Would you kill a great white ?
Submitted by NORUN NOFUN on Mon, 2012-07-16 08:58
I"ve always thought that if I lost my son or daughter to a great white attack - I would want to hunt it down and kill it !
What would you do, if that was your family member - your son, daughter, father or mother ?
My logical side tells me, that the ocean is their domain, and we enter the ocean with risk ! But my emotional side tells me, I would hunt it down and kill it, so this happens to no other family.
What would you do ??
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Dont want to elliminate them, but get the ones responsible. How? F$*k knows how.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
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If it was about to kill
If it was about to kill me, and there was no other options: it was it or me, damn straight I would. But then if you're life was in danger and some person was attacking you with a knife, you'd do the same thing.
But would I want it hunted down purely for vengeance? Nope. If you're so filled with hate and vengeance, perhaps see a councillor ;) It was your choice to go into the ocean anyways..
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I agree with Catch and kill
I think it would help to catch and kill large great whites caught in an area there has had an attack. The fisheries are good at tagging them for the audio transponder program. They just don't seem good at getting them after an attack.
People who use the water would feel more at ease knowing attack sharks have been caught. Family members of attacks might like remains for funeral.
If it was my family taken I would want the shark caught and killed. But that's just my wants. :) . Other affected families will have other ideas.
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EDIT this meant to end up on another thread, not sure what happened there
Posts: 2839
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Jeeze, I can see images of
Jeeze, I can see images of Jaws with all the rednecks going out in their 16 ft tinnies with a Penn 950, slab of emu bitter and a packet of Winnie blues huntin them thar sharks.
Thought we had moved on as a race, apparently not.
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
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haha John i can think of a
haha John i can think of a few on here that would actually.
Forever learning with fishing
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if myself or one of my family was killed
i would hunt it down and hang the jaws on my bar in memory of the person that died!
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If a family member ran a red
If a family member ran a red light, and had a fatal accident, would you hunt down and kill the driver of the other car?
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why is it when we are putting our opinions up
someone has to go and compare it to something ridiculas! this is my opinion and if you dont like it you can go .... ... and the answer hlokk if i wasnt going to get 20 years jail well who knows+
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You're entitled to your
You're entitled to your opinion snapper. I'm not saying you can't have it; i'm just asking what your opinion would be in another situation? Hopefully we can keep this civilised.
Note that I said the person you knew was the one who ran the red light not the other way around. I dont think the example is that ridiculous. You go into a 'dangerous' area (red light or ocean) by the choice of your own actions, and you get killed by something just doing what it naturally does, and you were well aware that was its nature.
So, if your family member, friend, etc, ran a red light, would you want the other driver dead (even though the other driver had right of way)? I'm not asking about what you would want if the other driver was in the wrong (i'm sure we could agree a lot more for that example!).
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I want to tell you a story
I want to tell you a story holkk along the lines of your reply but 12 years on I want them dead
Posts: 1490
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Yep i would want it hunted
Yep i would want it hunted down,agree with Snapper. For F&^$cks sake its a fish. What do you think they do with problem tigers ,elephants etc. Using car crash comparisons etc just isnt anywhere near the mark.
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Because I totally said its
Because I totally said its the same thing... *roll eyes*. Its a different scenario, with some similarites. It's not the same thing, I never said it was. I was curious about how people would react in the situation I gave. Would peoples response be the same or not? Does your reasoning apply to that scenario or not? If not, why not?
Perhaps an easier one: You climb into a paddock, knowing that bulls inhabit that paddock. After a while, a bull sees you in his territory and gores you. Do you then go to the farmer and demand that the bull be killed? I'm asking a serious question, not trying to be argumentative (even if it comes across as so, remember that text does not adequately convey tone!)
Toby Roe
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Not sure about bulls but that
Not sure about bulls but that is exactly what happens with dogs.
