a78 Shot

a78 Shot

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Tue, 2015-04-28 17:17

That looks pretty damn sweet!  Be great to see what it could do in deep water.  I take it those co-ords aren't yours or anything special...


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JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

Date Joined: 07/07/10

haha....co-ords on a

Tue, 2015-04-28 20:15

haha....co-ords on a post......that is a first.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Ya mustve missed the xmas

Tue, 2015-04-28 20:53

Ya mustve missed the xmas pressie from grooveepants :D


z00m's picture

Posts: 1086

Date Joined: 10/05/14

I put whiteout on my screen

Tue, 2015-04-28 20:53

I put whiteout on my screen but the pic is in a different place today 


 They aren't anything secret. Just behind Burns Rock.

If someone else catches them I will know what is there! ha ha.


Posts: 327

Date Joined: 18/10/10


Tue, 2015-04-28 21:42

 thanks that's the funniest thing I saw today