Expression of Interest - New FW t-shirts

Expression of Interest - New FW t-shirts

Hi Guys,

Looking at getting some new FW shirts done, just wondering if theres many of you guys that would be interested in getting one if I get them done.  I haven't had the design finished yet, but this is sorta what they will look like.  They will likely be around the $35 or $40 mark once I get the final details on design cost and postage from the East Coast.




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mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

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good job adam, look shit

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:22

good job adam, look shit hot, i definately would be interested in one for sure

Colin Hay's picture

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Mon, 2009-09-07 11:38

Count me in


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chrisp's picture

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Mon, 2009-09-07 11:40

I'd be keen for one..

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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front or back

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:42

Would you prefer that logo front or back?


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mako magic's picture

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i would prefer a small one

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:49

i would prefer a small one front and larger one on back, even if it costs a little more who cares

Mick's picture

Posts: 501

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Yes please Ad's. They look

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:42

Yes please Ad's. They look great fella. Good stuff


If the lord did not mean for us to eat fish and game, he wouldn't have made them outta meat

The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound. That's why so many people appear bright...until they speak.

Fozz's picture

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Nice Tee

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:43

great looking tee Adam, gets my vote.


Colin Hay's picture

Posts: 10407

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I agree with Matt and maybe make the web address bigger

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:52

and easier to read. We are quite often running into keen anglers when we are out fishing. Explaining about Fishwrecked and the web address maybe easier if they can see it for themselves.


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shabba's picture

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sweet, i will have 1 m8...

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:53

sweet, i will have 1 m8...

PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

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yep for sure

Mon, 2009-09-07 11:58

yep for sure

brenz's picture

Posts: 2182

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ill be keen looks tops

Mon, 2009-09-07 12:15

ill be keen looks tops

crasny1's picture

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Me 2

Mon, 2009-09-07 12:52

Look the part.

Agree web address bigger.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

wadetolley's picture

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Mon, 2009-09-07 13:00

Count me in x 2, Im all for small logo on front, big logo on back!

damo6230's picture

Posts: 2029

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yep would definitly purchase a couple

Mon, 2009-09-07 13:14

look good Adam


honsu chin's picture

Posts: 2086

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Got one with a pic of a

Mon, 2009-09-07 13:23

Got one with a pic of a squid??? hehe
Definately keen for one.




wadetolley's picture

Posts: 2258

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Mon, 2009-09-07 16:54

Gee Honsu, you may need to get some help for your squid fetish!

southcity104's picture

Posts: 1659

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I'd wear it

Mon, 2009-09-07 13:36

looks good!!


"Its a life style job"

Jack's picture

Posts: 261

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Two thanks big boy. Nice

Mon, 2009-09-07 13:59

Two thanks big boy. Nice work!!! Tight lines.

Posts: 41

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Looks Good

Mon, 2009-09-07 14:00

I am good for one or two

Nealez's picture

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Mon, 2009-09-07 14:55


madfisher's picture

Posts: 206

Date Joined: 10/10/07

Looks great count me in

Mon, 2009-09-07 14:59

Looks great count me in definitely

Posts: 1136

Date Joined: 10/06/09

looks good can you get them

Mon, 2009-09-07 15:05

looks good can you get them with a collar?


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

Brian's picture

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Go with Mako

Mon, 2009-09-07 16:20

Small one on front and large one on back, look good

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

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jesse and i will have one

Mon, 2009-09-07 16:29

jesse and i will have one each.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

Frank F's picture

Posts: 482

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Very slick, would definitely

Mon, 2009-09-07 17:01

Very slick, would definitely get one.

I would lick the logo on the front with a small fish wrecked logo on between the shoulders on the back.

 Hows the shorts coming along Adam? 

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

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yep I'd take one.

Mon, 2009-09-07 17:02

yep I'd take one.

Posts: 440

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Mon, 2009-09-07 17:12

looks good ill take oneLaughing

Ollie's picture

Posts: 506

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look's nice

Mon, 2009-09-07 17:34

just an idea, have a comp to design the new shirt then vote on it and the winner get's a free one???

callum's picture

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Mon, 2009-09-07 17:51

great idea ollie,

shirts are loooken tight



happy fishing

flangies's picture

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Put me down I have 2

Mon, 2009-09-07 18:23

Put me down

I have 2 fishwrecked shirts and 5 shimano shirts

7 days in a week.

what a coincidence

Goatch's picture

Posts: 1011

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I'm in Ads

Mon, 2009-09-07 18:55

Can you please make sure you get some in the larger sizes 3 or 4XL , the bigger the better , only cause I got broad shoulders and all , nothing to do with my fat guts LOL


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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Just a question about the brand logo..

