WARNING - Speed limits under attack.

Hi Ya,

"The WA Road Safety Council wants speed limits in the city reduced to 30 or 40 kmph. (ABC News: ABC News)
The State Government is considering a proposal to lower the speed limit on city and country roads.

The recommendations are contained in a discussion paper released today by WA's Road Safety Council.

The paper recommends a re-zoning of the 60 kilometre an hour limit to 50, on all Perth roads, except in the CBD where a limit of 30 or 40 kilometres per hour has been suggested.

In the country, the Road Safety Council has recommended a reduction in the general speed limit of 10 kilometres per hour.

The plan is being circulated for debate, in the lead up to a new five year road safety strategy."

Story was found here - http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2007/10/16/2061084.htm


tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

Date Joined: 27/09/06

How dumb do they think we

Tue, 2007-10-16 22:06

How dumb do they think we are? Everyone has slowed down alot in the last few years and whats the road toll now? 20 more than last year!

Most crashes this year have been due to drink driving/no seatbelts or falling asleep at the wheel or just plain lack of concentration.

When will they realise that speed isnt the main factor in the deaths.

They keep telling us this so they can lower speed limits and rise fines!

Now once they get everyone doing the most stupidest slow speeds they woner why there are road rage attacks.
Its pissing everyone off  going down a dead strait road downhill with no side streets bumper to bumper doing 60 when its safe as to do even up to 80  all because we are all to busy with one eye on the side of the road waiting to spot multi nova's flash us for 5klm over the limit!

Sorry, my rant for the day ;)!


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SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Ill second that motion

Wed, 2007-10-17 07:00

Ill second that motion Marc!

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!

rickets's picture

Posts: 995

Date Joined: 03/06/07

I agree! But you know how it

Wed, 2007-10-17 19:29

I agree!

But you know how it is...

No matter what it is, they need to put the blame on something... they cant figure it out without backtracking and accepting a doo doo so they just keep on trying to lower the speed....

its just like when some guy got knocked off his bike years and years ago, they decided, MAKE IT COMPULSORY TO WEAR HELMETS ON TREDDLYS! and FINE THEM IF THEY DONT!

That doesnt fix or make less bicycle accidents... but it makes them look like they care!

ody's picture

Posts: 581

Date Joined: 30/12/06

Hi Ya, I remember the

Wed, 2007-10-17 20:59

Hi Ya,

I remember the incident when the kid got knocked of his bike.  I also remember his mum standing in front of a TV camera and saying "If the government had made it compulsory for people to wear helmuts, my son would be alive today."  In other words, it was hte goernments fault her son died.  What utter crap.  That was nothing more than trying to move the blame for her own lack of controlover her kid to another entity.  If SHE had made it compulsory for her son to wear a helmut he might have survived.  If he wouldn't wear a helmut, take his bike away.

I am sick and tired of people doing what they please then blaming/suing someone else when their decisions cause them trouble.

Now again, the average, law abiding citizen is being penalised because of the stupid decisions and actions of a few.  Make penalties harsher so that people realise it is actually going to cost them something.  Make some real policies, not knee-jerk stupid reactions.  And I strongly suspect that, if we were really told the number of deaths per 1000 drivers, we would actually find that the road toll is droping.  But that is not what the the authorities telll us via the media.  Oh, no.  To satisfy their own agenda, they want the public to believe that the number is rising.  The actual number deaths per year may be increasing but they do not want to take into account the increase in the number of drivers.  With more drivers the actual number of deaths will rise, but not as a percentage.

Anyway, that's my rave for tonight.


***** Proud RECFISHWEST member **** (in waiting)

dogsoldier's picture

Posts: 943

Date Joined: 04/11/05

next thing we will be

Thu, 2007-10-18 04:32

next thing we will be rideing bicycles
Tackle junkie