 35kg Wahoo trolling for mackies. Lost 2 more around the same size that smashed unweighted scalie mackeral set out back of boat while bottom bashing (they both jumped out of the water after grabbing scalie mackeral thats how we knew they were wahoo) lost them both times as they sped forward and under the boat and cut main line. I couldnt believe how fast and strong they are and really hard to control. Caught the usual pinkies and spanglies up around 70cm mark nothing huge, all this was in the channel in 20 - 30m line out from where the cliff fishos send their balloons. Swells and wind were not great so didnt venture out wide. Gonna chuck up a few pics of the trip on the weekend but mine are a bit embarressing after seeing Piggy's Gnaraloo trip 2023 report! ha ha! cheers
Mate that sounds like a great trip and as you say just to chill and catch a feed, I've never been in there but maybe one day. Wahoo is on my bucket list but I know what you mean as we usually hook XOS Mackies at Gnaraloo and it's only when they see the boat do they put on a show. Always ready with the drag for them to run gets the hear rate up lol.
boat while bottom fishing and I didnt realise how dangerous it can be until we hooked the first wahoo. Coz i was the skipper I was fishing on the back left corner of the boat (when standing in boat looking at motor) and bro in law was on my right with his back turned to me, luckily girls were sitting up front. I had set the floating scaly rod that had 24kg braid in a rod holder on the left corner out behind motor and i was fishing with another rod over the side to my left. Bro in law was wrestling with a nice pinky when the wahoo grabbed the scalie . It launched into the air and tore around to my right and the braid under all that speed and tension wrapped around bro in laws head just above his ear and gave him a good cut, happened so quick it was unavoidable. If that braid had of wrapped around his neck it could have gone real bad so lesson learnt.
Lol we had one one day where my mate had hooked into a good fish off the bottom and was battling him up, in the menatime I've hooked a stonker Mackie and he's yelling at me to keep it away from his line. I've said no drama I'll be able to turn it at the top, well ha ha I got it near the boat with it's mouth open and razor teeth gleaming. I couldn't turn it and it's open mouth literally swam into mate's line , I had lots of stink eye for the rest of the day lol.
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Just got back last week
I took boat over from Denham while brother in law drove my car from Denham to steep point. Took them around 3 and a half hours coz the corrugations were shocking......really really shockin is what he kept sayimng. Not boggy going up the hill though. He had to gaffa tape the window wiper control in place on the steering column coz corrugations kept making window wipers come on then rattled one of the window wipers off the car! He took cans of great northern in an esky in the car, I couldnt believe he lost about 9 - 10 cans they rattled so hard together in esky that they wore through each other, bottom of esky full of beer. So be prepared to have your bones rattled mate! have good trip
Posts: 15036
Date Joined: 30/11/09
How long is that track mate?
How long is that track mate? And how'd you go? Report, pics?
Love the West!
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
The drive from Denham to Steep point is around 230km
Its when you get off the sealed road and onto the dirt and corrugations that the trip turns into a 3 - 4 hour trip. I went over for just 4 nights (Sunday to Wednesday night) with the wife, brother in law and sister in law with just one boat. It wasnt really a serious fishing trip and we didnt want to bring fish back just kept what we could eat each day. Ticked off my bucket list fish though, got a 140cm 35kg Wahoo trolling for mackies. Lost 2 more around the same size that smashed unweighted scalie mackeral set out back of boat while bottom bashing (they both jumped out of the water after grabbing scalie mackeral thats how we knew they were wahoo) lost them both times as they sped forward and under the boat and cut main line. I couldnt believe how fast and strong they are and really hard to control. Caught the usual pinkies and spanglies up around 70cm mark nothing huge, all this was in the channel in 20 - 30m line out from where the cliff fishos send their balloons. Swells and wind were not great so didnt venture out wide. Gonna chuck up a few pics of the trip on the weekend but mine are a bit embarressing after seeing Piggy's Gnaraloo trip 2023 report! ha ha! cheers
Posts: 15036
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Mate that sounds like a
Mate that sounds like a great trip and as you say just to chill and catch a feed, I've never been in there but maybe one day. Wahoo is on my bucket list but I know what you mean as we usually hook XOS Mackies at Gnaraloo and it's only when they see the boat do they put on a show. Always ready with the drag for them to run gets the hear rate up lol.
Love the West!
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
That was the first time ive floated scalies off the back of the
boat while bottom fishing and I didnt realise how dangerous it can be until we hooked the first wahoo. Coz i was the skipper I was fishing on the back left corner of the boat (when standing in boat looking at motor) and bro in law was on my right with his back turned to me, luckily girls were sitting up front. I had set the floating scaly rod that had 24kg braid in a rod holder on the left corner out behind motor and i was fishing with another rod over the side to my left. Bro in law was wrestling with a nice pinky when the wahoo grabbed the scalie . It launched into the air and tore around to my right and the braid under all that speed and tension wrapped around bro in laws head just above his ear and gave him a good cut, happened so quick it was unavoidable. If that braid had of wrapped around his neck it could have gone real bad so lesson learnt.
Posts: 15036
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Lol we had one one day where
Lol we had one one day where my mate had hooked into a good fish off the bottom and was battling him up, in the menatime I've hooked a stonker Mackie and he's yelling at me to keep it away from his line. I've said no drama I'll be able to turn it at the top, well ha ha I got it near the boat with it's mouth open and razor teeth gleaming. I couldn't turn it and it's open mouth literally swam into mate's line , I had lots of stink eye for the rest of the day lol.
Love the West!
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Posts: 746
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Sorry triple post
dont know what happened there
Happy Hooker
Posts: 305
Date Joined: 12/11/08
Cheers mate
Sounds like you had great trip ... standard track condition then ! But will take a few extra anti inflams with me !