swan river bream where are they biting?
Submitted by Dawson on Tue, 2013-01-01 13:30
heading down to maylands heard they've been round there but not sure bout the area. Are they biting there and if not where are they?
Michael Yoni
Posts: 604
Date Joined: 02/01/11
Not sure, give it a go and
Not sure, give it a go and report on it on the site
Posts: 43
Date Joined: 22/11/12
They are pretty much biting
They are pretty much biting anywhere from narrows - bayswater
Posts: 38
Date Joined: 17/05/08
I found the bigger fish in
I found the bigger fish in close to the timber around maylands/back of Belmont area caught 2 30 cm
Posts: 69
Date Joined: 02/01/12
I've sent you a PM
But I may as well share it, not that I think it's a secret.
Hey Dawson there is a rickety old jetty down behind the old Sanderingham pub, they don't come on there that early, best period about 7am to say 10 or 11, depending on how the rivers running. I've had no success with lures or softies, river prawns baited onto a long shank hook, leading up to half a snapped matchstick and a smallish running ball sinker.
Also if you get that pre mixed bomber burley pollard mixed with some boiled (cooked) pearl barley you should get some fun.
Theres also alot of fallen trees branches to either side of the jetty, burley and cast towards them.
You can either turn at the Sanderingham traffic lights, go thru the rounabout, go up the kerb park under the trees, and scale down the bank, go right along the limestone wall, then jump down onto the bike path to the right towards the jetty, or park at the boat ramp carpark further down and walk back up the bike path to the left.
You can snare a nice flatty at times there also.
Cheers Pharlap.