I actually can't think a single other animal that wouldn't be killed following an attack on a human, especially if that attack resulted in a fatality
Posts: 1035
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We can all make up scenario's
We can all make up scenario's and comparisons - red lights, bulls blah ! blah ! blah !
We are talking about a certain situation ( Wedge ) and what had happened !
How would you feel if that was one of your relatives hlokk ? That's what is being asked !
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Thats their choice, and
Thats their choice, and whether it was a car or a shark, its their choice to be in that situation. My dad swims regularly, so it could happen. I'll be upset, sure, but I wont seek vengenance to appease my animal brain. I will continue to surf and dive in the ocean, and if I get taken by a shark, that was my choice to be there. Even if a shark takes my legs, cripples me for life, I still wouldnt want it hunted down and killed for doing what it does naturally (especially as I knew this before I went in the ocean!). The risk is smaller than drowing, and the miniscule risk is worth it over a dull life. The risk is higher for a family member smoking, overeating or drinking, yet everyone here doesnt seem concerned about that much more likely risk? It's easy to get oversensationalist when the media reports it as it does, but take a step back and consider it from a rational point of view. You've probably taken bigger risks in the last week than swimming in the ocean, and perhaps even today?
Of course, it makes sense to minimise the risk! Don't go in the ocean if a shark has been sighted recently, try to avoid 'sharkey' conditions, but thats just common sense. Btw, this specific thread was whether you would want the shark killed, not specifically wedge.
I'm asking other questions because I sometimes (vainly it seems!) hope that we can have a civilised discussion on it, but sometimes I wonder why I bother if it seems people cant do that.
Sammy the Salmon
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Date Joined: 24/12/11
Catch and tag (not kill). It
Catch and tag (not kill). It is the only answer.
Government offset the cost of the tags that people purchase. (Pictures/proof to be provided)
Rod P
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If it was me i wouldn't want
If it was me i wouldn't want it killed. Family know that and they respect my wishes.
If it was my child (who surfs with me weekly) i would also not want it killed. They're would be bigger things to deal with other than vengeance. Like grief and heart brake.
Having said that I'd be devastated if they were killed in a car crash. Even if that car crash was from a drunk driver. I would want justice but not vengeance.
Posts: 1132
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If a shark killed one of your
If a shark killed one of your family memebers and they let it go because that was your wishes, then this same shark killed someone elses kid. How would you feel then?
I'm not for an all out cull but problem sharks should be dealt with just like any other animal that attacks a person.
Rod P
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That's kinda like saying you
That's kinda like saying you were fishing offshore and your burly brought a shark into the area and killed someone. How would you feel? Isn't that also your fault?
Your not out for a all out cull. Just the ones that have teh ability to eat people? So all of them..Any shark is a problem if your in the water with it.
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Come on Rod its not at all
Come on Rod its not at all the same. I'm talking about if they can positively identify a particular shark that has killed someone.
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reply to hlokk
My mother was in a hit n run, and is no longer here as a result....
If I could get away with it... legally.. I wouldnt hesitate about putting that driver out of 'my' misery!!!
I do know the reason why he did it, and wasnt targeting her directly.. wrong place, wrong time... But I do know (throgh court documents)
that if it wasnt my mum he hit... it was going to be someone elses.
Due to the driver being told he had a terminally ill disease, he was let off scot free.
There wasnt any apology from the driver or his family.. no remorse at all...
Like I said.... I wouldnt hesitate.
Same goes for a shark.
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Sorry to hear about your
Sorry to hear about your mother Doooma. Humans, unlike sharks, should have remorse, and should be held to a higher standard standard than wild animals. I dont think he has an excuse, and not offering an at the bare minimum, an apology, is a dog act (well, to be fair, dogs are better than that). He should be held accountable, we both agree there.
Though I dont think the same goes for a shark. Sharks dont have that ability to reason or feel remorse. They do what they do. Unlike the scumbag that hit your mother, they dont know better, and we choose to enter their backyard at our own risk.