Mon, 2009-09-07 20:26

Up to now the logo was all about this cartoon shark. I have a holograph proudly stuck to the rear of my 4x4. Why have you decided to move to a more conventional collage of big game fish?

This is not a criticizm guys, just a question as to where we are headed. IMO the current logo for is a real winner.


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Adam Gallash's picture

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good point Vince

Mon, 2009-09-07 21:52

Good point Vince and one I thought about lots before doing this as the last thing I want to do is damage what I've built.  As I see it, its not changing the brand as all the existing merchandise will stay with the current logo (one I am very proud of) and more merchandise options will become available with the existing logo (stubby holders, hoodies etc). 

I really see this is as an extension on the FW brand as I've only ever done embroided logos.  I think there may be an opportunity to expand out and try design stuff that people can wear out on the town to increase our exposure.  Well, I'm hoping anyway.

Hope that clears it up a little bit.  If anyone wants any more info, feel free to PM me.




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UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Thanks for coming back on my response Adam

Mon, 2009-09-07 22:07

For a start... never again will I buy anything other than an embroidered logo if I want it to last.

Designer stuff is good but comes at a cost unless people are prepared to throw the shirt away after everything fades or sticks to (my) iron LOL.

Judging on present form Adam, could I request a special order with Herring, gardies and the odd Tailor? Honshu made a good point about the squid earlier too! ;)


Work smart and fish often.
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Good looking Tee Adam, are

Mon, 2009-09-07 20:28

Good looking Tee Adam, are you doing Polo shirts at all, agree with Mako, large on back, smaller on front and a pocket??? any ladies sizes avilable at all. I will have two thanks.




fishing, that used to be free!!!!

SamC's picture

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Mon, 2009-09-07 20:32





Kelvin8r's picture

Posts: 475

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yep u can count me in, it

Mon, 2009-09-07 20:41

yep u can count me in, it looks shit hot ads!

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18094

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looking good agree with

Mon, 2009-09-07 21:55

looking good agree with small on front and big on back , if you put a pocket on the front then the small logo would fit nicely on that , as goatch said need to be some bigger sizes as we all dont like the skin tight look and you got to be comfy while fishing or strutting your stuff


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

kane's picture

Posts: 1752

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yeah ill buy one... id also

Tue, 2009-09-08 00:07

yeah ill buy one... id also like a t shirt with the basic fishwrecked symbol as vince said, sometimes less is more Smile


Gooooone Fishin!

Posts: 13

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Small one on front and large

Tue, 2009-09-08 11:04

Small one on front and large one on back for the logos will be sweet.

I'll take 1 pls...


Matt T's picture

Posts: 875

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I agree with the faulkners

Tue, 2009-09-08 11:45

Think they look great. Like the idea of a few different fish options too

gav077's picture

Posts: 207

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i'd be keen, maybe you could

Tue, 2009-09-08 17:09

i'd be keen, maybe you could put the old logo in between the shoulders on the back and the new logo on the front. DEFINATELY looks great


People who haven't caught a big fish just don't get it

Deegs's picture

Posts: 113

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looks good Ad's

Tue, 2009-09-08 19:39

Will be up for one. Not as big as the Goatch me bellies not that big.. LOL

Goatch's picture

Posts: 1011

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Tue, 2009-09-08 21:32

Not too far behind Deegs from what I saw this arvo talkin to Nic LOL


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

benfpv's picture

Posts: 38

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nice one mate

Tue, 2009-09-08 22:03

I will be up for one too adam.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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Wed, 2009-09-09 08:50

Had a few different ideas via PM, do you think it would be better to have a small fishwrecked logo (like the current cartoon shark logo) on the front, keeping with what we already have and then the big new logo on the back?

Unfortunately I don't think i can get them on the side arms because that will blow costs out.  Its already going to be over $600 just for the design work on this new one and thats before getting all the screen printing setup.


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wadetolley's picture

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Wed, 2009-09-09 18:28

Yes i think that design will be best AdamSmile

gpc123's picture

Posts: 265

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Adam, dont care what logo

Wed, 2009-09-09 10:27

Adam, dont care what logo you go with (all are good)but as others have said 3x + shirt sizes PLEASE????

