Fish & Chips
Submitted by till on Wed, 2011-02-16 07:34
We all know fish is pretty tasty, so it doesn't need a big beat-up in the kitchen. Big thanks to Three Lions for sending in the salad recipe, who would have known!
With the latest hot weather, this was pretty much all deepish fried in the wok on the BBQ, not merely to keep the heat outside, but also because its unaustralian to operate a bbq without a cold beer.
Posts: 2773
Date Joined: 08/07/08
nice looking salad, is that avacado I can see in it. Just needs some bbq sauce on the chips and Japanese mayo for the fish, Ugh old fart reckons with my bbq sauce and mayo hahaha he just loveds either vinegar or lemon juice, ugh I say
Ginger Tablets Rock
Posts: 977
Date Joined: 19/01/10
MMmmmm. Very nice. I can't
MMmmmm. Very nice. I can't remember the last time I ate fresh fish???
I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Yes there is some advocado in
Yes there is some advocado in it, along with broccoli, snow peas and cucumber.
Fresh, I wish! This was out of the freezer. Damn wind and all.
Man Overboard
Posts: 957
Date Joined: 16/01/10
No doubt you bought the fish
No doubt you bought the fish recipie from Mako on the cheeep !!!!