Posts: 336
Date Joined: 31/08/09
I would be personally against
I would be personally against the killing of the shark. It would be almost impossible to find the shark involved without pictures or defining features or scars etc. Im sure there are mutliple whites in the area due to the sea lion colony on Buller Island, nearby.
As a surfer I have an understanding of the ocean and where i fit. I know there are sharks at most locations I surf due to varying factors (depths, structure and food sources/seal colonies/salmon schools). It is a risk I take wanting the few seconds in a barrel. I have a friend who survived a bronzie bite, he still surfs and did not want the shark culled after the accident.
If i was to go one day to a shark, i would not want the animal persued and "hunted down" it would be the same as if i was mauled by a lion in africa, these are wild animals with no understanding of Human laws/morals/emotions. They are prehistoric predators, they have adapted over thousands of years to be the best predators. This is why they are the only genus of Carcharodon around.
My 2c, however, everyone is different and entitled to their own opinion.
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Guys we need to respect each
Guys we need to respect each other opinions here, after all they are just our opinions. Even the so called experts dont have much die IMO Mine has changed after this latest death. So what now ...Would another death or two or three this year change any one elses opinion.Ive aways been a "oh well thats the danger of going into a sharks domain,we all know the dangers " crew , its the numbers that have swayed me. Maybe this will be the worse year we have, next year maybe no deaths or attacks.... but maybe not.
The idea that all whites are largely nomadic and it would serve no point in killing any isnt correct. I remember years ago in SA there was a large white that used to harrass the fisherman and boats in the gulf near Adelaiade for years !!!It was well known by regular boaties during Snapper time. It had a name also .."Fred" or something like that. But because it never killed anyone it was let be.
Posts: 50
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i find it rather sad that
i find it rather sad that society hold the life of freckled duck or great white shark as more important than the life of a human being.perhaps thats what happens as i get older.
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The life of one human is
The life of one human is worth more than the life of one shark (perhaps even a several). However, does that mean we can just wipe out any species we dont care about or dont want? How much is the species existing worth? Do we go hunt all dangerous species to extiction?
If the specific shark is identified, well, then maybe it would be ok to kill it (only if it was going to do so again, and we dont know that). However, killing a random, probably different shark for retribution doesnt do anything.
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Be great fun to hook and play one out tho wouldnt it ? After you had it next to the boat you could beat it up a little bit not kill it and send it on its way.Bit like they do with problem bears in the states, catch em treat em like shit so they associate humans with a bad time then release them back into the wild.
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Haynes Hunter Prowler CC
Ryan C
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fishing for great whites
i would certainly fish for them at least once if they were not protected. cheers
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
Freedom of Speech
This is excellent that we can all voice our opinions, freely.. no matter how varied they may be... without childish attacks at each other !!!
Well done guys... as this is a very touchy subject that can hit people very close to home..
Due to the varied opinions and now real answer.... the 1 thing we can ALL agree on at least, is that something needs to be done... Even if it in the least... more research is needed.... and not just someone taking notes over the years... More funding should go into it and actually a more direct and involved approach....
Instead of giving the dole bludgers more money to assist with carbon tax... give it to the groups that can research this sort of thing....
The dole bludgers dont need the money.... or else they would get off their butts and have a job if it was so tough!!!
(by dole bludgers, I mean the knobs that sit at home and punch out cones on the lounge all day)
Wes F
Posts: 1068
Date Joined: 07/01/12
Makém work for the dole
Strapém to a board and floatém off the coast at varies locationings. That would help with research.
Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
Posts: 34
Date Joined: 25/12/11
rough them up a bit
I agree with Willo. Catch problem sharks and rough them up a bit. They do a similar thing in NT with some problem crocs (not maneaters but potential man-eaters).
....nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana FISHING!
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Right one
If you can guarantee its the right one , no problems at all but wouldn't like to see it chucked on a rubbish dump and wasted.
Always had the ethos that if you are going to shoot or kill something its going to be eaten, not just killed for sport.