Regards Geoff


Single dad and proud of him

mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

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looks good, im in.a must

Wed, 2009-09-09 12:35

looks good, im in.a must have soon stubbie holders,,,,ill take 4

Posts: 151

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Adam, Your proposed new

Wed, 2009-09-09 15:53


Your proposed new Logo, should be just that and nothing else, the majority say go with the new Logo, so there you have it, the majority say New.



fishing, that used to be free!!!!

UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

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I'm happy with your latest suggestion Adam.

Thu, 2009-09-10 06:06

A Pocket on the front would be great but I guess practicality comes first. I love the traditional FW logo on the front idea with a more graphic design on the back. Whatever you decide on ultimatly I will go with as past experiences with FW merchandise have been good. :)


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Carry's picture

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new tshirts

Thu, 2009-09-10 13:03

put me down for one and a couple of stubby holders as well if there getting made as well


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Boozehag's picture

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Thu, 2009-09-10 16:08

Count me in Ads look great i will have 2 for sure

Simo_'s picture

Posts: 1843

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Im in

Thu, 2009-09-10 18:23

Im in


Bring on April

kane's picture

Posts: 1752

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stubby holders?

Fri, 2009-09-11 00:12

put me down for some of them :D


Gooooone Fishin!

chasing-the-mad-times's picture

Posts: 89

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for shure !

Sun, 2009-09-13 20:31

yeh little one on the front side and a big one on the back

id buy one


chase the mad times, catch the mad fish

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Sun, 2009-09-13 22:13

As  Mako said, Small on front, Large on back....Count me in I will get 1 or 2 thank's adam... Cheer's Darryl




Posts: 16

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very nice!

Sun, 2009-09-13 22:25

"do you think it would be better to have a small fishwrecked logo (like the current cartoon shark logo) on the front, keeping with what we already have and then the big new logo on the back?"

Agree Adam, would be the ideal design, are you going to do button up's or just T's?

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

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Will there be any new

Mon, 2009-09-14 06:00

Will there be any new sticker in the same logo .


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

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Adam, Any idea, when

Mon, 2009-09-14 13:44


Any idea, when production will commence ?????



fishing, that used to be free!!!!

Adam Gallash's picture

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Tue, 2009-09-15 10:55

Just emailing around to get some quotes, at the moment the cheapest is in the east coast, but i dont like the postage costs.  Will hopefully be soon.

As for stickers, not at the moment Paul, i will wait and see how the shirts go and make a decision from there.

They will be just t-shirts at the moment, I will look to expand the range to different shirts depending upon their success.


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Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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final design

Tue, 2009-09-15 11:58

This is near on the final design.  Just getting the fullstop removed from the logo and the writing tied up a little.

Hopefully I can finish the quotes process soon and we will be sailing! :)


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Gully's picture

Posts: 963

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Looks the goods mate - bring

Tue, 2009-09-15 16:52

Looks the goods mate - bring it on

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

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Im in Adam i'll have two one

Mon, 2009-10-19 16:26

Im in Adam i'll have two both L i'm going of the old shirt sizes are they the same.


Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential  and commercial ceilings and walls

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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Tue, 2009-11-03 15:07

Hi Crew,

The shirts are in, they look awesome!!  It would be great for those of you who said they were keen to come to the party.  I've just sent a heap to the tackle shack this morning (they will let you know when they get them)  I've just sent out the pre-ordered ones and have about 6 left in each size.  Get in fast guys coz they will go quickly once you see how good they are!!!




Put the order in for 120 stubby holders this morning, should be here in about 2.5 weeks.  (takes ages with slow freight from Sydney)


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mako magic's picture

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Just a bump and to mention

Thu, 2009-11-05 10:02

Just a bump and to mention to all that we now have them in stock so get in early

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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Thu, 2009-11-19 12:54

Cmon all you guys that said you were keen for one.  Theres been a fair few of you who have followed up, but what about the rest.  I don't want to have to PM you individually, but I will if I have to. :(


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joe amato's picture

Posts: 731

Date Joined: 21/12/08

looks gr8

Thu, 2009-11-19 17:14

put me down for 1,not sure if im large or extra large,nice design,are there a good range of colours?

kane's picture

Posts: 1752

Date Joined: 07/12/08

Picked up mine today, look

Thu, 2009-11-19 17:15

Picked up mine today, look good. No stubby holders yet :( "Not happy Jan" haha.


Gooooone Fishin!

Roger Knife's picture

Posts: 710

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if you have any spares mate

Thu, 2009-11-19 17:42

if you have any spares mate and the postage aint a fortune i could taker one off your hands


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