Mixed Bag

Mixed Bag

Mixed bag caught on Sundays invitational. Lizard measured 52cm. Think bottom one was a fox fish? All tasted extremely good.

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Sgt Baker

Tue, 2006-12-19 16:45

The bottom one is a Seargent Baker (SB), great dhuie bait. They are actually not to bad to eat either but have lots of bones in them. With one more species instead of the SB I reckon you would have given Andy a bit of a run for his money!


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Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

Date Joined: 03/02/06

Too true

Tue, 2006-12-19 18:53

Would have been a close race.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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We threw a couple of leather jacket back

Tue, 2006-12-19 19:27

But theres still no substitution for the real fish like the jewies caught on the day. Magnificent to see and testimony to the true fishermen on the day.

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

if your catchimg blackass n

Tue, 2006-12-19 19:43

if your catchimg blackass n SB then u must be on dhuie ground..
how deep n how far were ya fishing?




fullysik's picture

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Date Joined: 03/08/06

the leatherjackets

Tue, 2006-12-19 21:44

the elvis presley fish,you threw back are also very good eating,and very easy to clean,just put a knife slit on the back of the head and pull down and it come s off skin and all.you will be left with a nice white fillet,cook in a frying pan with butter ,salt and pepper,very nice with a cold beer. cheers ray

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 15/08/06

We were fishing in 35m of water

Wed, 2006-12-20 06:24

We were fishing in 35m of waterAbout 18 kilometres offshore. First time we've ventured out wide. It certainly won't be the last. We have spent the last 2 years catching bread and butter fish Skippy etc around the 3 mile and getting the boat fully set up with bilge pumps, e-pirbs, radios and a chart plotter and sounder as well as putting a new engine on and painting the boat.

We were lucky enough to go straight out and find a little lump that was showing fish. We caught a couple and went looking for more spots and fishing around a few cray pots but we got nothing and went back to the first lump to get some more nice fish.

Andy Mac's picture

Posts: 4778

Date Joined: 03/02/06

Keep exploring Stiff Ripples

Wed, 2006-12-20 07:58

That's how you will increase your catches. Avoid the temptation to hit the same spot every week or it will soon get fished out. I try and hit about 15 to 20 different spots in a session. Always moving around to find where the fish are and giving the prime spots some rest in between. Once you have three spots its amazing how quickly you will pick up more ground by travelling a different way between each spot, each time you do that you go over new ground and give yourself a chance at finding a new spot to fish.

If you use the Goto function on your GPS try not to follow the line everytime, but make an arc, again that means you are travelling over new ground each time you travel between these spots and increase your chances of finding a new hot spot.

Apologies for not saying hello on Sunday, I wasn't sure if you were with the group or not as I didn't see the boat. When you left I asked Adam, who were those two guys and he said it was you. Next time come over and say hello, it would be good to catch up, we fish out of Mindarie all the time.


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Date Joined: 15/08/06

Thanks for the advice Andy

Wed, 2006-12-20 08:30

On Sunday we came in at 11:30, family commitments but I only live up the street and dropped the boat off. I'm sure I'll see you down the ramp or on the water a lot over Summer.

Got to get me some of them Jewies. :)

Nealez's picture

Posts: 1220

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at a wild guesss is that a

Wed, 2006-12-20 15:51

at a wild guesss is that a coopers stubby??

Tackle Dangler

Posts: 29

Date Joined: 15/08/06

Sure is Coopers

Thu, 2006-12-21 05:53

The remaining 23 seem to have evaporated since Sunday???

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Thu, 2006-12-21 07:50

Dont worry Ripples, seems to happen a lot around this time of year. ;)


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