Posts: 278
Date Joined: 20/04/10
I wouldnt care if it was a
I wouldnt care if it was a human, a shark,a lion or whateva,if any of my family died as a direct result of the actions of ______ I would want its head cut off.End of story!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
i have a solution to two
i have a solution to two problems here, get all the Great Whites from down south and take them the Cocos and Christmas island, watch the boat people turn back then once a couple of hungry 5m pointers are circling their hull.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
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put that up as a thread starter then crack a beer and sit back
drinkin TNT n' smokin dynamite
Posts: 19
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Shark Vest Solar Powered Buoys
There must be a way to cheaply make a shark vest type of device which floats around where we surf and swim. These are proven to work and would hopefully deter
the sharks which venture to close to our shores, where we do our water activities.
Possibly solar panels to power them and some sort of flashing light to show it is working, for comfort in feeling safe while swimming near them. Surely in this day and
age with technology advanced as much as it is can produce these cheaply. Look at the LCD and Plasma TV's they are 1 third the price they used to be and better.
Just my 2 cents worth in the discussion, but to answer the original scenerio, I probably would want the bloody thing dead if it killed one of my own.
Go The Mighty Pies
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"I have a solution to two problems here, get all the Great Whites from down south and take them the Cocos and Christmas island, watch the boat people turn back then once a couple of hungry 5m pointers are circling their hull." (from above)
LOVE IT !!!!!!
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 24/06/07
Dangerous animals
As far as Im aware there are no lions in africa outside game reserves.. because if they are, they are shot. Same goes for tigers in India.
Large crocs are territorial so easy to catch and move on if they are a threat, elsewhere in the world they would shoot them
Sharks however are constantly on the move and unpredictable. There is no control measure to reduce risk except total exclusion from the water or reduction in sharks. Go back 20 years. GW attacks where rare, very rare. 30 years of protection has seen those little ones grow into big ones. Now there is absolutely no doubt there are many more large great whites than there was 20 years ago. Good for the great whites, bad for people.
The only solution here is to tag every shark that can be to alert the public or cull them back to levels where public safety is at less of a risk.
This is only a issue because they cannot be penned into a national park and noboby and thats a nobody goes out in the ocean and expects being eaten at that point in time that it happens. Its like driving a car. We all know the risks but we except them. The moment that drunk driver runs the light you think Oh no! Not me!
Twin turbo..V8 diesel..Ohh what a feeling!!
No Orange Hats Allowed
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The debate rages on
But it is interesting to see how opinions have changed from previous attacks. It was much more in favour off no kill previously.
If the shark can be found and is a local then off with its head. But they are magnificent animals, and to wipe them out is not an answer. Despite mostly being nomadic, some have become resident.
"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk
Posts: 205
Date Joined: 08/09/11
I agree crasny, up untill
I agree crasny, up untill last year I wouldnt have gone out of my way to harm one. Now I would not give a second thought about killing one. I have also changed my mind about Capital punishment, when a good family friend was murdered in planed way. The two murderes should be executed, not living in comfort for the next 40 years with a chance of release.
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
well if you want your name as
well if you want your name as mud then knock yourself out i guess. I'm sure some of you remember the article in the paper last eyar about the Aust record tiger caught off dampier, talk about a article spiralling out of control, it was a tiger shark not a great white so not protected but as soon as the greenies and then the yanks got hold of it the threats that the angler, the fishing club and the sponsers of the event took you would have thought all sharks should be protected, some incidents where reffered to the police due to the nature of the threats.
A few deaths (5) later and now we are all for it? i'm not one for revenge killings but i don't think they should be hunted. i think they should be removed from the protected list and be a fish you can catch or keep again, man i'd love to tangle with a small GW they are such a beast to look at right up there with a tiger shark.
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
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if it was going to attack a
if it was going to attack a person with out a second thought,if they put in a raffle to catch I be in for that as well