Bunker Bay Black Marlin by Six Fish Dunsborough
Submitted by Six Fish Dunsborough on Tue, 2011-03-22 11:55

Black Marlin Bunker Bay caught by Charlie Sampson 19 March 2011
We headed down to Dunsborough this weekend for another fishing adventure with my Uncle “Grant Betts” who lives in Dunsborough.
We had heard reports in the last couple of weeks of the Black Marlin that had been caught near Busso. That same weekend we had been squiding and spotted a sail fish jumping in the bay near Quindalup.
On Saturday March 19th with the water temp at 23c... we set off with my brother Max, Grandad, my neighbour Joey
and his Dad Jon aboard my Uncle’s boat again... we went trolling at Bunker Bay... we hadn't been trolling long when I got a strike on my line, my brother Max was screaming at the top of his voice “it’s a Marlin - it’s a Marlin” totally spooled the reel and we had to reverse back and gain line. I spent about 30 minutes cranking it in while strapped in and Joey's Dad holding onto me to stop me being pulled out of the boat!!
Uncle Grant said it was very similar in size to the one caught off Busselton estimated at 110kg approx, it jumped out of the water many times and with a sea breeze at 25-30 knots, reversing into it was like being in a washing machine and all soaked to the bone.
We didn't want to pull it on board and risk injuring it but just as Uncle Grant had it in hand and pulled it along side the boat seconds later it broke free and quickly swam away.
We didn't have much of a chance to get good shots close up in all the mayhem but I will never forget the experience, ever.
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Awesome fish, especially so
Awesome fish, especially so close to the shore from Dunsborough! Pic really shows just how close it was.
(for the other pics, you'll have to upload them, it seems that its linking from your hard drive).
Six Fish Dunsborough
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 21/03/11
thanks mate. Never used this
thanks mate. Never used this site before and not 100% sure how to add more photos ?
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
Click "edit" then go to the
Click "edit" then go to the bottom and click "browse" and upload to upload the pic. You can load a few pics. Also, you can use the preview button to see if it works. Just make sure the pics arent huge on your computer.
Btw, you might want to reduce your signature down to a sentence or two ;) You can put a link in it to this thread too. You can edit by by going "my account" on the top left then "edit".
Lucky Tim
Posts: 2536
Date Joined: 28/11/07
Congrats, I never thought
Congrats, I never thought I'd see a black marlin and a sand patch in the same photo. I thought Perth marlin would be hard to beat but that takes the cake.
Posts: 1132
Date Joined: 22/10/09
Great work guys. I saw you
Great work guys. I saw you when you came back to the ramp and the boys looked pretty excited.
To be 11 years old and catch a marlin is a great achievement but to do it in Bunker Bay is awsome.
Looks like it was hooked off Rocky Point and then dragged you into Bunker Bay.
Six Fish Dunsborough
Posts: 35
Date Joined: 21/03/11
...thanks mate, we noticed
...thanks mate, we noticed you scooting along in shore at Bunkers at the time.
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Close to shore
Gee's that's close to shore, unreal mate well done...
Posts: 1266
Date Joined: 22/04/09
wow. just when we started
wow. just when we started thinking things couldnt get any crazier this year, marlin pic with the sand dunes in the background.....
Whats next, Ballooning for marlin in Dunsborough?
Congrats guys, great catch!
Posts: 669
Date Joined: 13/06/09
great catch and that is
great catch and that is extreme close in.
well done
Posts: 440
Date Joined: 27/07/09
awsome ,cant believe how
awsome ,cant believe how close to shore that is might have to bring down the balooning gear for when i go there in a couple of weeks.
Posts: 1273
Date Joined: 02/02/09
Thats awesome. Shame it isnt
Thats awesome. Shame it isnt a regular occurrance! Do you guys get many species of puffer fish in that bay?